Beyond The Outline

Chapter 7

There was nothing in Xu Sheng’s bedroom but a huge pile of A4 paper. All of it was used for writing disciplinary reviews. Gu Yanwang had lamented more than once that if Xu Sheng could bring his passion for writing disciplinary reviews to his studies, no matter what his average score would at least be in the 40’s. 

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Under the impact of seeing this approximately five-centimetre stack of A4 paper, he momentarily forgot the strangeness of the current situation. “Are you planning to publish a book?”

Xu Sheng tapped the table with the pen and paper in his hands and said, “Write first before talking.”



Shao Zhan calmed down and reminded him, “My handwriting is different from yours.”

Xu Sheng was very self-aware in regards to his chicken-scratch handwriting. “My handwriting is simple. Just write with your left hand, it will definitely come out as cool as mine.” 

What goes around comes around..


Shao Zhan had merely used this matter of the disciplinary review to punish him; who would have thought this matter would come back to bite him in the end.

Shao Zhan held the pen, and used his left hand to write out three lopsided, wobbly words ‘Disciplinary Review Letter’. Beside his hand, there were trashed drafts of previous reviews that Xu Sheng had written. At a glance, there really didn’t seem to be any differences between their handwriting.



Xu Sheng’s handwriting was quite impressive.

There weren’t many second years who stayed in the dorms. Other than the two-person dorm rooms, most of the dormitories had single beds. Linjiang Sixth didn’t make staying in the accommodations compulsory, and they tried their best to fulfil the needs of the students who did stay in the dorms.

Shao Zhan had requested a single room for himself. Xu Sheng was different. He wasn’t particular about roommates. In fact, it wasn’t that he had the kind of personality that didn’t like to socialise, but that there had to be people who weren’t afraid to die willingly to be his roommate.


There were only one chair and a desk. Xu Sheng couldn’t find a place to sit, so he just sat down on the bed, which wasn’t far from the study desk. 

Xu Sheng was starting to worry that the study god didn’t know how to write, and would ruin his own reputation. “Do you know how to write it?”

Shao Zhan ignored him.

Xu Sheng crossed his leg and rested his elbow on his knee. He didn’t know how to answer a single question in several school subjects, but he had a very clear experience with disciplinary reviews. “The average review is split into three parts. Admitting the mistake, kissing ass, and then looking forward to the future.”

“Admitting the mistake is easy to understand. Kissing ass means to praise the teachers and the school, something about how Linjiang Sixth is a very orderly school, teaching and educating, making great contributions to society.” Xu Sheng unconsciously started a lesson for the study of god. He tilted his head backwards, leaning his back against the wall as he said finally, “You can just write some bullshit.” 

Shao Zhan finally moved. He flipped a piece of A4 paper over and said with his gaze downwards, “Don’t disturb me.”

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When Shao Zhan spoke, he habitually cut off the ending tones of his words, unlike Xu Sheng who had a lazy drawl. Speaking like that meant that Xu Sheng sounded extremely cold.

When Xu Sheng heard that, he felt a bit complicated and slightly curious, thinking about how the study god who was in his body right now somehow looked even more like a school tyrant than he did.

It had to be said, writing a review was indeed the quickest way to calm someone down. 

Putting everything else aside, there was only the disciplinary review.

Shao Zhan wrote those 3,500 words very quickly. Xu Sheng couldn’t help but wonder whether the makeup of this study god’s brain was different from the average person. How could he even be talented in something like writing a disciplinary review?


By the time Shao Zhan finished writing, the two of them had already been forced to accept the current situation—Xu Sheng jumped over the wall, hit Shao Zhan when he fell down, and then what happened afterwards was exactly like the various body swap web novels online.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The two of them had swapped bodies. 

Ktfgf kfgf cb rlucr bo gjlc bearlvf atf yfvgbbw klcvbk. Qtfc atfs mtfmxfv atflg qtbcfr, atf kfjatfg obgfmjra rtbkfv reccs kfjatfg ogbw sfrafgvjs ab atf vjs joafg abwbggbk. Ktfs vlvc’a xcbk ktfgf atf atecvfg atja bmmeggfv ktfc We Vtfcu pewqfv bnfg atf kjii tjv mbwf ogbw.

We Vtfcu kjr lc jyrbieaf vlrmbwobga ogbw atf rmtbbi eclobgw tf kjr kfjglcu. Lf tjv jigfjvs ecyeaabcfv j yeaabc fjgilfg jcv rja bc atf yfv lc vlrmbwobga obg j ktlif yfobgf ecyeaabclcu atf rfmbcv yeaabc.

