Greedily devouring

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I ran intently through the Goblin Meadow in the night air. Each time I cleaved through the bushes and found a sleeping goblin, I swung Greed right at its neck.

<Gluttony skill has been activated>

<Status update: HP +30, Strength +40, MP +10, Spirit +10, Agility +30>

I wonder how many times I had already heard this robotic voice. Yet, it was still not enough. More. This did nothing to satisfy my hunger.

However, I had been running without a pause ever since I left the capital. I stopped to catch my breath. A full moon had risen high into the cloudless sky and illuminated the dead goblin’s corpse. If I was hunting normally, I would have cut off both ears as evidence to claim my prize, although I could not afford to waste time right now. Once my breathing had stabilised, I stepped over the corpse and headed for my next prey.

Hm? I could hear footsteps chasing me from the meadow. No, not just from behind. From the front and two sides, footsteps on the grass were approaching from all directions. There was quite a number of them. It seemed like while I had been focused on running around and hunting in this area, the goblins began to view me as a threat. The goblin being hunting woken up and called on its comrades for assistance in an effort to defeat me, eliminating harm to their kind.

Sensing their advance, I chose a place with relatively low bushes and halted. Then, the sounds of those closely following footsteps died down one after another. Looking around, I saw that the goblins had surrounded me.

There were roughly 50 of them, perhaps even more. Now that my eyes had adjusted to the night vision, I could clearly see the goblins.

The opponents were familiar monsters, Goblin Fighters and Goblin Guards. With Greed, I could slice through all their swords and shields. Besides, no matter how many more of these goblins appeared, the strategy would remain the same, and they were no match for my current state of starvation.

With these red pupils, any goblin with a lower status was simply immobilised when they met my gaze. Glancing around constantly at the goblins who froze in their tracks, I steadily killed them off one by one. Some of the goblins noticed something strange and tried to escape, however, it was too late for all of them.

Although they had intended to form an enclosure to quickly defeat me, it had actually made it easier for me to hunt them as they had all assembled together. With that, I killed the last one. The goblin fell down on top of the other corpses.

<Gluttony skill has been activated>

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<Status update: HP +40, Strength +20, MP +10, Spirit +10, Agility +10>

Whew. I had calmed down just a little. Using Greed who had been polished to a mirror-like shine, I looked at my reflection. My eyes were still red.

“I’ve eaten quite a lot, but my hunger still hasn’t subsided…”

I had killed over 100 goblins, however, this state of starvation continued. Upset, I asked Greed about it.

“How long until this state is released?”

“Hm. In your condition, it seems that the goblin level will not be satisfactory. You should hunt the higher-ranked Hobgoblins.”

Taking Greed’s suggestion, I left the Goblin Meadow and headed towards the western forest. Here was the place called Hobgob Forest. Goblins from the meadow who had gained enough power moved to live in this forest as they evolved into Hobgoblins.

There were three types of Hobgoblins; Hobgoblin Fighter, Hobgoblin Guard, and Hobgoblin Archer. The fighters and guards should be similar to their goblin counterparts. The problem was the archer. Although their numbers were few, they concealed themselves well in bushes and their arrows flew far. The most problematic thing was that they covered their arrowheads with faecal waste, and if hit by them, they could cause a dangerous infection. Warriors of the Royal Capital referred to these Hobgoblin archers as faecal archers.

I had heard of this information from some of the Heart Family servants who used to be warriors in their youthful days, and had taught me a lot during our mealtimes. A majority of the heroic stories ─ he bragged a lot, but they were quite interesting so I listened to them all. Feeling grateful to him, I proceeded with caution.

Since Hobgoblins were not nocturnal creatures, they should be fast asleep at the moment unless I made a commotion. The point was that I should attack them while they slept as I did with the other goblins.

Look, there was one of them. Leaning asleep against a large tree was a Hobgoblin whose height matched mine. Its physique was much more muscular and firm. The skin colour was hard to tell… Although as expected of a higher-ranked goblin species, it was greenish.

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<Appraisal> skill has been activated.

Hobgoblin Fighter Lv12

HP: 230

Strength: 340

MP: 110

Spirit: 110

Agility: 230

Skill: Two-handed Sword Technique

Hobgoblin Fighter huh? There was a large sword lying at its feet, one that it probably used to attack with. It had a Two-handed Sword Technique skill too. The status was not a concern.

As I approached quietly, I noticed another demon behind the large tree. From the shield next to it, I could guess which type this Hobgoblin was, however, I still used <Appraisal>.

Hobgoblin Guard Lv12

HP: 440

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Strength: 220

MP: 110

Spirit: 110

Agility: 110

Skill: HP Enhancement (medium)

Oh, it possessed a HP Enhancement (medium) skill? As I had expected last time, there seemed to be several stages in the status enhancement system. Since there was (small) and (medium), then from this flow, (large) certainly existed.

After I finished confirming, I first sliced the neck of the sleeping Hobgoblin Guard. It died within a deep sleep, passed away without suffering.

<Gluttony skill has been activated>

<Status update: HP +440, Strength +220, MP +110, Spirit +110, Agility +110>

<HP Enhancement (medium) skill has been added>

Now then, one monster remained… Ah, it seemed to have woken up. The sound of my sword slicing through the neck of the guard disturbed the Hobgoblin Fighter, who sensed something was amiss and tried to call out. It was probably intending to alert its friends. I could not let that happen. I thrust Greed into its mouth lined with yellow teeth.

<Gluttony skill has been activated>

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<Status update: HP +230, Strength +340, MP +110, Spirit +110, Agility +230>

<Two-handed Sword Technique skill has been added>

The Hobgoblin soul filled me up more than the Goblin did. If I had known it would be like this, I would have headed straight here to the Hobgoblins without wasting time with the Goblins.

As my pangs of hunger had yet to subside, I used <Appraisal> on my own status.

Fate Graphite Lv1

HP: 8041

Strength: 8011

MP: 2501

Spirit: 2501

Agility: 5591

Skill: Gluttony, Appraisal, Concealment, One-handed Sword Technique, Two-handed Sword Technique, Strength Enhancement (small), HP Enhancement (small), HP Enhancement (medium)

Still, the night was long. I searched for my next prey as I continued further into the forest.

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