Elder Wu took Chen Yu around a few turns on the mountain road to a cave. The location of the cave was relatively remote, and it wasn’t deep, so it had not been developed into a tourist attraction.

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    The two stood in front of the mountain wall, and then Elder Wu reached out and dug out a stone from the  wall. Chen Yu moved closer for a closer look, only to find that there was a gap between the stone and the mountain wall.

    “This is the entrance.” Elder Wu introduced, “There is a switch inside. You just have to inject spiritual power to open the entrance.”

    As Elder Wu spoke, he reached in and infused spiritual power. Not long after, Chen Yu heard the sound of a mechanism rattling, and after thirty seconds of clicking, the stone wall in front of them immediately opened, revealing a deep staircase that snaked upward.

    Although Chen Yu knew there was a mechanism here, it was still the first time she witnessed such a scene. She could not help but marvel.

    “Let’s go in.” Elder Wu turned on the flashlight of his phone and took the lead to go in.

    Chen Yu then followed in, and after the two walked about a meter away, the stone wall behind them closed again with a bang.

    The rumble was a bit loud, so Chen Yu couldn’t help but worry: “With such a bang, won’t people find it?”

    “This is already inside the magical barrier. Outsiders can’t hear the sound,” Elder Wu explained.

    “Already inside the magical barrier? Why don’t I feel anything at all?” Shouldn’t she have sensed it when they entered the magical barrier?

    “The magical barrier is blocking outsiders. You are a disciple of the Luoshan Sect, so the barrier will default your entry.” Elder Wu explained, “The switch at the entrance won’t open either if you don’t use the unique gongfu spiritual power of the Luoshan Sect to open it.”

    This was why, after five centuries of the Profound Spirit Grand Competition, everyone knew that there were magic artifacts inside the magical barrier, but they could only enter once every ten years.

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    “Here it is.” After walking for about half an hour, the two arrived at an empty stone room, and a beam of daylight spilled down from the top of the room, making the whole interior bright.

    Chen Yu raised her head to observe the huge circle above her head and couldn’t help but sigh: “This place looks like a volcanic crater.”

    Chen Yu observed the stone room for a while, but when she turned around again, she saw Elder Wu standing in a corner not far away, seemingly checking something. She walked toward him curiously and found that it was a stone platform with four magic artifacts on it. Elder Wu stroked his chin and seemed to be pondering something.

    A flash of inspiration struck Chen Yu, and she asked, somewhat incredulously, “Old Man, don’t tell me this is the place where our Luoshan Sect places their magic weapons, is it?”

    “Yes, ah.” Elder Wu was still struggling with exactly which magic artifact to put out this year, and answered somewhat distractedly.

    “Are there only a few pieces left?” Chen Yu couldn’t help but comment, “Then won’t the Profound Spirit Grand Competition be discontinued in another thirty years?”

    Four magic artifacts; one would be released this year. Wouldn’t the remaining three pieces only be able to last thirty years?

    “How is that possible?” Elder Wu said, “In the past five centuries, didn’t they only take out six magic artifacts? So these three magic artifacts must last for another two hundred and fifty years anyhow.”

    “What if we meet someone who is particularly strong?” Chen Yu asked.

    “That’s fine,” Elder Wu said with unparalleled confidence.

    “Why?” Chen Yu was puzzled.

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    “We also need to see if the magic artifact is willing to go with him.” Elder Wu said, “The place where the magic artifact is placed is another switch of the magical barrier. If the magic weapon doesn’t like its new owner, it will release its aura to close the magical barrier in an instant, and then the barrier will eject everyone.”

    Chen Yu was quite surprised. She stared at the three very ordinary looking magic artifacts on the stone platform. So they can actually pick their own owners?

    “So the Profound Spirit Grand Competition is not about Celestial Masters grabbing magic weapons, but about magic artifacts choosing their new owners,” Elder Wu said.

    Chen Yu nodded with understanding.


    The compass on Chen Yu’s pocket suddenly vibrated. She simply took out the Soul Summoning Bell and the compass, placed them beside the other three magic artifacts, and said, “I see, I know. You’re excited now that you’re back to your hometown, right? Friends, stay for a while.”


    The compass buzzed again happily.

    Chen Yu smiled and immediately remembered something: “By the way, Master Mao said last time that you brought the compass out from the Profound Spirit Grand Competition, Grandpa. So is it because the compass chose you?”

    Hearing Chen Yu’s words, Elder Wu seemed to recall some bad memories and said morosely, “The compass and the Soul Summoning Bell are the Sect Master’s relics.”

    “The Sect Master’s relics?” Chen Yu was amazed. “If it’s the Sect Master’s token, how did it get mixed into the Profound Spirit Grand Competition?”

    “It’s that dead old man’s fault,” said Elder Wu with gritted teeth.

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    Old Man?

    “He said that there are few magic artifacts in the Luoshan Sect. In an attempt to save a little bit, he put the compass into the competition venue, so I could only attend and win it back myself.” Elder Wu spat, “What bullshit! It was all because he made a bet with other Celestial Masters to see whose apprentice could win first place in that Profound Spirit Grand Competition, forcing me to cheat. He was simply shameless.”

    “Is he your master?” Chen Yu asked with some uncertainty.

    “What master! He’s just a dead old man who has been deceased for many years.” Just because you were a single dog, you want your disciple to follow as a single dog?

    Had he known that the dead old man’s opponent’s disciple was her, he would never have gone to get that compass at that time.

    Seeing that her grandfather was in a foul mood, Chen Yu felt it inadvisable to ask further questions. She continued to observe the stone room, and then found a jade made of a huge array plate in the east side of the stone room. The silver white transparent  array plate looked beautiful. She curiously walked toward it, then lifted her foot to stand on it, instantly feeling warm spirit qi from the bottom of her feet. It soaked her feet, flowing to her entire body. It felt pleasingly comfortable.

    “Old Man, what is this?” Chen Yu asked.

    Elder Wu turned his head, took a look and said, “That’s the Soul Gathering Platform?”

    “Soul Gathering Platform?”

    “I almost brought you here when you were a child.” Elder Wu remembered the old days.

    “Is it because my soul was unstable when I was a child? Then why didn’t you bring me here again?” Chen Yu knew that her soul had been unstable for a while when she was young because her soul had left her body.

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    “I found all three immortal souls and seven mortal forms for you, plus you began to practice metaphysics, so your soul body gradually stabilized. I did not bother to bring you back.” Elder Wu suddenly stopped talking and looked incredulously at the Soul Gathering Platform beneath Chen Yu’s feet.

    “Old Man, why is this Soul Gathering Platform glowing?” Chen Yu said, about to come down.

    “Don’t come down!” Elder Wu stopped her sharply. 

The author has something to say:

When Elder Wu was young, he fancied a beautiful girl during the Profound Spirit Grand Competition and went to get close to her after the competition.

Young Wu: My name is Wu Li, dare I ask the lady’s name?

Lady: “…”

The lady’s Master: Are you that Nasi’s apprentice?

Young Wu’s Master: Hahaha, my apprentice is better than your apprentice, right?

The lady’s master: Apprentice, remember, we’re irreconcilable.

Lady: This apprentice understands.

Hence, Young Wu lost his love…

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