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The handsome man in the vibrant dinosaur outfit was none other than the missing Chen Mu. Of course, the main celebrity of the day, also known as "prey," is none other than Gu Wing. The Boogeyman released Ya Nuo, and the couple wiped their tears quickly.

"Don't tell me that baby...!!!" Gu Wing growled as she stared at the blanket covered crying baby in Huan Hei's arms.

"Of course, this is only our staged toy. Isn't our fluffy towel the prettiest? This is just a voice recorder with our baby crying. Did you really think we would bring our babies to this type of place?" Ya Nuo walked over and stomped on Gu Wing's back heavily.

"How dare you set my babies and me up huh? If we hadn't planned this out to begin with, then my babies would have been hurt! I can't wait to deal with you, a chicken who can't lay eggs and try to damage others' eggs ." She stomped a few more times until she saw Gu Wing spit out a mouthful of blood.

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Huan Hei pulled her back, "Don't waste your energy like that. When treating such waste from society, you don't stomp, you kick. Like this." The tip of his shoes hit her new nose, bending it crooked. "Arghh!!!! My nose!!! My expensive nose!!!!" she yelled. Her face was quickly covered in blood.

"And you dare complain too?" Nana and Wei Na walked over to her and nodded as they targeted Gu Wing's ankle points and penetrated their heels right through her tendons. "How dare you scheme against our precious godbabies and Nuo?! No wonder you can't give birth to a child. With that shitty heart of yours, it's better for you to be lonely and single forever!" Nana pressured more weight on her sharp heels until she saw blood gushing out of Gu Wing's ankle.

"How did you guys see through my flawless plan?!" She looked around her and realized that she's been surrounded by them. Chen Mu cleared his throat, "You are too stupid, that's why. When Huan Hei went through the clean baby clothes that night, he already found the listening device that you attached to one of the baby clothes."

"Then we wondered if that was the only place you installed this tiny device. While I was heading home, you had your monkey underlings follow me, so I called Huang Hei and he taught me a nice trick to avoid getting kidnapped. Soon after your hooligan gorillas left, Huang Hei came to pick me up. I've been hiding and waiting for the perfect chance to lure you out. Idiot~"

"Oh~ you could only listen from the outside and not see anything from the inside. Also, you suck at tracking people's phones too. This gave us a perfect communication process using our phones. As for Mr. Boogeyman here, we've already told him everything from Ying Ying's death to Hen Qing's missing case ever since we suspected that you were planning something. We were going to let him take her away after releasing her from the police station, secretly. Too bad, someone was smart enough to help her escape and then kidnap her."

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"When you contacted him, we were with him and told him what he should do if he decided to cooperate with us. Our perfect power couple here should win the Oscar award for their best improved actor/actress award! Without them, there will be no you in front of us now. Honestly, really? The guard's uniform has a listening device too? Tch, too low."
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"Then all of you expected me...?" She looked at them hatefully.

"Yes and you were our prey. You're a disgusting human and should never be allowed to see sunlight. Since you reminded us of a very important point, we should thank you for saving us less work. You did kill Mr. Boogeyman's wife and daughter. His wife was Mei Ching; one of your blood related sisters! And you also killed his daughter, Hen Qing!" Gu Wing's face turned ghastly pale as she felt the chilling aura behind her coming from The Boogeyman.

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"I..It wasn't me! It was her! It was Yang Ya Nuo!" She pointed at Ya Nuo and cried.

"When you sent me that picture of my daughter, we already pinpointed where her body was located. The way you tortured her while she was alive, I'll return it thousands fold. Don't worry, I won't be the only one seeking revenge from you." He stepped out of the way, presenting two figures that she thought she would never see again.

" two... weren't you two dead?!!!" She tried getting up from the floor, but was immediately stepped down by Wei Na and Nana.

Qiu Rei cracked his knuckles, "Didn't think you'll see us here huh?" He held Ying Ying's hand tightly as he glared at the woman with a wrecked face on the floor.

"How..? You two were dead!" She struggled with her limbs spreading outwards.

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Chen Mu rubbed his dinosaur tail as he noticed some dust stuck to his outfit, 'Shit , Susu will kill me.' Hearing her question, he tried brushing the dust off his outfit as he answered, "Because this magical unicorn here sprinkled lively dust for this couple. They weren't dead yet when the police got there and I fed them a pill that I personally invented using a variety of herbs. The pill will prolong their living time, even though they were seriously injured. I wasn't sure what to do with them, but as a doctor, I had to save them. That is my motto."

"So after that, they were under my intensive care. Huan Hei wanted to send them off, but after a long discussion with me and the Huang's, we decided to have them stay for a while. Their speedy recovery is thanks to my amazing herb cream hahahahaha~" He sounded proud as he blew the dust off the scale pattern on his outfit.

"Then that also means that you guys wanted Hen Qing dead! You knew I kidnapped her and could have saved her! Hah! You guys are dead! Boogeyman, you should kill them along with me!" She excitedly chattered as her chin scraped against the hard ground.

"Actually, we didn't know where Hen Qing was located. Since we had no tracking device and you kidnapped her extremely well without leaving any traces behind. We couldn't have figured it out. You murdered your own sister and niece!" Huan Hei's voice rung deep into her ears as she said to herself, "I'm doomed.. doomed... doomed.."

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