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"W..what are you going to do to me?"

"I'm returning the favor for your years of hard work in making my life a hell hole!"


"Ahhhh!!!!" He crouched and arms covered his head when he saw the whip attacking at his direction.

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"Huh? It didn't hurt?" His body was covered in cold sweat, which quickly drenched his collar and under arm areas making visible light yellowish brown water marks. When he raised his head and looked up after hearing nothing but silence, another whip aimed at his direction. He curled back into a ball position and stuttered, "S..stop!! Ahhh!!!! I'll... I'll give you a lot of money if you promise not to hurt me! I'll let you go... I'll give you whatever you want! I promise I'll never look for you again so stop here!!"

"Hah, whatever I want? Then can you reverse time and go back to before you kidnapped me from my real family? Can you take away the horrific sewn scar on my back and give me back my childhood? Huh? Answer me!"

"..." He couldn't speak a single word as if someone was holding his tongue and threatening him with a knife on his neck to stay quiet.

"I said answer me!!!" She roared in rage and whipped five of his most expensive and favorite antique vases to the floor. The pieces of each vase scattered beautifully like an artwork all over his carpet. When a piece of one of the vases hit his back, he took a peek at the mess in his living room and growled, "You rancorous serpent! Only knows how to charm men and waste my hardworking money!! Do you know how much my antiques cost?!!!"

"Oh? You started talking again. That was fast. Seems like anything with money really makes your hand itch. Here's your reward!"

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Another whip landed violently on the priceless paintings on the wall damaging the surface of the paintings. The whip left a deep slash across the limited collection of artworks.

Ya Nuo left out a sarcastic sigh, "Haaa, poor artworks. Even though they're all beautiful and highly valued to 15 figures in private auctions, it's now damaged goods and is worthless. Ahh, remember this one? You got it for $500 million at an auction with the dirty money you swindled from low income people and their taxes. This painting here, tsk, tsk, tsk, too unfortunate that it's life span reached up to only this age, it's only more than 500 years old. It's okay, this is only worth the amount of $700 million that you owed to the nonexistent charity event that you made up to scam other rich people. You even faked the certificates haha~"

"S..Stop it!!! My babies!!! My precious money makers!!!! Noo!!!" He got out of his ball position and stood up to see his broken goods all over the room. He charged at Ya Nuo while raising his fist ready to hit her across the face and beat her up for messing with his goods. He forgot that she had a whip in hand, which resulted in a huge crack wound across his chest making him roll down instantly on the carpet.

The skin on the crack was pink at first, then slowly separated and began to bleed. His shirt was ripped and blood soaked his shirt making him panic. " ... Murder!!!! someone help!!!! Some-"

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Another hit landed on his arm shutting his annoying mouth from shouting for help.

Ya Nuo: "Remember all those people whom you've tortured. If you forgot, then let me remind you that the list of people includes me, all the maids, butlers, chauffeurs, low income people, rich families, and everyone else whom you saw value in making a profit from. Ever heard that Karma is a b*tch? Did you really think that your pig face could cheat this vengeful b*tch? Hah, I'm the evidence and you're the witness now. Well?"

" can't kill me. That's a crime!!"

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"Oh! Talking about crimes now shall we? I have all the information needed to send you straight to jail and live behind bars. The only reason I haven't yet, is because I haven't played you enough. You haven't cleared the debt that you owe me and until I am satisfied, you'll be living your life in fear. Just like now. Don't worry about your life because I don't like dirtying my hands. But since words already came to this point, even if I don't kill you with my hands, another person would. The restless souls and spirits of those people who you've indirectly and directly harmed will come back for you. You won't have a single night of good sleep."

" don't have any evidence to point me out to the police! You're only scaring me! If I call the police, they'll be on my side since I'm the victim here!" He cautiously moved backwards from her and tried to find things that he could grab to defend himself.

"Oh? Well, sure. You can call the police if you want, but your illegal trafficking and kidnapping evidence is quite clear on the table. Don't think that power and money can fix everything. Even if you have the connections to the police, there will always be someone who is more superior. Want to try me? I'll even hand you the phone and dial 9-1-1 for you."

"What do you want? Is it money? I'll give you whatever you want. Please don't do anything to me..I'm in a lot of pain. I'm hurting so much that I'll die!" his body trembled vigorously as his back felt the coldness from the wall that supported his back. That's it. He was at a dead end. There is no more space for him to continue moving back to. Just like how he can't turn back time and change his decision in kidnapping Ya Nuo. He can't even look at her eyes or say anything because he is the one with the lower hand.

Ya Nuo watched the gray haired man as he felt terror for the first time in his life. Well, probably not the first time, but definitely one where he is at a disadvantage. She was about to step closer to him, but a dark shadow appeared and caught her off guard. Suddenly, a pair of strong arms locked hers from behind making her drop the whip in her hands.

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