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Originally, Wen Na, Nana, and Ya Nuo went out to shop for cosmetics earlier today. Due to some "news," they decided to break their plans for the day and reschedule it. While the trio was at the mall, Nana bought the triplet's some outfits.

Nian Nian's tiny hands lightly touched Nana's lower abdomen, "Little Qi Qi is in your tummy?"

Nana chuckled and hugged the little princess in her arms, "Yep. That's why Nian Nian, Tuan Tuan, and Jun Jun cannot run towards Auntie Qi Qi anymore."

Nian Nian's index finger parted her mouth as she looked at her in confusion, " Why is Little Qi Qi in your tummy? Did you eat him?"

"Hahahahaha, my dear, ahhhh, why are you this cute?!! I just want to take all of you home with me." Nana hugged her even tighter with a huge smile across her face.

Ya Nuo made some hot tea and brought it out to see the warming moment of her curious children around Nana, "Seems like my little princess is right."


"It wasn't too long ago since she asked you to birth her a little brother or sister. And Wala! You got knocked up before you even know it." Ya Nuo teased as she pulled Nian Nian over to her lap.

Nian Nian's eyes twinkled while staring at the barely noticeable bump on Nana's tummy, "Mommmyyyy, how does Little Qi Qi breathe in Auntie Qi Qi's tummy? Did I also stay in mommy's tummy before?"

Her questions were too complicated to answer, but the way she asked it made it sound so cute that it made Nana and Ya Nuo squeal. Ya Nuo cleared her throat, "Nian Nian, when you grow older, you'll understand it more. It's a little too complicated with the way body functions."

"Nnn....but but.." she was very curious how her future little brother or sister is surviving in her Auntie's body.

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"Nian Nian, look what Auntie bought you! It's a pink hoodie that says, 'Little' on it with lots of hearts. Why don't you go try this on?" Nana tried distracting her attention.

Her eyes wandered around looking for something else, "You said that was for me, but what about my brothers? If my brothers don't get one, then I don't want it." She pursed her lips seeing only one hoodie was bought for her.

"Hahaha, awwww, of course Auntie wouldn't leave your brothers out. They are already in their rooms trying the outfit on. Here, try it on." Nian Nian raised her tiny arms as Ya Nuo helped her change.

"Awwww, our Nian Nian is daddy's little girl, huhhhhh?" Ya Nuo rubbed her daughter's head and kissed her forehead.

"Nian Nian is yours and daddy's little girl. Hmph! Daddy needs to share." She had her hands on her hips like a little miss.

"Pfffft, I hope I have a daughter like Nian Nian. So energetic and sweet." Nana smiled while rubbing her tummy gently.

"So, you're going to tell Zhen Qi when he comes to pick you up?" Ya Nuo poured her warm cup of tea into a smaller pink cup. Nian Nian loved joining their girls' afternoon tea sessions. She loved the honey passionfruit tea that her mother made. Her brothers had finished changing and resumed playing their video games.

"Yep. I'm going to borrow your triplets for that~" Nana looked at the time and decided she should change into her new hoodie. While she was in the bathroom, Nian Nian showered very interesting questions about pregnancy and babies at Ya Nuo.

"Mommy, mommmy~"

"Yes, dear? You want more tea?" She wiped her daughter's mouth and poured a little more tea in her small cup. Then, she made sure to keep an eye on her sons who were playing video games in front of the television.

"Tuan Tuan, Jun Jun, come to mommy when you two get thirsty okay? Mommy made your favorite fruit juice." Her sons smiled and replied, "Okiee mommmyyy"

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Meanwhile, the little princess patiently waited for their conversation to finish before talking, "Yesssssss I want more tea, but mommy, can I feed Little Qi Qi? What does Little Qi Qi like to eat? Drink? Tea?" She blinked multiple times wondering how feeding babies work.

"Silly, you need to wait for Little Qi Qi to come out first. Your Auntie Qi Qi still hasn't given birth yet. It'll take a while before she gives labor." She tested the temperature of the tea to make sure it was lukewarm and not too hot for Nian Nian to drink.

"Then mommy, the television says babies drink milk. Can I feed him or her milk?" She turned facing Ya Nuo while having more questions in her mind.

"Hahaha, dear, Auntie Qi Qi will have her own milk for the baby. Most likely she will feed the baby herself, so you can't really help unless your Auntie Qi Qi could get the milk out of her breast and put it in a bottle for you." Ya Nuo lightly pinched the little girl's wrinkled nose.

"Then then, how does the milk taste like? Can Nian Nian taste it too? I like milk!" She smiled, leaning her body against Ya Nuo's chest.

"Aigoo, baby, you're too old to have breast milk. Mommy will tell daddy to get you more soy milk and coconut milk if that's what you like." How could she explain how human milk works to a five year old who has waves and waves of questions waiting for her.

