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Huan Hei stared straight into the man's eyes and smiled, "$46 million."

His carefree attitude made the crowd chat louder and some laughed at the arrogant man in front of them. The women formed their gossiping side, and men formed their wine cheering groups on the other side of the room.

The man almost bit his tongue when he opened his mouth releasing his stinky breath, "Do you know who you're playing around with?! My father is the president of Xing Corps! Beat that, you idiot. It's not too late to kneel and beg for forgiveness. If I win the bidding, you'll have to cut one of your fingers off! You hear me?"

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He started walking closer towards Huan Hei, and Huan Hei's instinct was to move back because of how gross his breath smelled. Huan Hei replied in a formal manner, "Mister Xing Xu Tao, I have recognized you since the beginning, but it seems your memory is too poor so you don't recall who I am. Also, I don't plan on backing down on this bid so let's make a bet, if you dare. Since you have, already set your offer, I'll request the same thing from you. We have our witnesses and you should understand that if you lose, you can not use your father's status as a shield from fulfilling the bet. Do you hear me?"

Even though Huan Hei was ten steps away from him, his voice sent thrilling shivers down Xu Tao's spine making his goosebumps cover his body. His complexion turned pale after hearing Huan Hei's bet acceptance. This was not something he thought would happen. Xu Tao thought that after he placed this bet, Huan Hei would back down from bidding because of Xing Corps' power in the business field. It seems like he underestimated his opponent this time.

Xu Tao hesitated from replying to Huan Hei because he was the one who spurted out this illogical bet and also the one who wanted to back out of it. It's too late now. If he backs out, he will lose his reputation in front of everyone and rumors will spread like adding oil to fire. He can't lift his head in this neighborhood again if he forfeits before a duel so he nodded.

Xu Tao thought to himself before he agreed to Huan Hei's terms, 'What am I scared of? If it is betting on academics or other stuff, then I should be afraid. This bet is on money! Money is what I always have! There is no way I could lose.'

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After he nodded in agreement, Huan Hei made sure to confirm it, in case somebody decides to play tricks and say that he never said anything verbally about agreeing to the bet so it doesn't count.

Huan Hei: "So, Mister Xing agrees or disagrees? If nodding is how you do regular business, then you obviously have no ethical sense for the business field. You need to confirm this verbally for it to take effect. Everyone here, must hear you say it. They are our witnesses."

Xu Tao bit his lip until it bled,"I agree! I call $56 million!"

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Huan Hei turned to the crowd and revealed a bright charming smile, "Everyone heard him. If anything happens and he tries to get out of the bet, then you'll be our witnesses. I call, $57 million!"

The crowd cheered and even started their own betting table. One of the guests created a list with Handsome man and Xu Tao's name on it for everyone else to bet by signing their names on it and the amount they're chipping in. Of course, this bet was created for fun so everyone bet a few dollars, but one person, who made a $100 million bid. The guest didn't know Huan Hei's name since he never introduced himself so they called him 'Handsome man' on the betting list. After everyone signed on the sheet, the waiter announced the results that there was only one person who betted on Xu Tao for $50 million. Everyone else was betting that Huan Hei will win!

While they were busy signing that sheet, Xu Tao bid the tenth time, which almost reached $100 million. He looked ghastly pale because he knew that he didn't have that much money in his bank account so he would have to go back to ask his father for money coverage. Recently, his father already scolded him for overspending his money on useless things so he needs to think of a way to cover the upcoming difference. He also knows that he needs instant payment in order to get the ice cream dessert. Still, he can't afford to lose his reputation in front of all these people. His limit was $70 million, but just now, he shouted $85 million after Huan Hei's $69 million bid.

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Meanwhil, Ya Nuo had her legs crossed and palm supporting her head. Ya Nuo joined the excited crowd in the beginning and was the first to sign Huan Hei for $100 million on the bet. After she made her bet, she went back to her seat and calmly sipped her tea as she listened to their dessert bids. She noticed how Xu Tao's confidence dropped to negative and even started panicking when he bid $85 million. His concerned expression was too easy to read. He was hoping that Huan Hei would end the bid, but why would someone like him deserve a second of peace after his ostentatious display of wealth and power? He needs a great lesson or else he won't learn and might end up like somebody that they knew very well.

Huan Hei looked at Ya Nuo's sweet smile and teasing eyes, "$100 million."

The crowd almost lost their vocal control when they heard his bid. They were so excited and looked at Xu Tao with smiling eyes as if they were looking down on him and could see his defeat in the next second. Currently, Xu Tao's palm is covered in cold sweat making his hands sticky, and his body shook from anxiety. He can't back out from the bet now, so he can only continue the bid to save his finger.

Xu Tao: "1...101 million."

One of the women whom Xu Tao insulted earlier let out a huge laugh, "Someone's going out of money! Before, that handsome man was obviously playing Xu Tao. Now, Xu Tao followed his opponent's $1 million difference bidding because he's losing his money! We can already see who the winner is, and who is the real rich man here. A real man!"

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