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While Huan Hei was walking to class, Hen Qing was sitting in class and biting her fingernails until the flesh around the nail started to bleed.

'The more he tries to avoid talking about Ya Nuo and showing his concerns for her absence, the more I want to destroy her!!!'

Blood from her broken nail mixed with her saliva and trailed down her chin.

'I spent so long in the lab to print out a 3D version of your fingerprint in rubber. For you, I cause those accidents to make her feel like she's the cause of your misfortunes so she could back off. I'm not going to give up!'

/Hen Qing's flashback of their lunch

Hen Qing and Huan Hei checked out the restaurant that she chose. In the middle of eating, she spilled coffee over his uniform and distracted him from his phone. When he went to clean his uniform, she used the rubber print to get access to his phone. She set a timer message that would disappear on both sides after 5 minutes of the sent time once the person reads the text. After that, she placed his phone in its original spot and waited for him to come back.

/Flashback ends

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Hen Qing whispered quietly to herself, "No! I can't let this happen!"

She took out her cell phone and texted The Boogieman.

Hen Qing: "When are you going to make a move on her? I've done my part, but it seems like he didn't believe that she cheated entirely! I already removed all evidence on his phone that would make him have any suspicions that I initiated this whole plan."

The Boogieman: "Haha… my daughter is jealous of that girl huh? Don't worry, since she gave her virginity to another guy and he saw it with his own eyes, no man is stupid enough to go back with that type of girlfriend."

Hen Qing: "But if he finds out that this was all a set up then my efforts will be flushed down the toilet! I finally thought of this magnificent zero risk plan to sabotage her garbage reputation in front of him and you can't kidnap one person??"

The Boogieman: "This is why you aren't suited to do any big projects. You're either too hesitant or act too quick. If I act right away after their fight, he will suspect you even more."

Hen Qing: "I need to win his heart for the time being, but I don't know how."

The Boogieman: "Use that drug you added in Yang Ya Nuo's water to his food and bring him to the hotel."

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Hen Qing: "Ew!! I'm not going to do something that gross and cheap to make him mine!."

The Boggieman: "I never said that you need to do anything with him. All you have to do is strip him naked and then yourself and take some pictures together. Send those pictures to Yang Ya Nuo so she will break up with him and use those pictures to threaten him."

Hen Qing: "That's forcing him,"

The Boogieman: "But his girlfriend just cheated on him and he ends up naked in a hotel room with his classmate. You can say anything and make him take responsibility."

Hen Qing: "But I'm going to remain a virgin if the situation gets to the point of having intercourse."

The Boogieman: "There are many other ways to work this out. Most importantly is for you to win that man's heart to your side."

Hen Qing: "You're right. I guess I'll try it since I still have some of the love drug with me."

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The Boogieman: "I'll wait for your good news."

The door creaked open and Hen Qing looked towards the source of the sound.

Huan Hei entered the classroom and sat in the last seat, last row, which was furthest from where she was sitting. She noticed his abnormal behavior because he normally sits in the seat next to her. He was scrolling on his phone and didn't look at her direction once.

Curious, she walked over to him and smiled, "Huan Hei, why are you sitting here? I saved the seat next to me over there just for you."

Huan Hei continued browsing his phone, "Nothing much. I just want to sit by the window for today. Since you already sat over there, just stay there."

Hen Qing took the chair in front of his desk and faced his direction, "What are looking at that is so interesting?" she tried slipping the phone from his hands playfully.

He furrowed his brows and quickly lifted his phone up so she can't touch it, "Don't you know there is something called privacy?"

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Hen Qing: "Did I do something wrong? Why are you so cold to me today?"

Huan Hei sighed, "I already made it clear to the school that we are just classmates. It's best to keep our distance in case it causes misunderstandings again."

Hen Qing: "It's okay, I won't mind."

Huan Hei: "But I do. Class is starting and students are coming in, you should take your seat."

She bit her lip and unwillingly walked back to the other side of the room.

During class, Hen Qing bit the ends of her pen leaving deep teeth marks on it. After a while of biting, her teeth started to hurt so she doodled over her notes. The cartoons she drew were stick figures killing another figure using different tools such as knives, hammers, axes, and other equipments. She gritted her teeth as she drew piles of blood on her notes.

'Yang Ya Nuo! I'll definitely win his heart! Even if your heart is already shattered to pieces, I will crush them underneath my boots so it will be irreversible! Even if you die, I'll cremate you and sprinkle your ashes to different zoos so animals can step and shit on you! You won't be at peace!'

After class, she tried approaching Huan Hei, but was interrupted by other classmates every time. She added the love drug that she formulated in different items, but Huan Hei threw those items away.

'One more time! This time, water! Since I tried so hard today and got nothing in return, I'll do it tomorrow. I already have it all planned out and you definitely won't get away with it."

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