Chapter 3 The Stalker’s Caged Bird (3)

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 Frightened at the time, he kept moving and ran.

    The sound  footsteps was getting closer and no matter how much he ran, the person wouldn’t relent.

    Tears filled his eyes, he bit his lip, and squatted helplessly on the ground, his body shrunk into a ball: “What should I do…I don’t want to be taken away.”

    [Don’t be afraid, stand up first. There is no malice coming from the person following you, I can feel it. 】

    “Really?” Shi Ran’s face was still dripping with tears, the tip of his nose was a little red, he glanced behind him shyly and then turned back quickly.

    [Really, let’s go home. 】

    He stood up, clenching the shoulder straps of his schoolbag and boldly walked towards his home.

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    However, as soon as he moved, the footsteps behind him could be heard again.

    “Don’t follow me, big rascal! Otherwise, I’ll hit you!” Shi Ran shouted fiercely behind him, but the person didn’t respond.

    The sun had already set, the temperature had dropped and the cool breeze slapped on him, making him shiver.

    The alley was deep and in the place where the dim light could not shine, it seemed like a monster with fangs and claws would emerge at any time.

    Shi Ran’s face turned pale with fright at the thought and he scurried through the alley like a small cannonball.

    Suddenly, Shi Ran slammed into someone else’s arms.

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    “I haven’t done anything bad, don’t catch me!” Shi Ran squeezed the clothes of the person in front of her, shivering with fear.

    “What’s the matter?”

A cold voice came from above his head causing him to raise his head, realizing that it was the previous  brother, he was relieved.

    “There are bad guys in the alley, they keep following me.” Shi Ran pressed close to Qin Si, the tears in his eyes showed that he was really frightened.

    Qin Si rubbed Shi Ran’s hair, which was as soft as the fluff of a small animal, he couldn’t let go of it for some time.

    “It’s all right.”

    Shi Ran grabbed Qin Si’s hand and blinked at him with his grape-like eyes. His tone was soft and pleading: “Little brother, can you send me back?”

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    Qin Si was silent. After a while, nodded: “Okay.”

    Shi Ran happily took Qin Si’s hand and walked forward briskly.

    He didn’t see the faintly upturned face and morbid eyes of the young man behind him.


Looking at the door in front of him which overlapped with the one in his memory, he turned around and said: “Ran Ran is home, thank you brother for sending me back, do you want to come in and stay for a while?”

    Qin Si shook his head coldly: “No, I still have something to do.”

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    “Then  brother, pay attention to safety. If there is a bad guy following you, call Ran Ran, and then I will go to save you!” Shi Ran tucked his hands on his chest, looking like a little adult.

    Qin Si laughed dumbly, he raised his hand, rubbed Shi Ran’s head again, and replied,


    After Shi Ran entered the house, Qin Si clenched his hand that touched Shi Ran’s hair, his eyes were like an abyss.

    He raised his hand and kissed it with his lips, his voice almost being blown away by the night wind.

    “Now that I have held it, I won’t let it go.”

    Otherwise, he would go crazy.


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