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Wei Na and Nana had long planned to combine their weddings to make this day extra special for them. On the day of the wedding, both brides walked down the aisle while holding their father's arm with blissful smiles. Shi Xue and Hui Yan were teared up with their hands clasped together while watching their daughters walk down the aisle with happiness shown on their faces.

As the ceremony proceeded, the couples exchanged vows and wedding rings in front of all the witnesses.

Zhen Qi took the microphone and started his speech as his finger rubbed Nana's hand where she wore the wedding ring, "From here and many years to come, I won't let go of this hand until the day of our last breath. When we first met, I thought you were an interesting girl who was innocent and naive. Who knew that you could capture my attention repeatedly and never fail to surprise me with your actions? With a long journey ahead of us, I'll hold your hands tightly, so you won't get lost. With you by my side, we will learn as we go through different stages of life and embrace our love for each other. Huang Nana, I love you."

A small tear escaped the corner of her eye, and he helped wipe it away. With one hand holding the bouquet and the other hand occupied by his hand, Nana used the microphone in his hand to give her speech. She cleared her throat, "Perhaps since young, I've already dreamt of how my wedding and spouse would be like. But only when I met you, someone who loved teasing me so much, yet dote on me unconditionally that I found the true definition of love. No matter how crazy or unreasonable my requests were, you would still be by my side to protect me."

She looked into his eyes and smiled, "With all the imagination running wild in my mind, this wedding could not have been any more perfect because you are the one whom I am calling, husband. No matter if the details are simple or extravagantly precise, whether the flowers are roses or lilies, these would be pointless if the one whom I'm married to isn't you."

"With you by my side and the many years, until we become skinny to bones, I will love you and cherish you until I am no more. I love you, Zhen Qi." The couple looked at each other and smiled before placing their foreheads against each other. Zhi Hei hugged Shi Xue close to his body and kissed her forehead, "Crying too much is bad for your sight."

"Today's an exception. These are happy tears. Look how happy our sweetheart is." She leaned against his chest and wrapped her arm around his waist.

After hearing their speech, Bin Guan also started giving his speech, "Wei Na, no matter how many times I repeat the words, I love you, to you, it would never be enough. From being friends to lovers, I'm very grateful that you would fall for someone like me. Flashing back to those times when I would rant to you about someone else or call you out for drinking, I realized that I subconsciously had feelings for you since long ago."

"Whenever I feel joy or sadness, it'll always be you whom I call first. Maybe it was because you made me feel comfortable or safe to tell you everything about myself. Slowly, the layers and layers of masks that I've always had in front of others became transparent when I'm facing you. Finally, when I realized that I was going to lose you, my heart felt like it would stop beating."

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He rubbed her left cheek while continuing, " Shen Wei Na, thank you for falling in love with a slow man like me. Thank you for giving so much patience, time, and efforts to make me realize that I am not alone. Thank you for never giving up on me, despite my stupidity to realize your feelings. I love you, and I can't wait to spend the rest of this lifetime with you."

She sniffled a few times before holding onto his hands and leaning closer to the microphone to give her speech. "A few years ago, through another friend's party, I met Bin Guan for the first time. That night was such a blur that I already forgot how we ended up exchanging numbers and becoming great friends, but that turned out well."

"When he ranted about his work and personal issues, I would be there to support him and listen to his words carefully. I wanted to learn every tiny bit about this man. I guess I can say that even I don't know when I've fallen hopelessly for him. He drives me crazy with his blockhead thoughts and thick-skinned nature."

"My heart would hurt when I saw him in pain, but I patiently waited because I believed that one day he would realize that I was always by his side. Finally, after many twists and turns, this idiot chased after me and wooed me all over again. And now, here we are, getting to where we are today. In front of everyone present, I, Shen Wei Na, promise that I will continue loving and caring for you even when you make mistakes and throw your socks everywhere."

Followed by their speeches were rounds of applause by their guests. Everyone felt touched by the couples sincere words for each other. As the crowd's excitement grew, their voices also increased in volume, "Kiss the bride! Kiss the bride!"

Under everyone's gaze, the grooms kissed their brides. After the kiss, guests continued chatting with each other and enjoying the food at their tables. Shi Xue and Zhi Hei were walking around greeting guests who wanted to strike up conversations. While walking around, Shi Xue saw Wei Wei standing at a corner with a glass of red wine in his hands.

She excused herself and walked over to her son, "Wei Wei, what are you doing all alone?"

Wei Wei smiled seeing his mother approaching him, "Mom! I was just taking a break from everyone."

"Silly child, do you really think that mom can't figure out what you're thinking about?" She sipped her red wine while keeping eye contact with him.

"Nothing could slip from a mother's eyes huh? Sigh, I feel very happy that Nana is married to our best friend, but for some reason I feel a bit empty." He swirled his glass of wine gently, averting his gaze.

