39th -【Try and touch him】

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When Chu Yu returned to the dormitory during self-study the next night, he consciously followed and rushed into Lu Shi’s dorm.

Two chairs were placed side by side in front of the desk. Chu Yu sat down on one chair and gazed expectantly at Lu Shi, waiting for the great god to carry him.

Seeing him sit upright like an elementary school student, Lu Shi loosened the two top buttons of his white shirt with one hand and sat down. “You’re not worried about being pitted?”


Chu Yu was full of confidence— Lu Shi was an expert who could carry his rubbish grades from the bottom to the top two hundred.

Two hours later, Lu Shi was holding a pencil and answering questions while Chu Yu quietly held his phone, playing games at the side.

Until exploding fireworks appeared one after another on the screen, Chu Yu was still in a bout of disbelief. “Fuck, I won this?”

The tip of a pencil wrote two numbers on the paper, then Lu Shi raised his eyes and asked him, “Unhappy?”

“Happy, of course!”

Chu Yu seemed to have flowing amber in his eyes as he pretended to be emotional. “Ai, I can’t be an RMB player, but I possess the strongest plug-in!”

He also deliberately questioned, “Do you know what my plug-in is called?”

Lu Shi was very cooperative. “What?”

Chu Yu smiled, his eyes curving. “It’s Lu Shi!”

Briefly rubbing Chu Yu’s fine, soft hair, Lu Shi said, “Go back and sleep, you still have to get up early tomorrow.”

Chu Yu had a bitter face, but remembering that the sports event Lu Shi had signed up for was something he’d chosen for him, plus the training schedule being drawn up by himself, he must take responsibility and not give up halfway!

Thinking of this, he was full of fighting spirit once more. “Then you must come and wake me up again tomorrow!”


Early the next morning, it was no different from the day before. Chu Yu wandered like a spirit as he went to open the door then headed back to sleep while rolled up in his quilt.

Lu Shi stood by the bed, watching him intently.

There was a faint scent of orange blossoms in the air.

Chu Yu had very good skin and thick eyelashes. His head was resting on a soft pillow and gave the impression of ‘let me sleep even if heaven falls and earth ends; do not wake me up’.

Lu Shi called him, “Chu Yu, get up.”

Chu Yu issued a nasally sound, “Nnh,” without his eyelashes trembling at all

“Chu Yu.”

This time, he didn’t even bother humming.

Lu Shi didn’t speak any more, but instead reached out his hand and pinched Chu Yu’s nose.

“Ah Lu Shi, let go—”

Chu Yu opened his eyes, put his hand on Lu Shi’s wrist, and whined.

Only then did Lu Shi release his fingers. “Get up.”

After a night’s sleep, his whole person was limp and soft. Chu Yu rubbed against the quilt encasing him and said hoarsely, “Pull me up?”

Lu Shi complied and stretched out his hand.

Chu Yu slowly took out his hand from inside the quilt and used Lu Shi’s strength to sit up, then yawned.

His thick eyelashes were moist with tears, resembling crow feathers moistened by rain.

Shaking his dazed head, Chu Yu watched Lu Shi take out a white cap and hoodie from the closet. He readily took off his pajamas, raised his arms, and cooperated with Lu Shi who helped him dress.

It wasn’t until Lu Shi helped him straighten his hat that Chu Yu faintly realized that something was wrong— Lu Shi had helped him dress… Wasn’t that not so ideal?

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But Lu Shi’s expressions and movements were all too normal, and thus, the sole sense of abnormality that sprouted in Chu Yu’s heart was also broken apart.

With his head still a bit confused, Chu Yu stepped barefoot on the carpet and scuttled into the bathroom to tidy up.

Less than two minutes later, Chu Yu came out with a ‘thud thud’ sound carrying a toothbrush in his mouth while yelling indistinctly, “Shit, today is Saturday!”

Lu Shi, who had one hand in his pocket as he looked at the lushly growing Strelitzia, nodded when he heard his words. “En, Saturday.”

“I thought it was Friday today! Then why wake up so early? That’s right, have to run, okay…”

Returning to the bathroom, Chu Yu looked at himself in the mirror and was startled by the realization that he was really spending his days in a trance.

Every day it was playing on the phone, sleeping, reading comics, then repeating the previous day the next day, without any changes.

It was immensely boring.

After spitting out the white foam in his mouth, Chu Yu grabbed a paper towel and wiped off the water droplets on his face, his eyes dull.

After breakfast, Chu Yu felt a bit downcast. He asked Lu Shi, “Are you going home? With Zhu Zhifei?”

