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The Boogieman paused, "Last words?"

Ya Nuo smiled, "Since you decided to not believe in my words, I can only show proof. Let go of one of my hands, and I'll show you something that you should recognize."

He thought about it carefully before releasing one of her hands, "Don't you dare play any tricks."

She fumbled in her pocket and took out a rusty bracelet that smelled like heavy metal and showed it to him. He snickered, "You're showing me an old stinky bracelet? How is that proof?"

Ya Nuo let out a small laugh, "Of course if this was just any bracelet, it would be garbage to you. Look at this carefully. You should recognize the rose charm on the bracelet and the initial that is carved in the middle of it right?"

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The Boogieman let out a pitying laughter, "Little girl, if this is your trick, then you can end it. I don't know what why you are showing me this bracelet because I never saw it before."

On the other hand, Yang Qiu Rei felt a heavy weight pressing against his chest and his breathing almost stopped when she mentioned 'rose charm.' His eyes squinted and snatched the bracelet from Ya Nuo's hand. After examining it, nervousness spread throughout his body making him stutter, "W..where did you get this?!!"

Ya Nuo's emotionless expression changed to a nervous one when she saw the calm Boogieman. The rose bracelet was Mei Ching's. When Ya Nuo was helping Mei Ching wash her body earlier, she took off the bracelet and stuffed it in her pocket. There's no way that he won't recognize his wife's bracelet!

Ya Nuo silently thought to herself, 'How come it's Yang Qiu Rei who is acting nervously and not him? Isn't this his wife's bracelet?'

Yang Qiu Rei shook her body disregarding his ugly bleeding wounds, "Where did you get this?!!"

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Ya Nuo snapped out of her deep thoughts and replied, "You should know where I got it and who I got it from. From your reaction, isn't it quite obvious who I got this from?" She continued playing along to see his further reactions.

Yang Qiu Rei gritted his teeth tightly, "Impossible! It's impossible! No.. it's impossible..."He kept repeating these words as his body swayed sideways and eventually dropping onto the couch beside him. As if he received a huge blow from seeing this bracelet, his fingers kept rubbing the rose charm and his lips were like a broken singing doll that is stuck on the same word over and over again. He kept mouthing the same words until he got tired and his dried lips finally closed.

It wasn't clear when, but The Boogieman picked up the stun gun and held Ya Nuo's wrists again. Ya Nuo was distracted by Yang Qiu Rei's reaction and started to observe his pained expressions. Even though she hated him for everything that he did, she started feeling slightly bad for him.

After twenty minutes, The Boogieman couldn't take the awkward silence in the room and spoke, "Master Yang, I don't know what is wrong with you, but don't forget about the current situation. What do you want me to do with her? Do you want me to knock her out still? Or you want me to lock her up?"

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Finally, Yang Qiu Rei replied in a raspy voice, " Use the stun gun. I'll deal with her later. Bring her to one of the windowless rooms upstairs. I can't shut her in the hidden attics anymore since I arranged for her future in laws to meet soon."

She struggled with all her strength to break away from his grip, but failed. Her wrists reddened from Indian burns because she was twisting her arm in wringing motions trying to escape. It was useless. His grip was too strong and just when she felt his grip loosen a bit, a stinging sensation shocked her entire body starting from her neck. She fell onto the floor and her vision blurred while she was still conscious. Her body was in immense pain mixed with tingle sensations.

She closed her eyes and let time pass for her body to get rid of the electricity. When she opened her eyes again, she was already in a windowless room with no time telling devices. She found herself in silky undergarments and a custom made outfit hanging on a mannequin in front of her. The dress and jewelry on the mannequin were very stylish and elegant. The set of jewelry on the mannequin is probably worth over a million dollars and the dress was handmade by a famous retired designer. She recognized the unique stitches on the dress that she fancied from one of the magazines she once came across.

She whispered, "If only I have the honor to wear this dress for the person I love, how great would that be? I'll definitely find a way to escape with you to look for Hei."

A few gentle knocks came from the other side of the locked door, "Miss, are you awake? I brought you some tea and food."

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A maid walked in with a tray in her hands with the sweetest smile on her face, "Miss, it's been so long since I've seen you. You've gotten slimmer."

Ya Nuo impulsively pulled the maid in her embrace making the tea spill on the floor. After a while, she loosened her hug and looked at the girl in front of her carefully, "Guo Guo! Thank god you're okay. After you guys helped me escape, I always wondered how you were doing. I couldn't contact you guys from the outside. Did Yang Qiu Rei hit you guys afterwards? Did he starve you guys?"

Guo Guo shook her head, "It's okay. He only goes on a rampage once in a while when he remembers his loss from that day. He still doesn't know who let you escape that day so we only suffered a few whips. It was better than seeing you endure his tempers. When I saw you being carried upstairs earlier, I got so scared thinking you were dead or something!"

Ya Nuo cupped Guo Guo's face, "Do I look like I'll live for this short? Don't worry, I'll escape, but I'll find a way to get you guys out of this mess with me. I'll get you guys freed from that man's control."

Guo Guo's eyes swelled up, "It's fine even if we end up staying here. As long as you're alright, everything is worth it."

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