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Ya Nuo's tried to restrain her tears and asked, "Then.. for all these years he's been holding a grudge on a nonexistent reason? So all these years of torture was to make you two feel worse than having a dead child. He wanted you two to feel more than loss of a loved one."

Yang Xue wiped her tears and rubbed Ya Nuo's head gently, "'s okay. We found you now didn't we? There will be no more suffering for you okay? We promise."

Ya Nuo: "This isn't the end of the story right? Yang Qiu Rei is the head of Yang corps now and you guys aren't there..."

Ku Ze continued: "After Ying Ying's funeral, Qiu Rei went to different districts and courts to sue us for murdering his wife and child. Of course because we weren't the culprits and due to a lack of evidence we weren't charged. He was furious and devastated from the results that he received from the government. We didn't hear from him for a while and thought that he must have gone somewhere else or thought it through. We believed that he will clear his mind and realize that we were innocent, but we were very wrong."

Yang Xue intertwined her hand with his as he continued, "That day, I was on my way to work and a guy driving his motorcycle cut me on the highway. When he did that, I stepped on the brakes and realized that someone did tricks on my car. The brakes weren't working. I ended up crashing and was in a critical condition. Your mother left you with our new nanny, who was bribed to kidnap you once she gets the chances. That day, your mother waited 8 hours for my operation to end and when she got back home she realized that the nanny and you were both gone. Luckily, your brother was on a class trip so he didn't stay home or else he would've been kidnapped as well."

Ya Nuo patted Yang Xue's back gently to calm her down.

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"After that, your mother went to look for Qiu Rei at all his properties. When she found him, he was drunk and screaming that he will make sure our lives will be miserable until we die. When the news of my accident was intentionally spread to the public by Qiu Rei, he forced the shareholders to terminate my position as the CEO. After that, he took over the company even though I was not dead. The doctors told me that my legs were paralyzed and listed the possible treatments and therapy I could receive to try to recover. The chances were slim, but with your mother and Huang family's help, I could walk now. I can't do intense leg exercises, but it's already very good for my condition. Qiu Rei kicked us out of the house and corporation. We lost everything in one night."

Ya Nuo: "But Grandpa should have some authority right?"

Grandpa Hoon: "I couldn't stand watching that disgusting jerk take over the company so I quit. When I found out what he did to his brother and sister in law, I decided to cut off all ties with him. Only thing I didn't do was call the country gangs to beat him with pipes."

Qi Yang: "Yeah and the rest of these years we were all desperately looking for you. You don't know how many imposters there were along the way. Anyways, we are very happy now that we united with you. As for our present life, mom and dad started another company from scratch and Qiu Rei doesn't know about this at all. Remember his recent losses? Uncle Huang made him lose all that money and we benefitted from it. The moneys were under different account holders, but were given to us at the end of the day."

Ya Nuo: "I see.. so you're taking back what belonged to you..."

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Yang Xue stood up and brought out a big royal blue box, "Ya Nuo, come here. This is daddy and mommy's gift for you. It's by a famous designer, Mr. Gu. His designs are unique, but brings out the charm of the person wearing it. Here, it's a long dress with an exposed back. Very sexy. It comes with heels too and accessories."

Ya Nuo smiled and touched the silky texture of the dress, "Thank you for this beautiful gift...but I don't think I can wear it."

Ku Ze: "Is it not to your liking? We can change it to a different color."

Ya Nuo shook her head, "I love this dress and it's design. The only thing is that .. I have a very horrifying ugly scar on my back and if I wear this dress, I'll scare everyone. This dress is suitable for elegant people and beautiful confident women. I... don't want to be called a monster or be stared at with sympathetic looks. I also don't want others to see my scar..."

Yang Xue touched Ya Nuo's back and felt the deep scar from her shirt, "I..I'm so sorry... how about this? We can make a different dress with different design for you.. whatever you like. "

Ku Ze: "If you're not comfortable with this then you don't have to wear it. We'll look for something else okay?"

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Zhi Hei: "Actually, there might be a way for her to get rid of the deep scar. Chen Mu is a weird person who researches and achieves the impossible. Multiple occasions where other doctors claim certain treatments or conditions as difficult to recover, he makes a surprising change. So if you like, that scar may be removed. No guarantees, but at the minimal, he can fade your scar so it's less visible to others."

Ya Nuo nodded, "That'll be great! Thank you.."

Zhi Hei smiled handsomely, "Just call me Uncle Huang or Uncle Hei, whatever you're most comfortable with. Your brother calls me Uncle Hei."

Ya Nuo: "Then.. thank you.. Uncle Hei..."

Zhi Hei: "Our families had long seen each other as family members so between us you don't need to hold back okay? You and Nana have been through life and death so you two are as close as sisters. From now on if you need anything you can feel free to come to us. You saved Nana so we will treat you like our own daughter."

Nana hugged Ya Nuo happily, "You finally met your real family. I'm very happy for you. I hope you'll be happy and smile everyday from this minute onwards."

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"Mm... Thank you for all your help and support. If it isn't for you, I wouldn't be able to find my family this quick."

Grandpa Hoon: "Nuo, when you were younger, your parents gave you a nickname, Yan Yan. Do you want us to call you by Ya Nuo or Yan Yan? Also, if you want to stay at grandpa's place, you're more than welcomed. If not, your parents never slacked off in cleaning your room at their place. It's bigger than the room where you're staying in so you can decide."

Ya Nuo smiled, "I'll spend time in both places then. I'll stay back and forth so nobody misses me. How about that? and I'll prefer Ya Nuo since I am used to that name."

Yang Xue: "As long as you're happy then mommy can't ask for anything more."

Ku Ze: "Daddy feels the same way too."

Once again, everyone hugged as a group with Ya Nuo in the middle. That night, Ya Nuo followed her parents home and slept with Yang Xue in her room. Finally, after many years of longing for her mother's warmth, she feels it. This was the sweetest and warmest dream she's ever had. After they fell asleep, Ku Ze walked in the room and pecked their foreheads, "Good night, my queen and princess."

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