“Going back. Not with Zhu Zhifei, he already returned last night.”

“Oh, I see.”

Chu Yu thought for a while. “Then I’ll go back too. I was in school previously during National Day, and I haven’t been home in a long time anyway.”

Chu Yu called the driver to pick him up. Lu Shi waited for him to leave before getting on the bus back to Qingchuan Road.

The bus stop on Qingchuan Road hadn’t been renovated for several years. Apart from small advertisements on the stop signs, there was also messy graffiti. There was a hole in the awning, and of the three plastic seats fixed below it, only one could be sat upon. The other two had either been broken or thrown away. Only their rusty bases were left, amassing water and containing a few barbecue sticks stuck inside.

With a black school bag hanging from one shoulder, Lu Shi passed under the dense, messily intersected, black electric wires and walked home.

He had earphones in his ears. The black earphone’s cord contrasted against his neckline and cold white skin, it winded around and finally disappeared into the pocket of his clothes.

Arriving down a flight of stairs, a sharp whistle suddenly sounded.

A stray orange cat that was lying down and dozing off was startled by the sound of the whistle and ran for it.

Lu Shi stopped, turned around, and saw a Maybach 62S with a yellow license plate1. Its body was much longer than a regular car, occupying most of the road.

The triangular metal logo2 in the front of the car and its shiny black body were out of place when compared with the entire Qingchuan Road.

The door of the driver’s seat opened and a driver wearing white gloves exited the car and respectfully opened the door of the back seat.

Lu Shaochu, who was wearing a dark blue suit, eventually looked straight at Lu Shi who was standing still.

Their two gazes met, but Lu Shi had no intention of opening his mouth to speak.

Ultimately, Lu Shaochu spoke first.

The smile lines on his cheeks were deep. His masseter muscles moved slightly as he spoke in a deep voice, “Still want me to personally get out of the car and invite you?”

Lu Shi got in the car.

Inside, the car was very spacious, covered in dark gray carpets with the intelligent control fragrance system operating. There was a strong scent in the air, which made Lu Shi feel stifled and even nauseous.

Half of the dial on Lu Shaochu’s wrist was exposed as he placed his hands on his knees. He told the driver to turn off the light music then turned to Lu Shi. “Do I have to come to you?”

Lu Shi didn’t answer, simply saying, “Change places before talking.”

He meant something along the lines of, ‘Don’t you think that you and your car being here seem abrupt and unsuitable?’

Lu Shaochu watched Lu Shi for a few seconds then instructed the driver, “Go to Auspicious Luxury Hotel.”

The Maybach drove slowly out of Qingchuan Road, leaving the shabbiness and noise behind.

Lu Shaochu pinched the space between his brows and asked, “Just came back from school?”


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“At this time, the monthly exams have passed, right? Received first place again?”


“I checked your account. The money on your card hasn’t lessened. What’s the matter?”

“I have money myself.”

“Lu Shi,” Lu Shaochu’s voice sank, repressing his anger, “you have money? Where did it come from? Is it that tiny amount of award money from those underground car races? Money made from mixing up with those people from all sorts of trades?”

Seeing Lu Shi’s cold expression and him not saying a word, Lu Shaochu stated sternly, “Lu Shi, you’re the only heir to my Lu family. Even if you’re at a rebellious age and enjoy excitement, don’t make fun of your life! Don’t you know the severity of this?”

Hearing these words, Lu Shi shifted his eyes and met Lu Shaochu’s sight.

The two were father and son with similar nose bridges and mouth corners, but their eyes weren’t alike in any way.

A faint ridicule appeared in Lu Shi’s eyes and his voice was almost flat. “You took time out of your busy schedule this week because you were afraid I’d have an accident and cause the Lu family to have no successor, so you specially came to scold me? It’s really been hard on you.”

Lu Shaochu rubbed his temples again.

“I stayed up late for a meeting two days in a row. I don’t have that much energy to waste on you.”

Lu Shi moved his line of sight towards the outside of the car window. “Then don’t waste it, isn’t it good to be at peace?”

The car stopped in front of the gate of Auspicious Luxury Hotel.

A manager in an all-black suit was ushering people to wait.

Seeing Lu Shaochu and Lu Shi getting out of the car, the manager hurried up to greet them with a very proper expression and attitude. “Mr. Lu, Young Master Lu, the private room has already been prepared as requested.”

