Beyond Gods

Chapter 49

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Jade walked towards Johan slowly and maliciously.




Jade's foot caved in the stone platform with every step.

Johan's mouth dropped in surprise. It was clear to him that Jade's strength was no joke. No regular person could shatter stone by walking.

Was this the power of reaching the Dao Seed Realm?

Sweat dripped down Johan's forehead.


"Why would I want to stop!?," hissed Jade, "They didn't stop when I cried for them to ... they kept going. Why do you deserve better treatment than the treatment they gave me? I am going to rip you apart slowly ... starting with your genitalia ... I think you deserve to know what it feels like to get ripped apart from the inside."

Jade struck out, slapping at Johan with the back of her hand. He raised his sword sheet to block her.


A sonic boom exploded as Jade's strike accelerated surpassed the speed of sound.


The two swords Johan held shattered as if they were made out of thin wood and he was thrown across the stone platform.

"AHHH!!!!!!," yelled Johan in surprise.

If he hadn't blocked the strike with the swords, he would have been instantly crippled. She had hit harder than anyone he had fought before. The power she had was inhuman.

Johan's adrenaline kicked in as he realised that if he didn't do something, he would be dead. He looked around frantically for a way out of this situation.

[What should I do!?,] thought Johan.

In the spur of the moment, Johan pointed his finger behind Jade and yelled, "MY GOD! WHAT IS THE HECK IS THAT!?"

Jade looked back instinctively.

"What?," said Jade.

[I can't believe that worked,] thought Johan.

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Johan quickly grabbed his travel bag tossing it over his shoulder and ran as fast as he could away from Jade. The stone platform cracked under the force of his leap and he propelled himself down the hill.


Air whizzed by Johan as he leaped forward.

As he ran he expanded his perception in hopes of finding somewhere to hide. To his distress he couldn't find any place that was adequate. He carefully monitored Jade and sensed that she was turning her head to look at where he had stood moments before, Johan thought quickly.


Johan used the mana technique he had learnt from Neil to release a blinding bright light which blinded all creatures looking in his general direction temporarily, including Jade.

Jade covered her eyes surprised by the unexpected intense flash stumbling back.



Johan used a mana burst to propel himself rapidly changing his direction from the current direction he was running in and to quickly increase the distance between him and Jade. He induced it would throw Jade off. Looking forward he realised that he was now heading towards the castle.



Johan flew forward again accelerating rapidly past numerous shocked animals. He kicked up a barrage of grass and dirt behind him. These were the only two techniques he learn't from Neil and while mana flashes had become easier to use, he still found mana bursts to be extremely draining.

[FASTER!,] thought Johan as his muscles bulged under the strain.

Johan's constant training was proving useful. Every day as part of his training he has done interval sprints. This had resulted in him being a fast runner. Coupled with mana bursts he was now moving forward at the speed of a earth race car.

Sweat drenched his shirt as he gasped for air. In time he had been running, he had managed to get half way to the castle.

Jade rapidly approached him from behind. She had located him and was now engaged in chase.

Even with all his training, he wasn't fast enough.

[She is fast,] thought Johan, [much faster than me ... much stronger than me ... my training wasn't enough ... I am weak ... I am going to die.]

Fear overwhelmed Johan.

"GRRRRRRRAAAAAHHHHH!," yelled Johan exerting himself.

He pushed himself even harder and adrenaline pumped through his veins, his veins bulged out of his skin, his heart sounded like a race car motor and could be heard by the naked ear.


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Johan ran faster than he had ever run before.



Johan released another flash of light blinding Jade, making her temporarily stop chasing him.

It was clear she hadn't figured out that he was the one causing light flashes. Most people from Looking Glass City didn't have the ability to use even simple mana techniques.

[I only can manage one more mana burst,] thought Johan.

He hoped it would be enough for him to get to the castle.



Johan flew forward like a race car that used a nitro speed booster.

That was the last mana technique he had the ability to use. He was at his limit.

[Dig deep,] thought Johan.

His muscles screamed in pain, a pain he had come to know well through training. His lungs burned as he breathed heavily and hard. He was footsteps away from the castle.

"Hey," said Jade.

Johan froze in his tracks as he felt hot breath on the back of his neck. He turned around slowly.

"You really are fast for someone that hasn't had a cultivation breakthrough," said Jade, "aren't you? "

Jade had caught up and was standing behind him.

"I am truly surprised," said Jade, "Shaemus wasn't joking, with that speed, you can probably get noticed at the fight tournament even now. I can't believe I fell for your finger pointing trick ... simple yet effective ..."

