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A few days after the drunk girls' living room crisis, Bin Guan, Zhen Qi, Nana, and Wei Na visited Ya Nuo to join their family picnic.

Ya Nuo was preparing the food in the kitchen with Wei Na and Nana.

Ya Nuo smiled, "Seems like you two are back to normal. Good, good, I won't have to hide my cushions and curtains."

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Confused by her words, they looked at her blinking innocently.

"Did you two forget how one of you stained my cushions with your lip signatures? And then the other was using my curtains as a magical veil while trying to summon a Prince Charming?" She let out a small laugh as images of how funny their actions were from that day popped up in her mind.

Wei Na and Na Na blushed while looking away. The triplets were having fun with the guys by the couch area and were totally occupied.

Ya Nuo smiled dazzlingly, "My babies grew up too quick. They are learning a lot of words already. Just the other day they were singing along to songs even though they forgot like half the lyrics."

Wei Na sighed, "It's not that grew up too quick, it's us thats getting old. I want to have a daughter too. Actually, no, I want a boy and a girl. I want boy first, so my boy can take care of my little girl." She rubbed her chin as if she got the choice to choose between having a boy or girl first.

Nana laughed, "Wei Na! Forget babies first. We're not even married yet. The guys take forever."

Wei Na's smile curved up, "By the time we get married, we'll have like ten kids."

Ya Nuo finished packing the food and other utensils, "Alright! Let's go~ picnic!"

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- Rose Garden -

The Rose Garden was a park designed for families and couples. After settling down at their spots, Zhen Qi excused himself saying that he forgot something in his car.

"Come back quick or your share of the food will be gone~" Nana joked as she waved at his leaving figure from behind.

Ten minutes later, Nian Nian, Tuan Tuan, and Jun Jun surrounded Nana and hugged her.

"Woaahhhh, what's up, babies? Hmmm?" She giggled, seeing their cute round eyes blinking at her.

"Play over there~" Nian Nian pulled her sleeves gently and held her pinky while pointing towards the paved path.

Tuan Tuan and Jun Jun smiled, nodding to Nian Nian's words.

Tuan Tuan: "Ya! Ya! There~ Pretty flowers with pretty Auntie~" His soft voice and sweet words tugged her heartstrings as if tomorrow doesn't exist anymore. Jun Jun already caught her fingers with his small fingers as he attempted to pull her up. Seeing their eagerness and great interest in playing with her, she agreed as long as they don't run off too far.

Nana also asked the others if they wanted to tag along, but they were focused on eating their food. While holding Tuan Tuan and Jun Jun's hands, Nian Nian was laughing and saying hi to the flowers around her.

Hearing her cheerful, chirpy voice, Nana imagined having her own children and taking walks with them, 'Ah, how great would that be...'

Suddenly, she felt the two little hands on either side of her, loosened. She looked down and saw the triplets dashing forward towards a flower field. The moment she looked ahead, she saw Zhen Qi sitting on a chair while holding a guitar.

Nian Nian, Tuan Tuan, and Jun Jun were standing next to him as she walked towards them slowly. When she walked close enough, Zhen Qi started playing the guitar. At first, she didn't know what song he was trying to play. It was when Tuan Tuan and Jun Jun started singing the lyrics with their innocent voices that she recognized, "A Whole New World" from Aladdin.

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She stood in front of them and cupped her cheeks as she listened to them. Nian Nian sang the girl's part of the song fairly well, remembering all the lyrics. While she sang her part, her fingers made heart shaped finger gestures at Nana.

"Awwwww..." she stared at the little girl who was smiling happily at her. Once the song reached its climax and end, Zhen Qi joined in and sang, "Let me share this whole new world with you...."

At the end of the song, the triplets stopped singing and allowed Zhen Qi to finish it up with, "For you and me....."

Nana teared up with rosy cheeks, "Woooooo, hahaha, awwww, what a surprise!"

Nian Nian ran over to Nana and gestured her to bend down, "Auntie Nana! Did you like our singing?"

"Yep. I loved it very much! Especially you and your brother's sweet honey voice." Nana wiped the sweat off Nian Nian's forehead with a napkin.

"Uncle Qi Qi! Auntie said yes!!!" The little girl announced.

"Now, now. I did love your singing, but there's no need to tell the world about it." She pinched the little girl's button shaped nose.

"Bwutttt, Uncle Qi Qi said that if Auntie loved the song, then you will be our Princess Auntie Qi Qi. Nian Nian was happy for you two~" Nian Nian's smile once again melted Nana's maiden's heart.

