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During lunch break, Ya Nuo invited Hen Qing to join her and Huan Hei at a nearby restaurant.

Ya Nuo: "Hen Qing, didn't you say you were going to transfer schools? What date are you transferring?"

Hen Qing: "I changed my mind since I am very close to graduating. If I transfer now, it will cause a lot of inconvenience. Why do you ask? I don't think I ever mentioned it to you before."

Ya Nuo: "You never mentioned much to me, but you did to Hei. He tells me everything. I thought that if you are going to transfer, then we will treat you to a meal before you leave since you helped me before. We don't want to owe anyone anything."

Hen Qing: "Oh. No need for that. I helped you out of kindness so I don't expect getting anything good from it."

Ya Nuo: "I see. Well, then this lunch is our thanks to you."

Hen Qing: "I only helped you so shouldn't it be your treat? You keep saying 'we' when you talk about me helping you."

Ya Nuo: "Hei is my boyfriend so it's only natural that you helping me is also helping him. Besides, if it is you helping me, then shouldn't your apology of what happened at the café be said only to me? It makes me wonder why you'll go the extra mile to let Hei know about it and apologize through him. So my business is his business."

Huan Hei remained silent because he could feel the weird atmosphere at this table between them. He drank his tea and ordered dishes for them while they talked. He could tell from Ya Nuo's tone that she is making Hen Qing learn her spot as an outsider.

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Hen Qing looked at him a few times after Ya Nuo's words, "Oh? Then thank you for this meal. I see that you two are doing pretty well in your relationship."

Ya Nuo laughed, "Of course! Let me tell you, he can't stand being away from me. He texts me or calls me when we don't see each other that day. We are together most of the time and enjoy each other's company. Just like that one time~"

Hen Qing: "You two are too cute together. If I hear anymore, I'll be full before the dishes come. Let's talk about something else."

Ya Nuo smiled, "Oh. Then let's talk about my recent concerns. Hei thinks it is nothing, but I get scared because he got into multiple accidents at and outside of school. He wont listen to me and told me that these are coincidences. What do you think?"

Hen Qing: "Oh my... I can't believe these things would happen. Then you two need to be more careful when you two are out. He might not be lucky the next time."

Ya Nuo smirked in an angle where only Huan Hei could see it, 'Hmm? That's not a good sign...'

Ya Nuo continued, "Yeah, I know. He needs to be more careful or else I'll die young. Aren't these accidents just too weird?" She sharpened her eyes and stared at Hen Qing.

Hen Qing: "Haha.. well accidents always happen everyday. You might be over thinking. Huan Hei, what do you think?"

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Huan Hei smiled, "Huh? Oh, well it won't hurt to investigate if that is what Nuo wants to do."

Hen Qing: "That's not what I asked though. You only said you support her decision, but I'm asking about your opinion on this. Do you think these were accidents? or these were man-made?"

Huan Hei: "I think they're accidents, but it wont hurt to dig further into it."

Hen Qing let out a grin, "If Huan Hei thinks that those were coincidences too, why are you so persistent that these weren't accidents? It's not like these accidents aimed for you. You were there when those happened so you could tell if they're accidents."

Ya Nuo: "How could it be an accident if there is oil on the stairs in school?"

Hen Qing: "Well, people could spill water and not clean it up so it's normal to have wet staircases."

Ya Nuo sipped her tea as she cursed in her mind, 'You exposed your slimy trails. I never mentioned that we were together when these accidents occurred. I said oil, but the truth is, the stairs were wet from water. So the only ones who knew about his accidents are limited to Hei, me, and the person behind it. Very smart, but you gave yourself out. Heh.. let's see what else you're trying to play.'

The waiter placed the dishes on the table and everyone started eating. The dishes tasted pretty good and Hen Qing put a specific dish on Huan Hei's plate.

Hen Qing: "Try this dish. It tastes very good."

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Ya Nuo switched her plate with his and handed him the herb tea that she ordered. "Hei, drink this."

Hen Qing gritted her teeth, "It's only food that I'm putting on his plate. I'm not feeding him or anything so why so jealous?"

Ya Nuo ate the food that Hen Qing put on the plate, "Hei hates this dish and can't stand the smell of it the most. That is why the dish is placed farthest from where he is sitting."

Hen Qing: "Then why would he order something he doesn't like to eat?"

Ya Nuo: "Because I love this dish so he always orders it. He got better at it though because he used to clip his nose when I eat it. Now, I just order herb tea for him."

Hen Qing: "Haha.. how does this type of date work? Shouldn't you two enjoy every dish that is ordered?"

Huan Hei answered after sipping the herb tea, "I like to spoil her. Even if I don't like the dish that she loves, I will endure the scent because I like seeing her smile as she eats. You'll understand if you find a loving boyfriend in the future."

Hen Qing: "I.. whatever this is your business. Not mine."

Hen Qing rushed her meal and left the restaurant before Huan Hei and Ya Nuo.

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"I can't believe he would endure for her to this extent! What kind of medicine or poison did she feed him to make him this loyal to her. I need to go ahead with my plan really fast... I can't let them go any further...I'm supposed to be the one next to him and being doted by him."

After she left, Ya Nuo put her chopsticks down and looked at Huan Hei.

Ya Nuo: "Well darling? Did you see that?"

Huan Hei: "Hmm? You fighting off a rival? Yep. Very entertaining."

Ya Nuo: "Not that. Well, that too, but main point is she exposed herself."

Huan Hei: "What?"

Ya Nuo: "I never specified that I was there with you when the accidents happened. Only people who knows about this should be you, me, and the person who initiated these incidents."

Huan Hei: "Maybe she assumed we were together since you did say we are mostly together."

Ya Nuo: "So you think that she is innocent even after I said that you had an oily staircase incident, but her response was water? I purposely said oil to see if she would follow along. She said water in response and even came up with an excuse of students spilling water on the stairs. You still think she is innocent?"

Huan Hei: "Well.. we don't have evidence."

Ya Nuo: There is still one question I have though. Why aim for you?"

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