His collar opened up, plunging along the line of his protruding throat. His entire collarbone was exposed.

Shao Zhan usually looked like a mountain of cold abstinence. If other classmates saw this image sitting on the bed, they might doubt their own existence. 

What would happen if other classmates saw this was something Shao Zhan didn’t know, but he couldn’t bear to see it himself. “Uniform, button it up.”

Xu Sheng’s personality was rather casual and he did whatever he wanted to. “Doesn’t it feel tight from buttoning it up like this all day?”

Shao Zhan repeated himself. “Button it up.”

Xu Sheng tutted and unwillingly buttoned the second button. “Let’s make an agreement. Only up to here. If I go up any more I won’t be able to handle it.” 

After jumping over the wall and falling into a coma, it was already 10 P.M. There was no point in continuing to grapple over these questions of spirituality when there were no answers to be found, so it was better to just hope that the two of them would change back after sleeping rather than to continue pondering over the issue.

It was good that the dorm building only required signing in when entering and leaving. After the lights were out, there was no arranged residential head going around for checks. The two of them decided to stay in their original rooms.

When Shao Zhan left, Xu Sheng leaned against the doorway and suddenly thought of something. “Are you going to shower tonight?”

Once this question came out, the two of them froze. 

After Shao Zhan left, Xu Sheng turned off the lights and went into the bathroom in the dark.

He didn’t know what the situation was like on Shao Zhan’s side. Although he knew he couldn’t avoid it anymore after avoiding it for a while, he decided he should still avoid it as long as possible. He closed his eyes and took his clothes off, closed his eyes and opened the glass door, closed his eyes and used his sense of touch to turn on the shower knob…and when a curtain of boiling hot water poured over him, he couldn’t help but burst out a curse and violently opened his eyes. “Fuck!”

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This shower was really too difficult.

Xu Sheng felt like he was going insane. 

On the brink of collapse, Xu Sheng messily rinsed the foam on his head, then realised his back hurt a little.

He turned off the shower and lowered his head to shake the water out of his hair. He draped the towel around his neck, thinking that it was probably because he grazed the stones on the ground when he fell earlier. After being scalded by the hot water just now, the wound had been magnified.


Under the soft, dim light streaming through from the window, Xu Sheng turned around in front of the mirror to take a look.

Because of his limited mobility, Xu Sheng turned his neck around so much it was about to break, but could only see half of his shoulder—to be honest, Shao Zhan’s figure was pretty good; he had everything he needed to have, and even had abs. He was still a 17-18-year-old youth, so having muscles wasn’t much of an exaggeration, and he exuded vigorous, youthful energy. 

His shoulder blade stuck out, thin and…


The adjective Xu Sheng was going to use got stuck.

After a pause, he leaned towards the mirror. Although he couldn’t see very clearly due to the angle and the fact that his neck was extremely sore, as long as he wasn’t going blind, Shao Zhan’s shoulder blade was covered with a tattoo. 

Lin Jiang Sixth High was a traditional liberal arts institution with a pile of harsh rules. Xu Sheng’s usual actions were already considered ‘heavy crimes’, but he was afraid all his misdeeds could not beat study god on this part: tattoos are banned for students during school.

Shao Zhan’s usual attitude was like the disciplinary committee. Even the school rules had been overturned; he actually had a tattoo on his body?

Xu Sheng was stunned and didn’t look anymore. He belatedly realised that he had run into some secret.

Shao Zhan’s situation was also not too good. 

He closed his door. The bedroom was the same as yesterday. His just reviewed ‘Mock College Entrance Exam’ lay on the table. Nothing had changed.

A few minutes later, his upper body was bare but he could not go on to the next step. In his stalemate, he discovered something cold sticking to his chest. He lowered his head to look and saw a key.

Who would’ve thought the school tyrant would hang a key around his neck?

For a moment, Shao Zhan thought of a kind of pitiful homeless child, but when he saw the six words of ‘not normal, not to be provoked’ written all over the face in the mirror, he quickly drove this idea out of his mind. 

This night was predestined to be difficult for falling asleep.

The two of them both thought that it would be fine after sleeping; when he opened his eyes the next day, he would still be…

Xu Sheng and Shao Zhan were both wide awake into the middle of the night before they fell asleep. They were each woken up by the sunlight coming in through the window. They raised their hand to cover their eyes, then got up after a while.

After washing up, they once again looked in the mirror. It was still the same hopeless face in the mirror. 