Lu Shaochu didn’t want to expose his family’s ugliness in front of outsiders, so he sorted out his suit and said, “You’ve worked hard, lead the way.” After he finished speaking, he glanced at Lu Shi and saw that he’d followed and hadn’t turned on his heels. There was some comfort in his heart— in any case, his son was willing to give him some face.         









According to wiki, black-on-yellow license plate means heavy/light hand-assisted tractors, special-use vehicles, electric cars.


The carved door of the private room was closed.

The lighting was very good, the large oil paintings hanging on the walls were vivid, and the thick soft carpet cleanly absorbed all the sounds of their footsteps.

When Lu Shi put down his bag and sat across from him, Lu Shaochu adjusted his cuffs. “I’ve already ordered the kitchen to cook some dishes that you like. Have you been eating properly while being out for so long? You’re thin.”

Lu Shi raised his eyes to look at him. “Stop playing the tender card, what do you want to say?”

With a ‘ke’, the teacup was put down. Lu Shaochu started, “For your grandfather’s birthday banquet, you must come back. The only grandson isn’t there, what would outsiders say if they saw?”        

He lowered his voice before continuing, “I know, you’re angry that we’ve lied to you for more than ten years, but feel your conscience and think about it, who doesn’t know your mother—”

Seeing Lu Shi’s expression turn cold, Lu Shaochu changed his words. “Weiyun has treated you well since you were a child and all while taking care of you, she really raised you as her son. Even if you have no blood relationship, after more than ten years of raising you to this age, no matter what, there ought to be affection.”   

Lu Shi was noncommittal. “Is that so?”     

Lu Shaochu was once proud that Lu Shi was resolute and extremely smart since a young age. He was an excellent candidate for a successor.

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Now, he finally felt what it was like for a son to be too stubborn.

“Lu Shi, we’ll talk and reason. I, as your father, can understand that you suddenly learned that the mother who has been shouting for more than ten years isn’t your birth parent, and the stimulation caused by this, alongside the feeling of being internally unable to calm down in a short period of time, is all something I try to comprehend as much as possible.

“So you saying you were leaving home, not seeing Weiyun or even me, and running to Qingchuan Road to live alone, I also understand and approve. But everything should have a limit, right?”

He assumed a gentle expression. “Your rebellious stage is over and your frame of mind is calm, so it’s time to return home. Your grandfather misses you very much and frequently talks about you. Weiyun also mentioned you a few days ago, saying that the temperature has cooled down, and she’s wondering if you’ve caught a cold or fell ill. We’re all very worried about you living outside alone.”

Lu Shi didn’t answer, but instead turned to the paper bag Lu Shaochu was holding. “What’s inside?”

“For your moth— a gift for Weiyun.”

Lu Shaochu smiled and said, “Would you like to take a look? You’ve known Weiyun’s preferences the most since you were a child, and you’ve never been mistaken. Can you help Dad appraise it, is this gift bought just fine?”


Hearing Lu Shi’s response, Lu Shao said in his heart that sure enough, his son was merely twisted and not bent, the affection between mother and child was still there.

He passed the gift box over.

Lu Shi opened it and saw there was a set of jadeite jewelry with excellent quality.

“The shape of the necklace is incorrect, she’ll like the rest.”

“You’ve always understood her preferences best, so Dad is relieved.”

Lu Shaochu was intending to ease the relationship between the two so he mentioned, “Weiyun often wears the diamond necklace you gave her before. When attending those tea parties and going to salons, she’d tell everyone she came across that this was a gift you gave her. There must be many people who envy you for your sensibility and filial piety.”

Lu Shi lowered his eyelashes, making it difficult to distinguish the emotions in his eyes. “Hm, she’s fond of wearing it.”

The air was suffocating. Lu Shi stood up. “I’ll go outside to get some fresh air. I’ll be back soon.”

It wasn’t until he left Lu Shaochu’s sight that Lu Shi couldn’t control his expression and it became completely cold. His eyes deepened, like an ice field shrouded in darkness.

The turmoil being firmly suppressed in his heart kept rushing upwards, seemingly burning away his reason like a black fire.

Lu Shi clenched his fists until his nails penetrated into his flesh, causing a stinging pain which calmed him slightly.

Auspicious Luxury Hotel was a five-star high-end hotel chain which belonged under the banner of the Lu clan. This chain in S city had a sky corridor that overlooked the city.

Lu Shi walked over.

The sky corridor was very large, planted with flowers and trees of various colors. The aisles were winding, which had the effect of changing the scenery as one walked.

The wind blowing from the high-rise buildings came and the surroundings were quiet.

