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Meanwhile, Li Na was humming her favorite song while looking out of the car. She noticed two familiar figures walking to her house and chuckled. 'Let me give them a surprise attack'

"Uncle Tut, you can stop here. I see my brother and his friend walking. I'll walk with them."

"Alright. I'll drive slowly behind the three of you since it's dark already."

"Thank you!" She got out of the car, slowly followed behind them, and when she was at a reachable distance, she ran and hugged the guy in front of her.


"Helloooooo Zhen Qi, I haven't seen you for a long time. Did I surprise you?"

"Nana, we knew you were sneaking up on us 3 minutes ago. So~ no surprises!" Jiang Wei (Nana's fraternal twin brother) answered while face-palming.

"Haha, it's good that she is always energetic." Zhen Qi rubbed her head gently.

"She always makes the same move when she sees you. Don't you get tired of it? and why is it that every time this happens, it's only you who gets a hug? I'm her brother"

"Bro, I see you during two meals a day, when I wake up, before bed, and on our way to school. I don't get to see Zhen Qi that often so of course I would prefer hugging him. Also, I get to hug this handsome guy so I benefit."

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"I see your tongue is pretty sharp huuuuh? Let's see who is going to help you with your math homework later."

"Blehhhhhh, meanie! Zhen Qi, you have your bags with you. Are you staying at our house?" she hugged his arm and stuck her tongue out at her brother.

Zhen Qi laughed, "You two are fighting like always. Such a nice relationship. Anyways, you guessed right, princess. I have a project to work on with your brother so it is more convenient for me to stay with you guys. Am I welcomed?" he winked.

"Of course you are!!! You're always welcomed here."

"Ahem, Nana, aren't you too old to cling on his arm? We aren't kids anymore. If he gets a girlfriend, she will be furious if she sees you hug him like this."

"Hahaha, bro, this isn't the first day we've been together like this. We grew up together and I have this habit that is hard to change. Unless Zhen Qi minds, or else I'll continue doing this. Plus, if he gets a girlfriend, then I'll obviously stop doing this and hug you instead."

"So I'm a backup?" he tilted his eyebrow.

"Mhmmm. You're my brother so it is fine if I hug you."

"I don't mind her hugs as long as she's happy. Also, you two, we should continue walking or else Uncle Tut will stay like that for a while if you guys continue. Look." Zhen Qi pointed at the car behind them.

"Whoops, Sorry Uncle Tut! We will continue walking now!!!" Nana hugged Jiang Wei's arm with her other arm and started fast walking home.

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"Mommy, daddy, I'm home~ Brother and Zhen Qi are also with me!" The moment she saw her mother, Shi Xue, and father, Zhi Hei, on the couch talking, she ran to give them a hug.

"Welcome home sweetie! Welcome Zhen Qi, let Auntie know what you want to eat and we will make it for you everyday that you are here okay?"

Zhen Qi smiled, "Thank you Auntie and Uncle for letting me stay for a week."

"You can stay for as long as you want. Don't be shy and act like this is your home." Zhi Hei smiled.

"By the way Nana, why are you so late today? Didn't you mention that you were only going out for dinner and will be back as soon as it ended?" Shi Xue asked curiously.

"Mmm...well the dinner started late so I came home later than usual. The dinner was a little awkward, but mostly went well. I made a new friend today!"

"A new friend?" Zhi Hei rubbed Nana's head dotingly.

"Yep. Her name is Yang Ya Nuo. She's very beautiful and nice." Nana's eyes sparkled when she mentioned Ya Nuo.

"Yang Ya Nuo as in Yang family's daughter?"

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"Uhm she said her father was... was... I forgot his name, but he is the evil-looking guy who appeared on one of the trendiest videos online."

"Wei Wei, search up Mr.Yang's picture and show it to Nana. See if it's that man." Shi Xue said with an anxious tone.

Jiang Wei quickly browsed the internet to find a decent looking picture of Mr.Yang and showed it to Nana. "Ah! Yeah yeah! That is him."

Shi Xue excitedly held Nana's shoulders, "Sweetie, where is Ya Nuo? Do you know where he lives? Her contact number?"

Zhi Hei patted her back and shook his head, "Honey, calm down. You'll scare Nana. Nana, do you know how we can contact Ya Nuo?"

"i have her number saved on my phone, but why do you need it? I don't think she will come out and greet strangers."

"Hmm... you're right. It'll only make her feel suspicious of us if we suddenly contact her like this. How about this, Nana, try to see if you could find her and bring her home?"

"Mommy, daddy, what's going on?"

"Nana, remember Aunty Yang Xue? She has a daughter who she lost and her daughter's name is Yang Ya Nuo. We've been looking for her, but we never found her. So if this girl that you met today says that she is from the Yang family, then there is a high chance she is your Aunty Yang Xue's daughter."

"But mommy, it doesn't make sense..?"

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"There is too many details that we can't explain clearly right now. We need to get in contact with Ya Nuo as soon as possible. So honey, do you think you can do this for us?"

Nana nodded her head and smiled, "Even though I'm confused about this, I could bring her home to play one day. I know you two won't harm her, but please don't scare her either. I don't want her to get mad or ignore me. If I have to, I'll also tell her the truth."

"Thank you sweetie! Mommy will call your Auntie Yang Xue and tell her the good news!"

Zhi Hei smiled seeing his wife's joyful expression, "Nana, what else did you guys do at the dinner?"

"Um... Auntie Xu tried to introduce me to her son."

'What??!' Zhen Qi's hand clenched to a fist. Jiang Wei also noticed his worried expression.

"Oh? That woman tried to get you to meet her son? What happened then?" Zhi Hei smirked in amusement.

"Daddy, that guy was kind of impolite. He is a good boyfriend and I do think that he is giving me the cold stares because he thinks that I am after him or something. Thank goodness he is dating Ya Nuo or else I will be in an awkward position."

"Sounds like our princess has no interest in him."

"Of course I don't! He isn't half as handsome and caring as daddy is to mommy! That is my ideal boyfriend and future husband okay? As long as he treats Ya Nuo well, I'll happily cheer for them."

After hearing Nana's words, Zhen Qi relaxed and smiled slightly. 'Phew, I treat her like a little sister. How can I let someone set her up with their son. Thank goodness our princess isn't interested in him.'

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