Suits thinks about it for a moment before suggesting, “it’s safe over at the stairs, while the elevators are highly uncertain; people-wise, we need four going down the stairs, two of whom will take the little girl with them on the 31st floor, and check the photograph on the 20th floor. Also, they will attempt to enter every floor they pass by when there is no obvious danger, in order to confirm whether there are elevators stopped there.

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Of course, in the interest of time, they’ll skip all the floors we have already been to.
The other two will head directly to the 16th floor and collect information once more. Then they’ll try every floor from the 14th to the 9th.
The four other people going the elevators will try to take the elevators until they randomly reach the 20th floor, take elevator Three, and attempt to trigger ‘déjà vu’s if possible.
If any of these groups find new elevators, then it is also possible to further split up…”

Fei interrupts to ask, knitting her brows, “is it not enough of a ‘déjà vu’ that we ended up spooking Mystic the last run?”

Suits shakes his head and explains, “it is difficult to say whether that is a ‘déjà vu’ belonging to elevator Two or Three. And I still think that we influencing each other may be a different mechanism to the scenery itself recreating what happened…
No matter what, though, there are still three buttons in elevator Three to be tested at the very least.”

Fei nods.

Suits looks around, and seeing nobody with questions, asks, “so let’s split… uh, Lin Qin, dalao, where do you want to go?”

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Lin Qin was listening nonchalantly, thinking of Xü Beijin, and since he needed to solve this quickly, he clamped his temper down to listen it through. As for how much of the conversation he actually understood, that is a whole other question.

Of course, having read lots of detective novels by now, he might be sharper than anyone here would think.

In any case…
Lin Qin says, “I’ll go to the 16th floor.”

… As expected of Lin Qin.

Suits nods, and this time, Wu Jian is banned from going with Lin Qin, and so Fei volunteered to head down to the 16th floor with Lin Qin instead.

As for the other team heading down the stairs, Mystic is a must. Then five remains – Suits himself, Teen, Shen Yünjü, Wu Jian, Jiang Shuangmei…

Suits’ mouth is twitching. Great, there’s no other choices.

Jiang Shuangmei is giving the Missiontakers from higher floors odd looks, but ends up playing along nonetheless, saying, “I’ll go.”

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Since Teen isn’t really compatible with Mystic or Jiang Shuangmei here, he’ll have to pair up with his familiar Suits anyway. In fact, as both of them are more pragmatists than idealists, they would both pair badly with Mystic.

As for Shen Yünjü, Wu Jian and Jiang Shuangmei, since Shen Yünjü appears to be a ‘zombie’ that cares for nothing, Wu Jian has already lost credibility, besides looking paranoid and irritable, so both are bad choices for going with Mystic.

Mystic has an odd personality, so having Jiang Shuangmei deal with her would be the wiser choice here for now.

Finally, the teams are split, and so without delay, they quickly head for their target locations.

Before leaving, Suits again tries the bathroom door, undeterred, but obviously, he failed.

Shaking his head and sighing, he heads for elevator One with Teen, Shen Yünjü and Wu Jian.

Lin Qin has already left with Fei a long time ago.

Finally, Mystic and Jiang Shuangmei head for the stairs last.

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In the stream, the viewers seem impressed how quickly they got a move on, typing,

“the missiontakers do get stuff done when it needs to, huh”
“they wont see each other eye to eye, but they can cooperate when need be”
“(are you implying something from how it was before…)”
“more like blatantly stating”
“I wonder how missiontakers behave on higher floors… it feels like it’ll be, subtly… more competent”

Xü Beijin, reading the comments along, feels the need to help improve the image of Missiontakers of the bottom floor a little, and explains, “the difference is mainly because Missiontakers of the bottom floor are always unified in their objectives no matter what in Nightmares.
While in Nightmares of higher floors, Missiontakers may belong in different factions since the beginning, and it is possible for those factions to be irreparably opposed to each other; it might even be the case that Missiontakers that are enemies in one Nightmare end up having to cooperate fully in the next.
So these different environments end up breeding different styles of Missiontakers, I think.”

“hahaha it sounds like Beibei’s saying higher floor missiontakers can read between the lines more than those on the bottom floor, who are easily tricked by an artificially imposed ‘common goalpost'”

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“exactly [doge emoji]”
“but still, if higher floors have more hostile environments and psychological warfare… then we could say the bottom floor is similar to a greenhouse, that breeds incompetence from lack of hostilities”
“quite evident from how much disrespect is displayed outright from the missiontakers of the higher floors no?”

Xü Beijin is speechless seeing how the viewers react to his explanation.

Sometimes, the effects of being bred in different environments may be much greater than they could ever anticipate.

Though… never mind that.

Xü Beijin decides to give up on explaining further.

Because it is futile, since he can never head to a higher floor to show them anyway, which means he could never bring up actual examples to establish counter-points.

And there are always people like Mu Jiashi on the bottom floor, and literal winners in life that can just laze about and still end up squeezing into others’ True Ends. There are always unfair exceptions to general trends.

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