After the New Karta Beastmen Kingdom was established, there wasn’t anything like a splendid castle springing up, neither did the population suddenly multiply hundred-folds, but rather the system of New Karta Village being the setting where conferences were held to determine everything was established.

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In that meeting, shrine maiden Rione would have the final say on decisions like a king. However, if the meeting goes in a strange direction, I would directly communicate to the members through an oracle.

Too much involvement is bad but people are not perfect. If they choose the road to ruin there’s nothing to do but to stop it.

In addition to that, if a large group of people wished to become a citizen, we would place a representative inside the conference.

The conference was good for the time being. The country was still on the scale of a few villages after all.

Additionally, maintenance for an army began. Needless to say, it’s impossible for any professional solders. I couldn’t pay the soldiers’ salaries. However, there was no situation we did not need a military force. Since nations or forces that aim for New Karta will increase in the future, the power to fend off them is necessary.

While it’s said that there’s nothing God’s power cannot do, it is absolutely forbidden for deities to directly take a person’s life. Deities are relatively lax regarding creation, but likewise generally cannot. Generally, that means there are people break the rules though…… There are also deities that would cause natural disasters to indirectly kill people. I cannot recommend it though.

Otherwise, all the people in this world would become slaves to gods. So is the case that normally men go to battle with other men.

Hence, I sent several oracles regarding wars.

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For one; why not have people train in simple military exercises for a few years? Simply throwing stones from a high place or thrusting a spear would be a significant threat. In the case of a retreat, having knowledge about concealment would be useful.

Another; having a military force during peacetime is an issue on the agricultural front but what about becoming a soldier only during wartime? This farmer cum soldier system was done in the kingdom where I originated from. Especially in the remote pioneering regions the efficiency of this method was good.

Yet another point; why not remodel the surroundings beforehand to be like a full-blown castle so only a few soldiers can improve the defense? While surrounding the village in high ramparts may be impossible, simply digging a hole would upgrade the defense performance. As the number of fields increases, the scale of New Karta Village will expand considerably. Along with that, it was necessary to create a moat. If a moat was properly made, no longer is it a dream to become a full-fledged fortress.

After the New Karta Beastmen Kingdom’s conference, all the ideas were agreed upon. It seems all my opinions were, one after the other, adopted.

The country’s appearance was gradually being straightened out. Firstly, the population was rapidly rising. Up until where there was only poor village now stood a country even if only by name; or so beastmen who have heard such a story came in quite a bit.

Inside there were also other beastmen without cat or dog ears. Things like rabbit or fox ears. Besides that, were also people with bear ears and ones who had the horns of a deer.

「There’s quite a few types of beastmen」
One a certain day I voiced my impressions to Intanyu. On the continent where I lived I knew about the existence of beastmen, but I did not think such a wide variety existed.

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「For a long time on this continent, beastmen lived together peacefully in their own ways. Some races have legends that they fled from other continents where they have been persecuted. Gathering together, it was like this kingdom of beastmen that we have arrived at」

Intanyu often relaxes in my temple. This was such a moment. Rione was missing from her seat hard at work.

「I see. In a sense it might be just right. As population increases national strength will as well. If you advertise opening the door to beastmen, they would come from a distance I believe」

Currently, there were plans to build other villages besides New Karta and New Wadi. As the number of villages increases, the country would also become stronger.

「That’s right. However, right now, there is a problem」

Intanyu made a difficult face.

「What could that be?」
「A shortage of water」
『Ah, that’s right……』

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「New Karta draws spring water and New Wadi is close to the river but everywhere else is troubled by the lack of water Without good water everyone would try to live in the capital New Karta」

This was a serious situation. New villages cannot be made without water.

「While the population has increased, the number of water well craftsmen is still hardly even…… By just drilling deeply in a straight line is good water……」

It seems Intanyu was also thinking about how to enrich this country. Which reminds me, there was a method to dig wells without deep digging technology from my hometown Hartmit Kingdom……

「Alright, Let’s try it out」

I carved the method of digging that well onto the temple’s wall. While the temple would be dirtied, no one will forget if it was drawn here.

「I’m home」

The queen shrine maiden Rione returned to the temple.

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「Rione, can you spread this method to the development teams? A good well should be able to be made with some labor」

「I understand…..m, my dear husband……」

Right now, did you just call me husband……? Certainly, you can say after the marriage ceremony we were spouses but to say I am the husband……

「I, I’m sorry……I’ll go back to saying Lady Faltina……」
「No, just calling me Rione is fine……」
「You guys, get rid of that diligent newlywed couple air」

Intanyu was fed up.

「A, anyways let’s try out this 『snail-like well』! It’s hard work but it has significance! 」
「I, I understand…, husband……」

There’s no way being called husband by a female human should produce such weird feelings…… Despite being a god for such a long time, there seem to still be new discoveries……

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