Lu Shi stood for a while, until the cool wind blew all over his body and he became completely cold. After making sure his expression and state had no gaps, he turned around, preparing to return to the private room.

That was when a voice came from behind the cluster of plants next to him.

The voice was a bit familiar.

“Did you get the drug? …The one with the best effects, the price isn’t a problem so things mustn’t go wrong… Make sure of it. It’s tasteless when thrown in a glass, works in ten minutes, and the person would be unconscious for three or four hours?”

The person laughed twice. “The time mustn’t be that long, three hours is enough for a taste. If the length is too long, it’ll arouse people’s suspicion…”

It wasn’t known what the person on the other side of the phone said, but the voice was smiling as it responded, “That little young master, with a pampered body and precious meat, is youthful so he definitely tastes good, but he’s also a lot of trouble. I’ll realize my dream of tasting him once, no god or ghost would know. I shouldn’t be greedy or I’ll have to suffer losses going forward… Ok, let’s not talk about this anymore, I left halfway and can’t delay for too long. I still have to go back to socialize.”

Lu Shi stared at a spiky thorn on a vine.

He Zhiyuan on the other side didn’t know there was someone next to him.

He searched for a number in his phone’s contacts and called it.

“Ah’Hao, busy?”

“…Brother wants to ask you for a favor. Do you think you can make an appointment with Chu Yu in the following two days? …I know he doesn’t like seeing me, maybe he misunderstood me from the start…”

“Brother rarely asks you for something, can you help your older brother just this once? When he comes to the appointment, I’ll try my best to make it clear to him. Wouldn’t it be a good thing if Chu Yu’s view regarding me can be changed?

“…Yeah, I’ll decide the location, time—”

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At that moment, there was a sudden sharp pain on his shoulder. The numbing pain spread along his nerves to his fingertips, like an electric shock. He Zhiyuan’s five fingers became limp and loosened, causing his phone to slam on the ground with a ‘pa’.

Immediately afterwards, his wrists and ankles were agilely dislocated and his knees were heavily trampled on. The severe pain made him scream as his vision blacked out for a while.

Before He Zhiyuan could recover his strength, he was fiercely seized by the neck and nearly hauled forward.

His brain rapidly became deprived of oxygen, his vision began to blur, and the veins in his temples swelled as if they were about to explode!

When he finally reacted, he was already being pressed against the edge of the sky corridor.

Behind him was a railing and reinforced glass the height of half a person, not to mention it was dozens of stories high in the air.

The wind was very strong, and He Zhiyuan’s body quickly broke out in a clammy cold sweat. He shook, then started to tremble.


He spoke with difficulty. His eyes gradually focused and he saw the person in front of him clearly. He Zhiyuan suddenly fell silent.

He’d seen the boy who was clutching his neck.

He’d heard this person’s name from He Zhihao’s mouth, Lu Shi.

Lu Shi, who was clasping He Zhiyuan’s neck with his fingers, saw the other’s flushed face turn purple and his difficulty in breathing, but the force of his fingers didn’t relax in the slightest.

He even pushed He Zhiyuan further, suspending most of his body in midair. Using his other free hand, he pulled at his own clothes to loosen them.

The space between his eyebrows was filled with colliding hostility.

At this moment, He Zhiyuan instinctively sensed the danger— Lu Shi wanted to kill him, or, wanted to let go and throw him down from here.

The wind raged from the tall buildings, like torned bellows pouring down from the sky.

He Zhiyuan’s eyeballs were bulging out and his face was a purplish red, beads of sweat dripped down his swollen temples but were quickly blown away by the strong wind.

He couldn’t stop trembling in fright. Even tears and snot flowed out, muddling half of his face. Because of fear, his pupils shrank as small as the tip of a needle, and his throat had difficulty breathing.

Lu Shi’s expression was cold to the extreme, and he wasn’t even breathing.

His knuckles were exerting force with such strength that they lost their color.

At that moment, the phone in his pocket rang several consecutive message beeps.

Lu Shi didn’t have many friends, and there were even fewer people in his chat software list. Both Zhu Zhifei and Wei Guanglei were used to calling him.

Only Chu Yu would often send him messages.

Firmly pressing He Zhiyuan onto the reinforced glass’ metal pillar, Lu Shi spoke his first sentence.

His voice was very soft, blending with the howling wind, but birthing infinite fear in the hearts of people.

“Try and touch him, if you dare?”









The author has something to say: Here’s a heart shaped by sunlight reflected on a skyscraper’s glass exterior wall~

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