When she looked up, she noticed that Zhen Qi stood in front of her, waiting for her to react. That's when she caught the meaning behind Nian Nian's words.

He knelt down on one knee and brought out a pair of rings, "Nana, from the first time since I've met you, I've known that my feelings for you would surpass the friends' zone. At that time, I didn't understand what this feeling was. I would think about you and feel extremely happy to see you. When I heard about you being sick or upset, I would think of every way possible that would make you feel better. I would stuff your favorite fluffy toys and emergency medicine to your brother, so that he could hand it to you."

"From being friends, lovers, and to this moment, I can't express my feelings into words and the song was much better than these words that I'm saying. I guess that all I really want to tell you is that no matter for how long time passes, these feelings inside of me will only grow stronger. I won't ever love you less than the amount from the day before, the hour before, the minute before, and second before. It will only grow stronger for you. Whether you are 17, 25, 36, 78, 99, or whatever age, I will only feel completed with you by my side."

"For the rest of my life and hopefully for all the lifetimes after this one, I hope we'll fall in love over and over again. As for now, I just want to ask you, Huang Nana, are you willing to marry this goofy, silly, forever slow guy who can't ever catch a hint, but loves you with his entire heart and soul?"

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The "yes" that she's been longing to say was stuck between her throats as she took deep breaths. Finally, she let out her "yes" with her raspy voice. They helped each other put on each other's rings and shared a deep kiss.

"I love you so much." Both of them whispered as their foreheads leaned against each other.

They were so happy that they totally forgot about the triplets presence. Tuan Tuan and Jun Jun covered Nian Nian's eyes while squeezing their own eyes shut. Jun Jun whispered, "We can't look or we will become pumpkins! Daddy said so!"

Nian Nian pouted and wanted to see her Uncle and Auntie Qi Qi's kiss.

Finally, Nana remembered that the children were there and slipped out of his embrace. "Sheesh!! This is inappropriate for kids!"

"They'll get used to it. Their parents are worse. Ours is only a teeny tiny level compared to Ya Nuo and Huan Hei's hhahahahaa" He knelt down and opened his arms to hug the triplets.

Nian Nian's eyes sparkled under the sunlight, "So, so! Auntie is Auntie Qi Qi now?!"

"Mhmm.. she's your Auntie Qi Qi from now on, and our future kids will be under your care~" he teased Nana with his words, making her blush.

"Really?! So, so I'll have sister Qi Qi?! Brother Qi Qi?!" Nian Nian clapped her hands as she thought of more little ones to play with her.

"Hahaha, yes, sweetie pie. But we'll have to wait on it because they're not going to be here that soon." He kissed the little girl on the forehead.

"Then Nian Nian will wait! Then.. when will they be here? In a day??" she asked with anticipation.

Not knowing what to respond, he looked over to Nana, "Depends on your Auntie Qi Qi."

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Nian Nian wiggled out of his embrace and ran over to hug her legs, "Thenn thenn... Auntie Qi Qi, if if Nian Nian is good girl, will you give me little sisterrrr faster?"

Meeting her innocent eyes, she wished it was that easy to conceive and birth a child. Unfortunately, she can only let fate decide on when she gets a baby. "Aww sweetie, uhm... it's easier if you ask your mommy and daddy to give you a little sister~ Auntie Qi Qi will probably have to wait for a while.."

As if these words encouraged Nian Nian's desire for a younger sibling, she grabbed her brother's hands and dragged them across the flower field, "Little sisterrrr, we comingggg for youu."

Zhen Qi and Nana followed the triplets and laughed their way back to where their picnic crew were. The moment the triplets saw their daddy and mommy, they happily shouted, "Mummmmyyyyyy, daddddayyyyy"

"Hmm, awwww look at our precious babiesssss. Did you have a fun time with the beautiful flowers?" Ya Nuo kissed her little bunnies on the cheeks and sanitized their hands.

"Mummmy, Nian Nian have a favorrrr" she gave her cutest smile.

'It must be the doll that she wanted from Disney that she's been telling us about...' Ya Nuo thought to herself and nodded, "Yes, baby? What is it?"

Nian Nian looked at her daddy and climbed onto his lap, "Dadddy has to say yes first to it toooo"

He chuckled seeing his energetic princess, "Okay, baby doll. What is it?"

"I want a lil sister~~~ Hehehee you two said yes. Yayyyyy"



Ya Nuo and Huan Hei looked up at Nana and Zhen Qi with questionable expressions, 'Just what did they..what thought did they stuff in our princess...the doll sounded like a much better idea than another baby...'

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