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Ya Nuo got up instantly and forcefully turned the knob, but the door was locked from the outside. 'Fuck!!!!'

"Help!!! Somebody help!!! R*pe!!!"

"Keep screaming until your throat rips. Nobody can hear you or help you. If you like role playing like a victim, I can cooperate and do you roughly. Heh.."

When she turned around to try to calm the man down, he was already stripped down to his boxers. He wiped his drool once again and pounced at her direction.

"Ahhh!!!" she screamed and dodged his attack.

"Listen to me, I'm not here because I have any feelings for you. I got a text from my friend to meet him here." Ya Nuo said in a way to clear things up and change the man's mind.

"Hahaha, are you feeling shy? Or is it because it's your first time? Don't worry, I'll be extremely gentle with you! So beauty, come here!" he charged at her again. She continued dodging and eventually got tired because this man fastened his pace with attacks.

"I'll get you in the next move! Heh, don't struggle. It'll be less painful. Come to daddy." he smirked obnoxiously and checked her body out.

"Here I come!!! Haahahaa" he attacked again. This time, he was more violent and determined to make her obey him.

"Ahh!!! Get off me!!!" Ya Nuo screamed.

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On the other side of the door, Hen Qing was laughing wildly internally, while skipping steps down the hall heading to the back of the school. She blended some concealer and a bit of foundation on her cheeks and lips to appear sick. Then, she took out her phone and texted Huan Hei.

Hen Qing: "I'm sorry to disturb you when class just started, but I'm feeling low on sugar right now. I'm at the back of the school near the student lounge room. Can you help me?"

Huan Hei: "Okay, I'm coming. I'll bring you some sweets. Stay there and don't move."

5 minutes later at the back of school behind the student lounge room.

Huan Hei: "Hen Qing, are you alright? Here, I brought you some sweets" he handed her some candies and helped her lean against the school wall.

Hen Qing replied lightly, "Thanks…"

Huan Hei: "Why did you come over here? Class should have started already."

Hen Qing: "I..I…"

Huan Hei: "What is it?"

Hen Qing: "I really don't want to lie to you because you're too nice of a person. But...I saw Ya Nuo and another classmate doing intimate acts in the student lounge room. So then.. I ran to take a look...and I saw them doing...and heard them doing…" she covered her face and pointed at the window.

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Huan Hei was confused and stood up from where he was kneeling. When he looked in the room, he saw a huge man on the bottom and a slim figure on top. Their clothes were wrinkled and hair disheveled. 'The color of that hair and the way it is styled is definitely Ya Nuo's!'

At that moment, his heart and world stopped processing outside information. All he focused on were the pleasurable moans and rustles of the uniforms against each other. A strange sensation circulated his body through his bloodstreams- a thirst for blood.

"aa..ahh...nn..." the high pitched moans sent chills down his spine and without knowing, his fists clenched in anger. He thought to himself that it was impossible! This is not true! This is fake!

Reality hit him again when he felt Hen Qing shaking his body and his white knuckles smashed the window where the voices originated.

His madness made him swing his fist uncontrollably at the window, and shattered the glass window. Facing the shattered window and his bloody fist, he thought that he could barge in there and beat that guy for touching Ya Nuo.

in the next second, he felt his heart turning to stone when there was a short pause followed by continuous moans. His existence didn't interrupt their sex, maybe nothing would. He made a fool out of himself. He gave up and walked away towards the other side of school.

"Why? Why did she do this to me?!" he slammed the stone table multiple times until the skin around his knuckles were peeling off. His bloody fist left a bloody trail on the stone table.

Hen Qing followed closely behind and helped to sanitize his hands, "I couldn't believe my eyes and ears either."

Huan Hei covered his miserable expression, "How could.. How could she…."

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Hen Qing: "You're too innocent, that's why you got tricked by her. I saw her hugging and kissing that guy in the hallway."

Huan Hei: "How should I face her from now on…? No, I need to talk to her and ask her why! I don't believe this is true!"

Hen Qing: "You should talk to her and see what she has to say. Once a cheater, always a cheater. You deserve an explanation."

Huan Hei: "You're right. I need an explanation!"

After listening to Hen Qing, he texted Ya Nuo to meet him at the art classroom after school. When Ya Nuo arrived, Huan Hei sat calmly on one of the chairs while Hen Qing was sitting two seats away from him.

Huan Hei: "Why?" he asked icily.

Ya Nuo: "Why, what?" she replied indifferently.

Huan Hei: "I already saw what you were doing earlier in the lounge room."

Ya Nuo: "Oh? What did you see?"

Huan Hei: "You were doing it with another man in there! Did you think I was blind? What explanation do you have?"

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Ya Nuo: "Do you trust me?" Even though she acted extremely calm and expressionless, her heart felt like thousands of needles were ready on standby to intrude her already aching heart.

Huan Hei bit his trembling lips, "I do, but I trust my eyes more. What I saw.. was real. Why?!!!" he angrily charged at her and shook her repeatedly.

Ya Nuo: "I…" she wanted to say something, but nothing came out of her mouth because of how she felt towards Huan Hei was uncertain. On her way to the classroom, she overheard some classmates talking. Apparently, rumors were circulating around the school about Hen Qing and Huan Hei secretly dating each other because they were seen on a date at a restaurant today.

Huan Hei waited after her long pause and ran out of patience. He squeezed her arms with immense strength, "Yang Ya Nuo! I don't have such patience for you any longer! Answer me!"

Ya Nuo smiled coldly and glared at him with a straight face, "Then shouldn't you be giving me an explanation? My explanation is very simple. Do you trust me?" Even though she put up a cold expression, she was quite nervous on the inside. She felt butterflies in her stomach and hoped that he would trust her regardless of what others say and what he sees. His next response broke her last protective wall and penetrated through to her fragile heart.

Huan Hei: "What explanation do I need to give you? You're the one who did something wrong."

The temperature of the room dropped a few degrees as Ya Nuo's cold voice sent chills down both Huan Hei's and Hen Qing's spine, "Lunch time. Where were you? Who were you with? And why were you there with whoever you were with? How many times have I warned you? And how many times will it take for you to listen to me?"

Huan Hei: "I only met her by chance! Unlike somebody who was caught red handed doing inappropriate things in the student lounge room."

Ya Nuo: "So that brings us back to the same question, do you trust me?" the seriousness in her tone intensified as her eyes pierced at his frustrated expression. For a moment, he felt guilty for cornering her for an explanation.

Huan Hei: "I only believe what my eyes see."

Ya Nuo: "Then you are definitely blind." she lifted her face revealing a broken smile- like a doll with a plastered smile and sorrowful expression.

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