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After dinner, Shi Xue brought Nana to an abandoned park.

"Mommy, where is this place?"

"Shh, you'll see in a few minutes."

After a few minutes, Zhen Qi and Wei Wei appeared at the abandoned park with two baseball bats.

'Huh? Zhen Qi and brother? Why are they here? baseball bats?'

Soon, another person arrived at the abandoned park.

'Hmm??? He's the guy I confessed to before I got beaten! Are they going to fight each other??' Nana tried to get out of the car and Shi Xue stopped her.

Shi Xue whispered: "Wait and see what they're doing. I know you're not the type who will hold a grudge against someone who did you wrong after you get justice, but that is your naïve thought. If you think that letting people off easily would make them change, then you're wrong. Some people never change and becomes worse."

Nana: "I know what you mean, but they will get hurt at this rate. I don't want to see brother and Zhen Qi hurt."

Shi Xue: "Honey, they wont get hurt. Two against one, that guy stands no chance. Besides, he did wrong first by setting you up and causing your injury. Mommy wasn't used to this before I met your father. After many things, I learned that the best defense is to make those who harmed you pay for their doings."

"Ahhhh!!! Please spare me! I'm wrong. I shouldn't have set her up and let her get beaten! Someone help me!!! mmmphhhh!!!"

Zhen Qi: "A man like you is not worth Nana's time. This is a lesson for you to quit being an asshole to girls who liked you. If I find out that you spread any rumors or mention anything about tonight and the Huang's, you'll get more than just 15 hits by a baseball bat. These 15 hits is for the pain Nana had suffered because of your stupidity."

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Wei Wei: "Don't ever appear in front of Nana or us in the future."

After Zhen Qi and Wei Wei left, Shi Xue held Nana's hands. "Nana, you're young, but you must learn how to see whether people are good or bad. No matter what, your family and Zhen Qi will always stand by your side and protect you."

Nana: "Mommy, did Zhen Qi beat up my crush from the past too? Is that why he transferred and said hurtful words to me? My crush was a terrible person wasn't he?"

Shi Xue sighed: "That jerk planned to trick you to bed and Zhen Qi happened to be riding the same bus. If Wei Wei didn't tell me about it I wouldn't have known about this."

Nana wrinkled her dress, "So all along, it was Zhen Qi who protected me from the bad people. He also took revenge for me and made sure that those jerks wont come bothering me.."

Shi Xue smiled, "Now you understand why I brought you here today?"

"Mm.. but mommy how did you know that they were here?"

"I bribed your father."


"Your father didn't want to tell me because he didn't want me to know about the violence that'll take place. Heh, he underestimated the power of his wife. One kiss and done."

"Um... mom, when have you ever lost to dad? I hope my future marriage will be like yours and dads."

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"Silly girl, you'll have an even better marriage than us. Let's go home."

-Huang Mansion-

Nana sat up in bed and closed her eyes, 'I can't sleep...maybe I should get myself a cup of warm milk.'

She walked to the kitchen and turned on the lights, "Zhen Qi?"

"Nana, it's so late already, why aren't you resting upstairs?"

"I couldn't sleep so I came downstairs to get a warm cup of milk."

"Sit down, I'll do it for you."

"M.. thank you. What are you doing here?"

"Nothing much. I couldn't sleep either."

Nana looked at the direction where he was before, "Zhen Qi, are you hurt?"

"I'm okay."

Nana walked and held his hands out, "This is your definition of okay?"

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HIs bruised hand was red, blue and purple. "I'll get you the medicine kit. Sit still."

She applied ointment carefully and blew on the bruise before bandaging his hand. "Hurts?"


"You're lying. How can this bruise not hurt?"

"Since you're the nurse right now, you can heal me."

"What can I do?"

"Give me a kiss.."

"..." her face was red like a cherry.

"Just jokin-"

Her hands were gently placed on his shoulders and leg between his on the chair. Her smooth wavy hair moved slightly as she tilted her head to a different angle and connected her lips with his. The softness of her lips felt like marshmallows and cotton candy, so sweet and delicious. This was her first kiss so she didn't know what to do next. When her lips parted his, she stuttered, "'s late.. G..g..good n..night." Before his arm could wrap around her waist and bring her lips back to his, she already left the kitchen and ran upstairs.

He rubbed the lingering warmth on his lips and smiled, "Sweet."

'I was going to say that I was joking when I asked for a kiss. I didn't think that she would take it seriously...but not bad. I'll take responsibility for your first kiss, Nana."

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Wei Wei saw Nana running back to her room and decided to go downstairs to look for Zhen Qi. When he walked in and saw a lovestruck idiot smiling to himself, he cleared his throat.

"Ahem. What made you give such a creepy smile?"

"It's my happy smile. Can't you tell?"

"Uh huh, I saw Nana rushing upstairs, what happened?"

"We kissed."

"Oh.. you guys kissed. Just that? W..wait!! K..kissed?? Who kissed whom? You to her or her to you? What's your relationship??"

"That's not the point. Wei, are your words still active?"

"Huh? Which?"

"If I chase after Nana and ask her out, are you going to support me?"

"Of course! I've been waiting since forever. So go for it."


"Don't sleep too late. And stop smiling like a creep. It gives me goosebumps. Ah right, don't ever hurt my sister, or I'll spank your ass."

"I know."

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