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After 10 minutes, his body started reacting to the drug. At first his pulse increased rapidly making him feel like his heart could pop out of his chest any minute. His body started perspiring and yearning for something to quench his thirst. His cheeks and lips turned red and hot. His sweat made his shirt stick to his torso revealing his 6 pack abs. Slowly, he relaxed his tense body and tried to control his irregular breathing pattern.

When she saw how he tried to control his condition, she folded her shorts up and revealed her inner thighs, "Is it just me or it got hot out of nowhere?" she grabbed all her hair, lifted it up in a tying hair motion, and released it to give herself a messy hair look. Hen Qing was getting excited to see what the love drug would do to him, and was revealing more and more of her skin. She was smirking the entire time, but then noticed Huan Hei wasn't moving and had his eyes closed.

Huan Hei had his eyes closed the entire time and was doing well in controlling himself, but her voice triggered a slight response from him.

He angrily gritted his teeth, "Shut it! And stay where you are. Don't you dare come close here."

His eyes remained closed; he was trained since young to listen attentively using his senses. Therefore, even without his sight, his ears could accurately tell him what his opponents were doing and where they were located in the dark.

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He heard very light footsteps approaching him slowly so he hugged his knees and buried his head to avoid any contact with her.

When her hands almost touched him, his instinctive response was to duck the opposite way to prevent her from touching him.

'Heh, I strengthened the amount of drugs in the water so there is no way he could resist me!'

Her fingers brushed against his muscular arm lightly, making him shiver uncontrollably. She whispered to his ears, "Hei… it's so hot in here… why are you rolled up to a ball? It's hotter that way."

He bit his knee cap until it bled and grabbed her wrist when she tried touching his nape. His eyes were deep red and tears almost came out of it. His voice was deep and dangerous, while his eyes were fierce as an eagle. "I said stop it! And do not touch me! You.. what did you put in that water?!!!!" Deep inside, and his head, was feeling all messed up. He was sweating more and more.

Hen Qing smiled, "You finally looked at me. Ahh… I didn't give you anything… just the same type of drug I put in Ya Nuo's water. The one that you handed to her and she drank from."

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"What?!!!" his arms and hands revealed his greenish blue veins. His body shook from anger and he laughed like a maniac. "Hahhahah… so it was me! It was me who caused her the pain she suffered from!! I'm the fucking idiot who pushed my girlfriend away and made her get taken advantage!!!" He was angry, so furious that he twisted her wrist and cracked her bone slightly. When she screamed in agony, he let her go by shoving her out of his way.

"So? Are you mad at me? Do you want to avenge for her? Here's you chance, we are alone just like your girlfriend that day. She must have felt helpless when her clothes got ripped off piece by piece. She must've felt ashamed when that man licked and bit her all over. She lost her chastity to a stranger in the lounge room. Are you mad huh? Come at me then. I'm right here."

He stared at her with pettiness in his eyes and smiled sympathetically, "No."


"Even if she is tainted, her heart is pure and innocent. She's still my Nuo. I still love her and will only do it with her. Get your dirty hands away from me. I'm never going to touch you and get involved with such a disgusting person. Didn't you do all this because you wanted to possess me? You're just someone who wants to control another person's life. If I touched you, then you'll be benefitting. I am not interested in you. Not even one bit."

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"Oh? Then, let's see you try me. You're drugged and I'm clear minded. What can you do if I force myself on you and take pictures for Ya Nuo to enjoy? Hmm? Let's see if she'll trust you now."

She lifted his face and tried to force a kiss on him. When she tilted his head, her thumb slipped and he bit her thumb violently causing her to bleed.

"Ahhh!!!!! You're suffering from the drug and you won't even touch me??? I can help you release your tension while your girlfriend is elsewhere!"

"You're shameless. Even if I die, I won't ever touch you. Go to a club and look for any man to fuck you if you want a man that badly! It has nothing to do with me!"

"I'd love to see you try resisting me! I don't believe that with this type of love drug and my body, your heart doesn't waver even a little bit for me!"

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She pushed him down and sat on top of him. He struggled his hands free, but his body was weakened by the drug so he couldn't get her off of him. She rolled his shirt up and touched his fit body with her slim fingers. Her eyes were covered with lust. Her body was grinding against his mini erection.

"Oh? Seems like you are a late grower. The drug is this strong and your erection only got this far? Haha.. don't worry, let me-"

Bam!! Door slams open violently

Ya Nuo clasped her hands together and placed them on her hip, "Well, well, well, same trick as always hmm? What is it this time?"

Hen Qing: "Can't you see how much fun we're having?"

Ya Nuo observed the scene in front of her and sneered at her.

Ya Nuo: "I'm not sure about the fun part, but I do see a reverse r*pe scene going on. If I run down the hall and tell everyone that I saw you assaulting him, I wonder what they'll think. Everyone will rush here to see him drugged and your clothing all messed up. Furthermore, you're on top of him and there's an opened bottle of water over there. Once investigations start, there's no turning back. Should I continue? Or are you going to leave? Light bulb."

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