Chapter 44.1 – I Promised You

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Chu Yu propped his hand on the cold rock wall of the cave, walked back cautiously, and urged, “Rep, Rep, quick quick quick, make a sound, it’ll be good for me to hear some noises to determine your position.”

There wasn’t a trace of light around and Chu Yu felt a little scared—

Will I bump into a fucking ghost in the next second?

“School Flower, I’m here.”

 “Fuck! What did I step on?”

“Fuck! School Flower, you stepped on my calf! Your level of sound localization isn’t so good!”    

“Ah? This is your calf? I thought I stepped on something else, scared me to death.”

Chu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, fumbled around, and sat down against the rock wall. “I went to the entrance of the cave to take a look just now and it was tightly blocked. We definitely won’t be able to push it open with only the two of us.”

Regarding the situation just now, Zhang Yueshan still had lingering fears. He stumbled on his words, “Earlier… did we encounter a mountain landslide?”         

Speaking out loud the last two words, Zhang Yueshan’s heart was still beating fiercely. 

He’d only seen landslides in books and videos before, but seeing it this time with his own eyes made him realize how horrible it truly was. 

Looking back now, Zhang Yueshan felt that he was merely a millimeter away from his death moments ago.

“It should be a landslide. The rolling rocks and soil blocked the cave entrance in one go. We definitely can’t get out with just the two of us, unless we suddenly awaken some power, gain super-strength, or are able to attract thunder and lightning so we could blast the cave’s mouth open.”

After finishing his feigned relaxed speech, Chu Yu opened his mouth. Unable to utter a sound, he simply went quiet again.

Thinking of the scene earlier when countless gravel and soil came tumbling down like a waterfall from above, Chu Yu couldn’t help but once again look in the direction of the cave entrance.  

Neither of them spoke.


Hearing Zhang Yueshan apologize, Chu Yu was puzzled. “Why suddenly say sorry to me?”          

“I shouldn’t have dragged you out to find some wild matsutake when it was raining heavily.” Zhang Yueshan wiped his face. “If it weren’t- if it weren’t for me insisting on searching for wild matsutake, you wouldn’t have come out with me. If we hadn’t come out, we wouldn’t have run into a landslide at all, and then we wouldn’t be trapped in this cave, unable to leave…”

With limited vision, hearing would become sensitive, therefore Chu Yu could hear Zhang Yueshan’s voice shaking. 

This won’t do.

“Class Rep, even if what you say makes sense, you can’t think that way. Your motive was good from the start, foraging wild matsutake then returning to make soup so everyone could try it together. Besides, what’s with that ‘only if’ nonsense, how could anyone know that there’d be an accident the first thing they went out tomorrow? One can’t really tell when it comes to accidents and whatnot. I could be walking on the street and a flower pot could smash my brain into blooming outta my head, am I right? You’re not a god. Similarly, you had no idea there’d be a sudden landslide prior to going out.”   

“Chu Yu, don’t comfort me.” Zhang Yueshan smiled bitterly as he spoke faster and faster, “If it weren’t for me… if it weren’t for me running up the mountain on a rainy day on a whim; no, if it wasn’t for me setting up the celebration party in this villa, there’d be no such thing taking place. Basically—”   

“Class Rep.”   

Chu Yu interrupted Zhang Yueshan.

The relaxed tone he’d deliberately assumed vanished, Chu Yu’s voice was very soft yet also very serious. “Class Rep, with our current situation, you’re afraid, and I too am afraid. But is being afraid useful right now? It’s useless. You blame yourself over and over again, but it’s of no help apart from aggravating your fear and negative emotions. Plus, talking so much even wastes oxygen.”  

Zhang Yueshan fell silent.      

Chu Yu clenched his fists, hiding his trembling fingertips into the palm of his hands. He even purposely pinched his palms with his nails, using the tingling pain to try calming his voice. 

“First things first, my phone is missing, it’s probably buried. How about yours?”

“Mine’s also missing.”  

“Then second thing, are you hurt?”

“No.” Zhang Yueshan took a deep breath. “The rain was too heavy, didn’t we just stand at the entrance of the cave to take shelter from it? The surroundings began to shake and there was a sound nearing. At that time, you pulled me and we ran a few steps into the cave together, then we fell. I should only have some injuries on my lower back which was scratched by a sharp stone on the ground. There’s no bleeding at the moment and it doesn’t hurt.”      

“That’s good. But back then we fell down because it was shaking too hard, I couldn’t stand firmly, and when I fell I twisted my ankle.”