"Jade," said Johan, "I didn't want you to get raped. I didn't plan for it, I didn't convince those men to **** you. In the past timeline, I was the one who distracted them for you to get away ... I was there running from the cops because my parents had been killed. I was a mess. We were friends. I used to have a crush on you."

"Get on your knees and beg for your life," said Jade.

Johan looked around and realised he was out of options.

"Jade," stammered Johan, "don't do this, we all have suffered. I didn't kill you. I didn't **** you. Why me?"

"Get on your knees," said Jade, "and kiss my dirty shoes."

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Hesitantly, Johan got on his knees and felt emotions stir within him.




Fighting spirit.




[No,] thought Johan, [She is too strong. If I fight, I am dead.]

"KISS MY FEET!," yelled Jade looking down at Johan enraged, "YOU SAID YOU LIKE ME, RIGHT!?"

Johan slowly lowered his lips and kissed Jade's feet.


Anger flashed across Johan's face which he immediately hid. He was powerless.

"Jade," said Johan, "this women named Armyka killed my parents, prevented me from getting back to earth. Even if I knew you were going to be raped, I wasn't there to stop it this time. It wasn't me, it was her."

HA!," laughed Jade.

As Johan looked up at Jade, she placed her foot on the side of his face and spit on him.

"THIS IS ENOUGH!," yelled Johan.

Johan had had enough of Jade's abuse. He made an effort to push Jade's foot off of his face and stand up. He couldn't, she was too strong.

Jade reached down and picked Johan up by his shirt collar and held him against the wall. Johan's bag pressed uncomfortably into his back.

"You thought you were even close to being as strong as me?," said Jade bringing her face close to Johan, "arrogant and a liar. Armyka is my close friend. An angel. She took me in after I'd been raped. She taught me to get revenge. She never lied to me."

Jade grabbed Johan's genitalia and squeezed.

"AHHHHH!!!!!," screamed Johan, "IT HURTS! STOP!"

But through the pain, seeds of hatred were planted. Similar to hatred he felt towards Armyka. This wentch was the friend of the person he hated most in the world. Johan punched out and kicked at Jade while being held against the castle wall.

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The impact of his hits resonated throughout the surrounding plains. They had no effect. Jade was unphased. She didn't even flinch.

"I could take away your ability to have children right here," said Jade, "but you're right, you didn't **** me ... you like me right? You think I am pretty?"

"YOU," growled Johan as drool ran and tears ran down his face from the pain he was experiencing. "ARE SCUM! A DEGENERATE! YOU ARE THE FRIEND OF THE PERSON WHO IMPRISONED ME FOR TEN YEARS AND KILLED MY PARENTS. THEN YOU DID THIS TO ME!?"

"Don't be mad baby," said Jade. "Kiss me."

She aggressively and quickly pressed her lips against Johan french kissing him aggressively. She pulled back.

"My rapists have a gift for you," said Jade, "have some HSV."

Veins bulged out of Johan's forehead as anger overwhelmed him.

"HOW DARE YOU!," growled Johan enraged.

At that moment, unbeknownst to Jade or Johan a small speck of glowing dust flew out of Jade's forehead into Johan.

"YOU WENTCH!," growled Johan enraged.

"Will your girlfriend want you now?," asked Jade smiling as she released the pressure on Johan's genitalia.

[Hello my boy,] echoed Johan's father's voice in his head, [it has been a while, seems like this women has you between a hard spot and a rock. I told you she was no good.]

[Dad?,] said Johan surprised, [How?]

[We will talk more later, for now survive.]

"What were you trying to do anyways?," asked Jade, "run from me? Hide in the castle or the fog? That is a faith worse than death ... those are places to avoid."

Johan stared into Jade's eyes intently. They both had mutual unfiltered looks of hatred in their eyes. Any lingering feeling of friendship or comradeship they had previously felt towards each other was gone.

"I hate you," said Johan, "you had no right to humiliate me like this ... I'm going to make you pay."

"Me pay!?," laughed Jade, "you are right, you didn't **** me. Maybe I went too far. I think you need a good training opportunity. Take it as my apology. I survived and so can you. How about try your hand at the castle trials? Something no one has passed to this day ... even Divine Lords have perished in there! If you don't pass, your soul is trapped indefinitely. But if you do, you have countless opportunities!"

An ominous foreboding hit Johan's gut.

This day wasn't going as he expected.

Jade dragged Johan to the castle doors through the dirt as he struggled to get away. She then swung the doors open and threw Johan in, kicking closed the doors behind him.

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