“Fellow Daoist Chen?” Lu Ning also recognized Chen Yu at this time and was once again shocked by her powerful cultivation.

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    “Fellow Daoist Lu?” Chen Yu was also a bit surprised when she saw Lu Ning. “Why are you here too?”

    “I came out with friends to exorcise ghosts,” Lu Ning explained.

    “Oh.” Chen Yu just asked in passing. She wasn’t really curious about why Lu Ning appeared here. She nodded in response and continued to look at the dazed March Floating Rain.

    Liang Yu came back to his senses. As a return customer of good quality, he instantly understood what appealed to Chen Yu eyes. He immediately assured her, “I’ll transfer the money once we’re out. The signal here isn’t good.”

    Only then did Chen Yu nod confidently.

    “Transfer? Liang Yu, do you Daoist Friend Chen money?” How come Daoist Chen asked for money as soon as she saw Liang Yu? Could it be that Daoist Chen chased him to this place because of a debt?

    “No…” Liang Yu shook his head and didn’t know how to explain for a moment. If he said the money was spent asking the Great God to save his life, would it reduce the Great God’s dignity too much?

    “It’s a labor fee.” Chen Yu failed to live up to Liang Yu’s good intentions. “March Floating Rain came to me online and asked for help. I just used seven high-grade Spirit-Repelling Talismans. A million each so that’s a total of seven million.”

    “…” Liang Yu felt that the Great God lived too honestly. What dignity? She doesn’t need it at all.

    “…” Without preparation, Lu Ning suddenly heard the price of his life. Lu Ning refused to accept it. In fact, his family was loaded, and he was worth far more than 1.4 million.

    “Fellow Daoist, do you know how to get out of here?” Liang Guang listened quietly for a long time. Although he was also speechless about Chen Yu’s charging behavior, at this time, he was more concerned about how to leave the place.

    “I don’t know.” Chen Yu shook her head honestly.

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    “You don’t know how to get out?” Lu Ning repeated in disappointment.

    “I heard someone screaming as soon as I came in, and then I ran here in a hurry before I had time to find a way out,” Chen Yu said.

    “Then let’s look for it together,” Shao Qi suggested. Now that there was a Celestial Master with a high level of cultivation, they didn’t have to be afraid to encounter malevolent ghosts again.

    Everyone had no objections, so the six of them looked for a way out in the pitch-dark valley. They went around for a long time, and wandered around the valley two or three laps more, but they didn’t find a way out.

    “What exactly is going on here? We came in but couldn’t find the way out?” Liang Guang said irritably.

    “This place is odd to begin with, and the scenery in the valley is different from what we saw first,” Lu Ning said.

    “That’s right. We didn’t even feel that there was evil qi here before we entered the valley,” Shao Qi seconded. If there was, there was no way they failed to sense it.

    “We may not be in the valley anymore,” Liang Yu suddenly inserted.

    “?” The crowd looked at Liang Yu in confusion.

    “When we entered earlier, the valley was clearly filled with some ordinary flowers and trees, but look at this place now. It’s dark with only malevolent ghosts plus Yin Qi and evil Qi,” Liang Yu justified his findings, “Moreover… didn’t Road Repair Expert say that her location was only 500 meters from the valley. However, it took a full twenty minutes to come here.”

    “Er… that…” Chen Yu interrupted with some embarrassment, “I only saw your message twenty minutes  after.”


    A gust of wind blew by, and the atmosphere suddenly turned a little awkward.

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    “Ahem…” Lu Ning forcibly changed the subject, “Let’s think about how to get out.”

    “We’ve been searching for a long time, but there’s no road at all.” Liang Guang said, “If this is still the same valley as just now, then there is only one explanation; we are inside some powerful formation.”

    “Formation?” Shao Qi was reminded of it. Liang Guang’s conjecture was very likely. “But if it’s a formation, how are we going to break it?”

    The crowd looked at each other, momentarily having run out of ideas. They didn’t even know what kind of formation it was, so how were they going to break it?

    “I have a suggestion,” Chen Yu suddenly spoke out.

    “Fellow Daoist Chen, have you thought of a solution?” Lu Ning asked in surprise, and the rest of the few people remembered Chen Yu’s formidable strength.