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As such, they had no choice but to acknowledge a cruel reality:

Xu Sheng was still “Shao Zhan”.


Shao Zhan was still “Xu Sheng”.

At this time, the school campus had become lively under the morning light. One after another, there were classmates who had finished tidying up their appearance, and were walking out from the dormitory building: “Let’s meet in the cafeteria.” 

“Eh, did you do your assignment yet? Let me use it as a reference later.”

“Can you call that using it as a reference? That’s copying!”

“Why do you want to draw such a clear line when it’s between brothers? Your assignment is also my assignment.”


Xu Sheng scooped up a handful of water and buried his face in it. He discovered that after one night, he had no more ideas about the situation right now.

Sometimes, a person’s ability to accept was just that strong.

He believed that no matter what happened today, he could deal with it calmly and coolly.

That was what Xu Sheng thought as he pulled open the door after he had finished washing up. Coincidentally, the door of the dorm opposite also opened, then he saw “Xu Sheng” wearing a school uniform appear in the doorway. 

Xu Sheng’s reasoning began to waver. “…”

The shock that Shao Zhan received wasn’t small either. “Shao Zhan” was wearing a t-shirt with a letter design, with a pair of ripped jeans underneath, as if he was going out onto the street to skate the very next second.

The two of them were more or less the same height, and their clothes were the same size, so they could get by wearing each other’s.

Xu Sheng and Shao Zhan rarely had times where they said and thought the same things. “What is that you’re wearing!?” 

Xu Sheng, “I don’t wear school uniforms. Since you’re now inside me…” When he said that, he realised what a ruthless phrase that was. He paused, then continued, “Anyway, change out of that.”

Shao Zhan wasn’t looking too good either. He said with a cold expression, “You change your clothes too.”

The two of them each took a step back. After they finished changing clothes, they laid out three commandments. Number one, no breaking character. Number two, no breaking character. Number three, no breaking character.

Although they didn’t know when this was going to end, for a good student who usually followed the rules to suddenly let go of themselves, it would be a huge shock to the teachers and students, as well as to the good student himself. Likewise for the bad student. 

Three commandments. End.

Shao Zhan asked, “What do you usually do during morning study?”

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Xu Sheng, “Sleep.”

Xu Sheng felt that this would be a bit difficult for Shao Zhan, so he added, “If you can’t sleep, there are two manhua books under my desk. Your turn.” 

It was weird to summarise his morning study life like this. Shao Zhan was quiet for a moment before he said, “Memorise vocabulary, collect homework.”

Xu Sheng thought about it. It wasn’t very difficult.

Neither of them brought up the matter of the tattoo or the key.

Strictly speaking, those were personal matters. Even though the two of them were in this special situation right now, their relationship hadn’t matured to that level yet. 

After eating breakfast, they went to class. Most of the second year Class Seven had arrived.

When Xu Sheng entered the class, he spent a long time searching before he found the English vocabulary handbook for the college entrance exams. He casually flipped open to a page and looked at it while resting his chin in his hand.

Shao Zhan’s deskmate was a male, bespectacled student. Xu Sheng didn’t have a deep impression of him, but the two of them were only separated by an aisle, so he knew that he usually studied quite seriously, and was the type to memorise books entirely.

Xu Sheng hadn’t managed to flip through many pages of the handbook before his deskmate carefully used a pen to nudge him. 

Xu Sheng tilted his head. “Something up?”

The deskmate usually had a love for the study god that was like a flowing river. He had an introverted personality, and looked a little bit shy, and was even a bit ashamed to speak out. Xu Sheng saw that his face was red, as though he was mustering up the courage before he took out a book titled ‘Intensive High School Mathematics Exercise Questions’. “Study god, there’s a function problem. I looked at the answer but I still don’t quite get it.”

As the deskmate spoke, he opened up a green-coloured question book that shocked Xu Sheng.

Given that f(x)=|x-a|, g(x)=x^2+2ax+1 (a is a positive integer), and the functions f(x) and g(x) have equal y axis intercepts. 

(1) Find the value of a

(2) Find the increasing interval of f(x)+g(x)

(3) If n is a positive integer, prove that 10^f(n)(4/5)^g(n)<4

When these words were separated, Xu Sheng recognised them all. 

When put together in a sentence, he couldn’t understand it.

He even wanted to ask Shao Zhan’s deskmate: What’s an interval?


He also really wanted to ask Shao Zhan himself, why didn’t he mention his deskmate asking him questions as part of his morning study activities. Fucking hell, this question, he didn’t know how to do it.

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