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Shi Xue maintained her sweet smile, "When you find the one you love, you won't feel left out. Now that we all became one family, you'll have more family moments like these. Your niece or nephew will arrive next year too."

"Mom, I know what you mean, but none of these girls really catch my interest. I don't like the greed in their eyes. I want someone simple who would love me for me just like you and dad's love for each other." Wei Wei stopped swirling his wine and took a small sip.

"Take your time with looking for someone. Who knows, maybe when you are not deliberately looking for one, the right girl will appear right before your eyes." She patted her son's shoulder and noticed Zhi Hei's waving hand from afar.

"Your father is calling for me. Try to relax and enjoy yourself. It's a happy day~" Just like that, she walked towards her husband to continue greeting other guests.

"Of course it sounds way easier when you tell me it. You already have a loving, doting, and a handsome husband with three kids and a grandchild on the way. Geez, when will I find-" He stopped mumbling to himself when he got distracted by a girl in a light pink colored dress from a table nearby.

One of the young little girls probably got lost and panicked after losing sight of her parents. The little girl bumped into her and started crying. If it were the other arrogant rich heiresses, they would make a big fuss over a slight wrinkle caused by the little girl.

After seeing the panicked little girl on the floor, the girl in light pink double checked the little girl's outfit and body to make sure she wasn't hurt. After that, she picked the girl up and cheered her up. Subconsciously, Wei Wei walked towards her with a genuine smile on his face. 'She looks like a fairy, beautiful and moving.'

When he walked up to the table, he placed his drink on the table and asked, "Miss, do you need any assistance? I saw the little girl crying."

"Oh! Yes, I think she might have gotten lost. This party is really grand, so I want to help her find her parents." The girl's light hazel colored eyes captivated his attention as her gratitude smile made his heart race crazily.

He snapped out of his thoughts quickly and rubbed the little girl's head, "Little princess, can you tell me your mommy and daddy's name? This way, we can find them faster."

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The little girl hesitantly nodded and told them her parent's name. After some time later, they successfully helped her find her parents.

"It's great that we finally found her parents. Hahaha, it was fun walking through the crowd with you, Huang Jiang Wei." She chuckled while looking at him in the eyes.

"You know my name?" He asked curiously because he didn't make a proper introduction and rarely attended socialite events.
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"Yep. I see you almost all five days of the week. I study in the same department as you at the university. You probably never noticed me because I usually wear very low profile outfits. Anyways, thanks for your help! I was a little bored since I didn't know anyone here." She turned around to leave, but was stopped by a warm hand holding onto her wrists.

"Hmm?" she turned around and blinked a few times.

"Oh.. um.. You already knew my name, but I still haven't known yours yet. Can you tell me your name?" He almost wanted to scold himself in the head for acting impulsively to a girl he barely knew.

Her smile was like blossoming flowers in Spring, making his heart race over and over again, "My name is... Chen Anna. Nice to meet you." With his hand still on her wrist, he tried to continue the conversation, but didn't know what to say.

" you want waffles?" he randomly asked.

"Pfffft... waffles? Isn't this your sister's wedding? Aiya, don't tell me you wanted to plan a sneak out heh."

"If it's with you, I'll go. If not... then maybe dessert later?" he retracted his hand quickly after realizing that he was spurting out nonsensible things. When he was ready for her rejection, he heard her sweet voice, "Sure. I'd love to have waffles for dessert tonight. after the wedding ends."

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Both Anna and Wei Wei blushed slightly while awkwardly staring at each other and trying to make random conversations. From a distance, Shi Xue and Zhi Hei clanged their glass wines while hugging each other.

Shi Xue whispered, "Our son got caught."

Zhi Hei laughed, "Yup, definitely caught."

Shi Xue rubbed her face against his chest, "I can see that love is in the air between them. I'm glad I invited her."

Zhi Hei pinched her chin and bent down to give her a small kiss, "So, wifey already saw our future daughter in law?"

Shi Xue bit his bottom lip playfully, "Sheesh~ I don't know what you mean~ I only went to bring him lunch while he was busy in the research lab. While passing by the halls, I had a small chat with Anna~ That was it. Simple chat."

Zhi Hei grinned, "Sure, sure. Whatever wife says, she's right. We'll see if we are fortunate enough this time around with them. By the way, how many drinks have you had already? Your cheeks are a bit pink."

She placed the wine on a nearby table and pecked his cheeks, "Only a few~ Not that many. Not enough to stop us tonight."

He also placed his drink down and hugged her with his arms, "Fine, but no more. Not even one sip okay? You know your body can't handle that much alcohol these days. We still have to grow old and watch our grandchildren run after each other."

"Mmm..." The couple hugged each other sweetly as their eyes wandered around the wedding hall, observing their children and future family members. Many years ago, at the same hall, they met each other and eventually fell in love. Many years later, today, their daughter got married here. And very soon, their grandchildren will be here.

While watching the newlyweds loving actions and then their son's silly reaction to the girl whom he seemed to fancy, the couple whispered, "I love you."

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