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-Nana and Zhen Qi's Apartment-

Zhen Qi was in the shower while Nana was blushing with her new and washed lingerie in her hands. She stared at it and felt the soft texture of it. The lace, the color, the image of herself wearing it and seeing his response sent tingle sensations all over her body. She bit her lips lightly as she hid the lingerie well underneath her towel. She planned to wear it after her shower and triple check that every hair on her privates were trimmed.

Earlier, she got her body waxed under Ya Nuo and Wei Na's delicate service of body care. From the living room, it was obvious how impatient she was with her feet silently tapping against the carpet and her head turning over towards the bathroom door every other minute. Finally, she heard the water stop running and some movements behind the stone gray door.

She sucked on her lips lightly, tasting her Strawberry lip balm, 'Ah, I need to stop eating this lip balm it's meant for tonight!'

The door to the bathroom creaked open and her smile froze as her eyes stared attentively at the man in front of her. His hair was shining with droplets dripping onto his top. The towel around his neck was soaking up the oddly seductive looking drips that highlightsed his well-built body underneath the shirt. His skin looked refreshing, and the stinky cigarette scent from the old man at the earlier meeting was gone.

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Her eyes scanned his handsome face and landed on those luscious lips. She wanted to kiss his soft pillow like lips and hug their bodies close. She wanted to devour him for dessert. Probably because of the lingerie that she bought, she was more excited than usual.

Noticing the unusual silence, he stopped wiping his hair and looked up to meet her slightly peach colored face. Her lips were rosier than before he went to shower. Her eyes revealed an intensive craving that made him gulp. His eyes traced to her lips and remained there. "Why do I feel like she looks sexier than before? Is she seducing me? hmm...but she never did this before, so probably not.'

When he snapped out of his thoughts, he saw her figure walking towards him with an alluring smile. His heart totally skipped the last fifty beats. Seeing her approach him with that smile on her face was indeed too breathtaking.

She was still in her outside clothes, an off shoulder top and shorts. Though simply designed, the outfits today seemed to tighten around her fully grown body, accentuating her curves. Another gulp rushed down his throat as her cheeks dimples deepened.

She seemed a bit nervous, but once she stood right in front of him, her arms felt up his torso with her fingers teasing their ways around his nape. The towel in his hand had long dropped to the floor. His attention was focused entirely on the girl whose eyes were hinting flirtatious signals to him. It was like telepathy.

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She couldn't wait for him to make the first move. Her toes stretched upwards as her heels left the ground and her lips felt the heavenly smoothness of his damn sexy lips. Naturally, his eyes closed and arms encircled her waist, pulling her deeper into the kiss. He wanted to drown her with ecstasy as his fingers ran up and down her hips and back.
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Every time his playful tips brushed against a sensitive spot, she would shiver in his embrace with their lips still connected. After their lips felt numb, their tongues slipped into each other's territory, marking their signature. One of his hands gently brushed against the back of her neck, triggering a soft moan.

After making out for fifteen minutes, this was the first time they had parted their lips. When their lips separated, he could hear her airy gasps and feel her heightened desires for more. He fixed a few strands of her now slightly disheveled hair, "Someone's daring today."

His whispers urged her body forward leading to a hot bite on his neck. She sucked on that area trying to convey how much she wanted him. His eyes squinted slightly from her sudden move. With his arms around her torso, his fingers brushed her head dotingly, "Marking your territory hmm?"

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"What's there to mark when you've been mine?" She turned her little head up with the same seductive expression and licked her lips. He pinned her to the wall with her arms above her body, leaving her no room for escape. "You're saying some very dangerous words tonight~ Don't say I didn't warn you. Even if you tell me to stop later, I won't." He was only teasing, but never expected her following response.

"Then don't stop. I want you." Her watery eyes and flushed cheeks looked irresistibly inviting. The way she bit her lips was wrecking his last barriers of self-control. "Damn it!" His lips smack against hers roughly. The gentleness in his kisses was now controlled by his lust and greed for more. The hickeys she left on his neck felt hot and intimidating.

The kisses were rough on her lips, but slowly traced to her ears and sweet neck. "Nnnmmmm..haaaa" her legs closed tightly against each other as her body reacted to his every movement. The rising heat between her thighs felt like a thirst that could never be fulfilled by water. She knew what would take this uncomfortable feeling away.

Her wrists were still gripped tightly, so she could only use her legs. His eyes concentrated on his lower privates as he felt something warm teasing an area that she hasn't touched before. "Heh," he chuckled. Warm breaths huffed against her sensitive ears. With his body so close to hers, he let her feel his deep desires for her.

Feeling the hardness from his privates rubbing against her thighs and stomach area, she felt her insides twitching and tightening even more than before. Right when she was about to whisper, "Take me," their apartment's doorbell rung, ruining the fun.

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She frowned and glared at the door, 'So close.'

He rubbed her lips teasingly with his thumb, "Go take a shower. I'll see who it is."

Her eyes twinkled shooting meaningful glances at him. She hugged her soft body against his, "Is that an invite to continue later?"

Hearing her provocative words, he let out a small groan, "Then you better be prepared because you'll be awake the whole night." He pecked her lip lightly, teasing her once again.

This time, it wasn't shyness that appeared, but boldness. She licked her lips and rubbed her hand on his crotch, "I'll look forward to it." She turned around, grabbed her towel and clipped her hair up for her shower. After she had walked in, he went to open the door to see who it was. '.....Thank god Nana went to take a shower or else only god will know how much of a storm this will be. sigh...'

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