"Why can't I taste what Little Qi Qi will have? Mommy and daddy taught us to share. I will teach Little Qi Qi that too." She pursed her lips slightly after hearing that she may not be able to taste the special milk that the baby will be getting in the future.

"Ohhh my precious Nian Nian, you've had all the milk you could get from mommy when you were a baby girl. If you drink Little Qi Qi's milk, then he or she might not have much left." Ya Nuo really wished Nana would come back soon so she could avoid the many questions that this little curious one had for her.
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"But I want to have a taste!" She rubbed her head against her mother's chest and hid her disappointed face.

"Honey...." Ya Nuo wished that someone could save her from her daughter's guilt trap. 'She's using her ultimate trick on me. Damn you, Huan Hei! You taught her this, didn't you? Wait, no, her food loving nature came from me....'

Nana walked out of the bathroom, looking refreshed with her pink hoodie. When Ya Nuo heard the dangling keys from the entrance, she quickly positioned her triplets next to Nana. "Come on, let's play a little game. It's called the standing and yelling out 'Surprise!' Game to your Uncle Qi Qi."

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The order of the lineup was from left to right, Nian Nian, Tuan Tuan, Jun Jun and then Nana. This order was based on the hoodie that they were each wearing. Ya Nuo purposely texted her husband to let Zhen Qi open the door when they came back.

When the door opened, Zhen Qi was the first to step inside. His smile froze, and the keys in his hands along with his suitcase fell to the floor. His eyes and head repeatedly turned left to right various times. He heard a loud, "Surprise!" from the four standing in front of him.

He read starting from the left: Little. Qi. Qi. 09/25/19.

Below the date on Nana's hoodie was an arrow pointing to her barely noticeable tummy. Seeing his shocked face, Nana laughed and slowly walked over, "Darling~ Do you get it?" She wiggled the tip of her nose against his until he snapped out of it.

"R..really?" his hands trembled as it carefully touched her lower abdomen lightly and fondled it.

"Uh huuh." She giggled at her husband-to-be's reaction.

"When did you find out?" He knelt down to her stomach level and stared at her tummy.


"W..what?" his ears were placed close to her lower abdomen.

"Silly goose, still too early. Hahahaha, so~ how do you feel knowing that you'll be a daddy soon?"

"Extremely happy! It's like a miracle...Mwahhhh" he kissed her lower abdomen and whispered, "Little Qi Qi, remember to not give your mommy a bad time in there. We'll try to make you feel super comfortable until it's time for you to come out. What an amazing feeling..."

He stood up, carried her in his arms, and laid her down on the couch, "Sheesh, why have you stood for so long? You must be tired. Didn't you mention cramps? I'll massage your sore areas for you."

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She pinches his cheeks and kissed him on the lips, "Hehehe, you forgot to kiss me after kissing my tummy. But I still love you."

"Hehe.. I love you too, honey."

"By the way, Wei Na is also pregnant. We conceived around the same time. Hahahaha, we might be buddies at the labor department in 8 months!" Nana laughed heartily.

Ya Nuo and Huan Hei hugged each other by the waist, "We were just like them when we first found out about my first pregnancy. Pffft."

"Oh? Then are you implying you want a fourth child? Wifey." Huan Hei whispered into her ears.

"Hahaha, we already have three. If you want more to make a soccer team, I don't mind. You'll have to work extra hard to feed us all." She pinched his chin jokingly.

"Oh? Then why not try it out tonight? I heard mother had been missing her grandchildren." He pulled her closer as he dialed his mother's number on the other hand.

"Hey mom, do you want to spend the weekend with my triplets? They say they miss their grandmothers a lot. Okay. Cool. See you at dinner." he grinned while staring into Ya Nuo's eyes.

"Pfffft. Alright, alright. If you want to, I'll give birth to more children. Heh." She leaned on his chest as she watched her triplets worried faces after seeing Zhen Qi carry Nana to the couch. They ran to their Auntie Qi Qi and asked what was wrong.

The moment they heard "Little Qi Qi," Nian Nian raised her arms, "I want to try Little Qi Qi's milk!"

Both couples laughed at her cute innocence and kissed her cheeks. Her brothers looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders, wasn't understanding why adults were so weird. Since they saw the adults kissing their little sister, they joined in and kissed her too.

The funny part was after the brothers kissed their little sister whose face was now flushed from the plentiful kisses that she suddenly received, they rubbed her head and said, "Pain, pain, fly away!" Tuan Tuan and Jun Jun said the same words and waved their arms outwards like flapping bird wings, making it an extremely adorable moment to see. The brothers were showered with many kisses afterwards. At the end, the triplets still didn't understand why these adults were so happy.

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