    “Just a suggestion. It’s not necessarily successful…” said Chen Yu, “I was thinking that since we can’t find a way out and don’t know how to break the formation, why not start with what we can do right now?”

    “What else can we do?” Lu Ning said curiously.

    “Exorcise.” Chen Yu analyzed, “We can get rid of the malevolent ghosts here, exorcise the Yin and Evil Qi, and then see what changes the formation will have.”

    “That’s not a bad idea.” Liang Guang nodded and agreed.

    “But…” Just as the crowd nodded and decided to proceed with this first, Chen Yu suddenly uttered another but.

    “But what?” Lu Ning asked.

    “But this will increase the cost of my rescue.” Chen Yu said, business-like, “You see, an advanced exorcism talisman costs one million. When you exorcise ghosts in a while, you will definitely need to use some again, then my fee marking will need to be adjusted.”

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    “How about I give you a discount?” Considering that she couldn’t get out of the place either, Chen Yu decided to charge a little less.

    “No need!” The wealthy Liang Guang rolled his eyes and said, “As long as we can get out, we can still afford this price.”

    Chen Yu’s eyes lit up when she looked at Liang Guang. It turned out that local tyrants grew like this!

    With a plan ahead, the group no longer dallied. Shao Qi protected Qin Guanhai and Liang Yu. Chen Yu took Lu Ning and Liang Guang to annihilate the remaining malevolent ghosts with high-grade Spirit-Repelling Talismans.

    After collecting the malevolent ghosts, the Yin and Evil Qi dissipated in the valley, but no change still occurred in the valley. They also remained unable to find their way out.

    Things were back to square one again. The group sat down on the ground to rest with their heads hanging.

    Chen Yu looked at the time and found that it was about to hit 3:00 a.m. If she wasn’t back at dawn, her parents would be worried. Once they were worried, they would certainly let the old man come to find her. Once her grandpa comes, she would certainly be mocked. The mere thought of it didn’t sit well with her.

    “Why did you guys get in here?” Chen Yu couldn’t help but ask.

    The friends froze, and their eyes turned in unison to Qin Guanhai, who hadn’t spoken much since entering the valley.

    Seeing everyone looking at him, Qin Guanhai apologized guiltily, “I’m sorry!”

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    “Was it you who wanted to come?” Chen Yu asked.

    “I’m sorry!” Qin Guanhai had been blaming himself since they entered the valley, and he didn’t say much along the way. He was just afraid of dragging everyone down again.

    “Don’t blame yourself. You have warned us that this place is dangerous. Coming here was also everyone’s unanimous decision,” Lu Ning comforted him.

    Liang Yu was tempted to say that he opposed it, but they all didn’t listen. In the end, he had to spend money to save his life. He was the most innocent person.

    “Wait… You guys knew it was dangerous here before you came in?” Chen Yu grabbed the point.

    “Yes, Guanhai’s six senses are very strong. When we were on the outskirts of the valley, Guanhai sensed something here, and we wanted to come over to check it out. But he also warned us before we came, saying that there would be danger here.” Lu Ning said objectively, “We thought too highly of ourselves.”

    “Something? What kind of stuff?” Chen Yu knew that what Qin Guanhai perceived certainly would not be these malevolent ghosts. The valley outside had mountains full of malevolent ghosts. He mustn’t have come this far specially to look at malevolent ghosts.

    Lu Ning also had no idea what that something was. Qin Guanhai hesitated and said, “I don’t know. I just perceived something here. That thing is very powerful. I guess it should be some kind of powerful magic weapon.”

    Magic weapon!

    Chen Yu straightened up at once, and her voice rose an octave higher: “Something… No… Is that something you felt still here?”

    “Yeah!” Qin Guanhai nodded.

    “Where?” Chen Yu asked.

    “Over there!” Qin Guanhai pointed to a boulder not far from them. In fact, since entering the valley, Qin Guanhai clearly detected the location of that thing. It was just that as soon as they entered the valley, they were besieged and chased by malevolent ghosts. At present, they were still trapped in the valley with no idea how to escape. Twinges of guilt stabbed him. He never should have mentioned that thing.

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