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/Boy's locker room

After everyone changed into their practice uniforms, Huan Hei entered the locker room.

Captain: "Hei! You're late. Hurry and get changed. We'll wait for you."

Huan Hei nodded in response and waited for everyone to leave before letting Ya Nuo in.

"Sorry.. They were taking so long…nn…??" His mouth was stopped by hers. She didn't waste an extra second and captured his lips with hers. He adapted to her kisses and his hands started roaming around her back naughtily. Soon, her uniform was wrinkled and disheveled by his kisses and exploring hands. Even though they were limited to only kissing and touching in the few minutes of privacy that they had, it felt incredible. After kissing deeply and exchanging salivas, they looked at each other contently.

"I need to change quick and practice…"he complained in a low voice while resting his head on her chest. She smiled when she saw his ruffled hair that reminded her of their closeness from a minute ago.

While fixing his hair, she whispered, "You have a competition coming need more practice. If you win...I'll give you a congratulatory gift."

After hearing the word "gift," his body was fully charged and felt as energetic as ever. He stripped and changed to his uniform quickly and gave her a quick kiss before leaving. "I'll definitely win!"

"Haha… how could he be this cute? If he knew that by "gift," I meant the limited edition keychain signed by his favorite sports player, I wonder if he'll be as happy."

She shook her head gently and tidied her uniform before leaving the room.

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After leaving school, Ya Nuo didn't go straight home because she had a date with Nana. Since midterms were over, they had more time to meet up and catch up with each other.

Nana: "Ohh!! Finally!! If he didn't figure it out by now, then I would've cracked his head open to see what's it made of! Phew, thank goodness you two are alright now."

Ya Nuo: " about you and Zhen Qi? Anything new?" she sipped her cup of Jasmine Rose Passion Fruit tea.

Nana circled the tips of her hair nervously and stuttered, "Um… I..I.. have a q..question. I..It might be awkward so if it is too personal then you don't have to answer me."

Ya Nuo smiled and patiently waited for her to continue.

Nana: "When you and Huan Hei act intimately, um.. Do you feel weird?"

Ya Nuo:" Depends on what type of weird you're talking about."

Nana hesitates before answering, "Like.. your body heats up.. And then.. A ticklish sensation...down..down there"

Ya Nuo smiled, "That's natural. It means you are aroused and want more from your partner. Perfectly normal."

Nana: "R..really?"

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Ya Nuo: "Yep. I get that too when I kiss Huan Hei."

Nana relaxed as if a heavy weight lifted from her body, "But I also get.. Scared when we continue. I end up backing away and each time I do, he smiles and tells me that it is okay."

Ya Nuo: "Gentleman. He respects you so it's good that he didn't force himself on you."

Nana: "But I also want to…"

Before Nana could finish her sentence, their conversation was interrupted by an urgent voice.

"Ya Nuo!!!!!"

Ya Nuo and Nana both turned their heads towards the source of the female voice, it was Hen Qing. She was panting and having trouble breathing. Her voice sounded extremely vital with sincere concern, "You.. You need to rescue Huan Hei! Only you could do this!!"

The moment she heard Huan Hei's name, her face turned stiff, "What's wrong with him?"

Hen Qing continually scratches her hand before breaking down the details to Ya Nuo telling her that she is Boogieman's daughter and he needed to bring her back to the Yang mansion. Since Boogieman's several attempts all failed, Master Yang decided to give him one last chance to bring her back. Since he saw her more than enough times to remember her face, he recognized her disguise as male and decided to kidnap her using Huan Hei.

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Ya Nuo: "So you kidnappers decided that since you failed on all plots and schemes, might as well continue by telling me that I'm the target?"

Hen Qing waved her arms in an "x" shape in front of Ya Nuo, telling her that she's wrong and Huan Hei is really going to die if she doesn't believe in her words!

Hen Qing: "Huan Hei is Master Yang's hostage and my dad told me to tell you that if you go back to Master Yang then Huan Hei will be okay. If you don't go then you can prepare his funeral for him."

Ya Nuo: "Why should I believe your words? What if this is your trap to lure me back to Yang mansion?"

Hen Qing: "I would never joke about his life like this! Besides, how would I know about Master Yang being my dad's boss and that he wants to hunt you down if Huan Hei wasn't kidnapped? My dad is one of the top killers so he is binded with a contract. If he exposes any part of his contract, then he will be hunted down by others. Do you think I will risk my dad's life just to joke with you? What benefits will I get?!"

Ya Nuo: "If I end up going to that jerk and Huan Hei isn't actually hostage, then you can get rid of me. You always liked Huan Hei and set up several schemes to come between us. I won't be surprised if you made something like this up."

Hen Qing: "Why would I risk making up this lie if I know you have other ways to contact him?! It's your choice to believe in my words or not, but if you don't show up at Yang Mansion, don't regret it when his corpse shows up in a delivery box at your house!" she turned her back and walked away.

While Hen Qing tried convincing Ya Nuo, Ya Nuo was secretly texting Huan Hei to see if he was alright because at this time, his practice should've been finished already. He usually has his phone with him and the first thing he does after practice had always been texting her. After sending consistent messages with no response and her calls being forwarded to his voice mail, she bit her lower lip and left towards Yang Mansion.

Nana quickly paid for their meal and followed closely behind Ya Nuo.

Nana: "Ya Nuo! You can't go back there. If you go, you'll never come back out."

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Ya Nuo: "If I don't go and something happens to Huan Hei, then I will regret it."

Nana: "What if this is their trap??"

Ya Nuo showed her the amount of texts and calls that she made when they were at the cafe, "At this time, his practice should've ended already. His phone is always with him even when he uses the bathroom. If what Hen Qing says is true, then he is in danger because of me. I have to go."

Nana: "I'll go with you."

Ya Nuo shook her head, "Go home. If you don't hear from me by the end of the day, then I'm most likely locked up. I don't want to drag another innocent person into this." She turned around and continued walking to Yang Mansion.

Nana took out her phone, sent an emergency code to her family group chat to let them know that she needs immediate help, and turned on her location before following Ya Nuo secretly. After Ya Nuo got to the mansion, she got through security and passed the entrance gates easily. Nana watched her walk in and picked up the call from Zhi Hei.

Nana whispered into the phone, "Hello.. Dadd-"

Zhi Hei shouted over the phone: "Nana? Nana?!! Nana, answer me!!! Listen, whoever you are if you let Nana go right now, I'll leave you alone. If you don't, I'll hunt you down and rip you to pieces if my daughter loses even a strand of her hair!"

Before she could say anything else, her world dimmed and consciousness faded. Hen Qing revealed an evil grin as she crushed Nana's phone and threw away the bat she used to knock her out from behind. "Nobody will get in my way now."

After the call was suddenly cut off, Zhi Hei ordered his security team to set Nana's last known location.

Since Nana was close to Yang Mansion, Hen Qing called her father and told him to bring Nana to Master Yang as hostage and a small gift for him to play with. Her thought gave herself goosebumps as she imagined a man as old as her father's touching Nana's body. Although her idea disgusted her a bit, it was oddly satisfying to take out nuisances blocking her plan.

"Hehe...for someone as confident and arrogant as you, Yang Ya Nuo, it must feel humiliated when your father sells you to some old rich man.. I look forward to your wedding. At that time, I'll bring Huan Hei as a companion. As for your friend Nana, I do feel a bit bad for her, but who told her to be on your side all the time? She got herself into this herself. Can't blame anyone."

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