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- Present: hospital -

After Wei Na had woken up, Bin Guan immediately contacted the Huang's and her parents. After hearing that she was awake, the Huang's could finally get a good night's sleep after having a restless night worrying about her.

Although he had stayed for the longest time, Bin Guan refused to leave Wei Na for even a minute unless it was necessary. After her body checks, she was wheeled back to her room. Hui Yan and Shen Qi arrived shortly after she settled back in her bed.

Hui Yan pulled Wei Na into her tight embrace while tearing up, "My baby... You're finally awake. Do you know how worried mommy was? I was so scared that you wouldn't wake up again. I was going paranoid!" Wei Na could tell how anxious her parents must have been from how much their bodies were still slightly trembling while hugging her.

Shen Qi didn't say much, but his strong grip around his wife and daughter already conveyed his deepest emotions. His eyes were slightly red and lingering tears remained in his eyes. Bin Guan smiled seeing the family's heartwarming reunion.

Wei Na was patting her crybaby mother's back while letting out giggles once in a while, "There, there. Aren't I sitting healthily in front of you now?"

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Hui Yan nodded, "You know you're mommy's little darling! You and your daddy are mommy's weaknesses! Nobody can touch any one of you or I'll diasble their limbs!" Wei Na helped wipe the teardrops off her mother's face.

After calming down, Hui Yan told Wei Na about her adventurous twenty hours of torment session on Gu Wing. Wei Na and Bin Guan listened attentively as they knew that the bitch deserved such an ending.

"What a pity... I wish I could take revenge for myself..." she sighed.

Bin Guan brushed the tip of her nose, "We can ask the trio to keep her alive so that you could finish her off. But you need to promise me that you can only command and watch. You can't use your own hands and I must be present when you punish her."

She looked up with excitement sparks in her eyes, "Really?"

He chuckled dotingly, "Of course. Since she has dared hurt you, she won't get away with it this easily."

Wei Na patted the empty space on her bed, indicating for him to sit down beside her. He quickly complied with her request. The smile on her face was so sweet that it could blossom into flowers. She hooped her arm around his and leaned her head on his shoulders, "No. She dared to raise a weapon against you in front of me. How dare she?"

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Hui Yan and Shen Qi exchanged meaningful glances at each other and stretched out of their seats, "It's getting late. Mommy and daddy will stop by later with nutritious food for you. We will make sure that disgusting bitch dies in your hands. So, rest up. Don't stress yourself out, okay?"

"Mmm.." Wei Na was wrapped in the couple's embrace once more and received kisses on both sides of her cheeks before the couple left.

Bin Guan adjusted Wei Na's bed and pillow, "Let me know if anywhere feels uncomfortable. If you feel unwell, I'll get Doctor Chen Mu for you." He kissed her forehead and whispered, "Sleep well."

He paused on his step after turning around when he felt a warm hand holding onto his pinky. She pursed her lips, "Are you going to leave me alone here?"

The corners of his lips curved into a charming smile, "I'm going to sleep on the couch across from you. Don't worry, I won't leave you by yourself. Never have and never will."

When she retracted her hand, she noticed the matching platinum rings on their hands. "This doesn't count." She slipped the ring off her finger.

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He frowned when he turned around and saw the ring on her palm, "What?"

"This! Your proposal! It was rushed, and I didn't even say yes to it!" She pointed to the ring in her possession with a pout.

"Oh? I'll make another proposal then. This time, I'll guarantee that you'll be able to say your yes, loud and clear." He reached out for the ring, but her fingers protected the ring from him.

"No. Hmph. I want one now. Who knows how long you'll take and how many other questions you'll have to rethink before proposing. By the time you propose to me, I'll have gray hair!" She refused to hand over the ring.

He scratched the back of his head, messing up his hairstyle. Suddenly, an idea popped up in his head, 'Aha!'

He bent his body and trapped her between his arms, "Since you want a proposal that badly, I'll give you one right here... Right now. But first, would you give me that ring?"

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"You better not be lying to me." She hesitantly placed the ring in his hands and watched him place both their rings in the jewelry box. Her eyes never left the box.

"When have I ever lied to you? Heh, now, give me fifteen minutes, beautiful." He sent a flying kiss and wink at her before walking out of the room with the ring box in his hands.
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Ten minutes later, Chen Mu knocked on her door, "Hello~ It's time for your checkup. Your body examination is in another room, so you need to follow me."

"But Doctor Chen Mu, I'm waiting for Bin Guan to come back! Just a few more minutes! Please, it's very important." She frowned.

"Little bunny, your body examination is more important. He will be back right? There are many patients after you and are waiting for the room. If anything happens to you, your loving parents will kick my ass and tell on me to my wife~ As much as I wish to get my ears twisted by my wife, I prefer it in other occasions. Now, you wouldn't want me to have nurses come in to carry you right?" He opened the door wide, pushing the wheelchair to her bedside.

"Okay..." She felt disappointed since she was expecting his proposal. Now, she has to wait for a few hours before getting it.

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