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After carefully scrubbing her body with the sponge, she shivered from the lukewarm water. The hot water turned warm and she didn't wash her back yet. She turned around facing the wall with her bare back towards the door, "Darling~~ Are you still there?"

"Mhmm. I'm here. Are you done?" He was still standing in the same position from fifteen minutes ago.

"Ummm.... Not quite." her voice trembled slightly because the water droplets on her body made her goosebumps come out.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling sick?" His hand was already on the knob, ready to barge in if she asks for help.

"No.. but I have a little bit of a problem. Achooo" Her sneeze echoed the bathroom, followed by an escaped hiss.

He opened the door and entered the bathroom after hearing her pained hiss, "Are you.. o..."

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Words were clogged up in his throat as his gulp didn't swallow properly. Water droplets highlighted her silky smooth body and her curves were more seductive than usual. Although her clothes usually hugged her body pretty well, this was the first time he saw her butt naked.

'Her fair skin...moisturized lips... glowing skin.. curved butt.... and those watery eyes...' She threw the wet sponge to his perverted face, "Pervert!"

She covered her chest and realized that she just threw the only tool she could've used to block her chest from his view away. He caught the sponge and smiled, "So~ How may I help you? Honey~~"

He folded up his sleeves as his observant eyes realized that other than her back, every other part of her body had water droplets all over. 'She probably couldn't reach her back while cleaning.'

She bit her lips gently as his every movement was luring her to splash water onto his thin white top to expose his wonderful hard abs that were hiding underneath the cloth. Her heart was beating, no, pounding like bunnies making moon cakes from the mushroom...ah.. Maplestory game she used to see him play.

"I... I just couldn't reach my back.. and the water turned cold.." she sounded embarrassed like a sleepy kitten. Sensing her hastened breath, he decided to tease her more before helping her scrub. He leaned forward to turn on the hot water since he estimated that the water should be cold already.

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While watching his figure approach her naked body, her lower abdomen felt hot. It was an itch that she felt before during their intimate sessions. She pulled her lips between her teeth as her hands wanted to touch his soft hair and kiss him intensely.

The hot water pulsed against her leg triggering a light shiver from her. He looked up and asked, "Is it too hot?"

She nodded as he focused on making the temperature right for her. 'It's too hot because of you. Now if only you would strip that top off and show me the packs underneath that shirt and it'll be perfect.'

He turned off the water and stirred the water with his hands, making sure it was just right. "It should be fine now." His eyes traced from her long legs to her erotic looking expression. He knew that expression so well, but helping her wash her back was the main point right now. So he can't touch her, especially when she isn't fully healed yet. 'But I can tease her.'

The sponge was squeezed and soaked with her vanilla scented body soap, "Honey, do you want me to wash your whole body for you?" he winked at her meaningfully.

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She was covering her lovely private and perky nipples. Even though she tried to cover her breast using one hand, he still noticed her hard nipple. When the sponge touched her back, she let out a soft moan and quickly covered her mouth.

"Did that feel good? hmm?" His voice was extra charming for some reason. Her eyes were half opened as she felt every stroke from the sponge and the hot water running down her back. She tried to control her voice, but eventually it all let loose.
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"You're teasing me!" Her eyes turned misty as she turned back.

"Am not. I'm just washing you with a sponge. Now, this is called teasing." He stepped into the tub, dropped the sponge into the tub of water, and traced his finger on her sexy back. She felt his soft lips kissing her neck from behind and his naughty fingers were stroking the sides of her hips up and down sensually.

"Ahhh...." Her pleasurable moan echoed back to her ears as he continued hugging her close. His hands slid down her wet ass and felt its shape while groping it skillfully; the way she loved it. Slowly, his fingers went back to teasing her small hips. As his hands reached her breasts from behind, he didn't forget to shower her hardened nips some love pinches.

Her body relaxed as her arms, leaned against the wall. As if he read her mind, he turned her around, pinned her to the wall and kissed her roughly. His grip loosened to service her untouched areas and her arms circled around his wet shirt.

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A dangerous flash quickly faded through her eyes as she saw a blurry version of what's underneath that shirt. When he leaned in to kiss her again, she stopped him with her index finger. Slowly, her fingers reached into his shirt and touched the abs she longed to feel with her hands.

Seeing her lick those luscious lips, his control was hitting the max. He stripped off his top and kissed her soft, plump lips like hot chocolate melting mini marshmallows. Their body language was hinting that they were ready to become one with each other.

His hand slid down her ravishing curves and fingers worked against her clit. Moans filled the room once again and became more tantalizing as her voice grew louder and stronger. The hotness between her thighs and the juice that was escaping from her virgin entrance remained on his fingers as he continued teasing her. His fingers rubbed around her opening and slowly parted the lips to her chastity.

"You're wet, honey." He licked her ears and nibbled on her earlobe. Her ears were one of her most sensitive spots. The stimulation was too great as his other hand pinched her aroused nipples and mouth sucked on the other nip. His fingers took its time exploring her privates until his finger found it; her soft spot.

"Ahhhh..haaaa.." she felt his finger pushing against her untouched hole. 'This is the place where we will feels so hot...'

Hearing her lustful moans and see the anticipated expression, his fingers entered her slowly. Her insides immediately wrapped around the foreign intruder nervously. He closed his eyes, imagining how heavenly his cock would feel being wrapped tightly by her insides; sliding in and out of her with every thrust kissing her deepest end.

Realizing that she could barely stand on her own, he stopped his fingering and got out of the bathtub. She frowned seeing him stop, but quickly retracted these feelings after he extended his arm towards her, "Let's continue on the bed."

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