Zhang Yueshan had always thought that Chu Yu was a little delicate. He didn’t expect that Chu Yu could hide any indication that he had a painfully sprained ankle. He anxiously asked, “Is it serious?”       

“It hurts, but the bones should be fine.”

Chu Yu was usually very afraid of pain, but at present, spraining an ankle and the accompanying pain was basically nothing. 

Chu Yu continued questioning, “What are you carrying on your body?”         

Influenced by Chu Yu’s attitude and emotions, Zhang Yueshan also gradually calmed down.

He enumerated one by one. “I carried a bag when we went out, but there’s only two bottles of mineral water, a bottle of fruit juice, a packet of biscuits, and two chocolates in it. Oh right, there’s also a rechargeable small flashlight. This is my school bag. Before the monthly exams, the lights in the dormitory would shut off at night so I’d use a flashlight to read. As a result, this has always been stuffed into my bag and never taken out.”   

The two took out the flashlight first.       

The moment the switch was turned on, there was finally no longer just darkness before them.

With the light, they could clearly see each other’s faces. Chu Yu smiled, Zhang Yueshan was startled, but also smiled.   

With the flashlight shining, Chu Yu looked down at his sprained ankle.

“It’s swollen a bit badly but it’s not serious. It won’t be disabled.”   

Touching the white plastic switch, Chu Yu asked, “Class Rep, how long can your flashlight last?”

Zhang Yueshan recalled. “When I bought it, it was written on the package that the strong light could last for seven hours and the night light for fifty hours.”    

“Fifty hours? Awesome! I like this flashlight. Quick quick quick, let’s turn off the strong light and turn on the night light instead!”        


The night light was a small bulb attached to the tail of the flashlight and covered with a blue plastic cover. The light wasn’t strong, but at least there was light. 

Both of them heaved a sigh of relief.     

Chu Yu also enumerated and stated, “I don’t have a lot of things on my body. There are a few fruit candies in my pocket, and three packets of biscuits, all handed to me by Dream-Ge yesterday, which I didn’t eat and left in the bag.”

He counted with his fingers. “Two bottles of 550 mL mineral water, one bottle of 300 mL juice, four packets of biscuits, two chocolates, six fruit candies, and a flashlight. We have to rely on these and persist until someone comes to rescue us.”

Zhang Yueshan said no more demoralizing words. “We definitely can.”

“Mm, yeah, we definitely can.”

Chu Yu sat cross-legged on the ground, hand guarding his injured ankle while looking towards the depths of the cave.    

“Class Rep, say… should we walk further inside and assess the situation?”        

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Chu Yu added, “The protagonists in comics are commonly trapped in caves and will all find mechas, magic swords, or gates to another world inside the deepest part of the cave.”    

Zhang Yueshan also stared at the pitch-black depths of the cave. “The protagonists of martial arts novels will find peerless secret books on martial arts.”  

Chu Yu questioned, “Go or not?”

“Go, we’re just sitting anyway.”      

Zhang Yueshan still remembered Chu Yu’s sprained foot. “Why don’t I go and see while you, School Flower, wait for me here?”  


Chu Yu stood up with the help of the rock wall. “There’s just the two of us, let’s go together. We’ll cooperate somehow.”

Another reason I can’t mention is that I heard two ghost stories last night, I’m scared!

Zhang Yueshan supported Chu Yu while holding a flashlight in his other hand and carefully walked deeper into the cave.

However, they had yet to walk far when they met a dead end.

Chu Yu sighed. “Sure enough, we’re both mortals. There’s no magic circle leading to another world, and no martial arts secret book.”

The two walked back.

After two steps, Chu Yu suddenly stopped and inclined his head to ask Zhang Yueshan, “Class Rep, do you… feel anything?”

“What?” Zhang Yueshan carefully felt around and suddenly caught on. “There’s wind!”

“Yeah, I also feel like it’s windy.”   

The two of them lay on the rock wall for a long time before they felt a hint of a different air current from a big stone. 

Zhang Yueshan was pleasantly surprised. “Although this stone is too thick for us to push away, if there’s wind, no matter where it blows, we’ll never suffocate to death due to lack of oxygen!”


The two returned to the place not far from the cave’s entrance and sat there again.

It was quiet inside the cave, even one’s heartbeat could be heard.          

After sitting for a while, Zhang Yueshan, who was staring at the faint light of the flashlight, asked, “School Flower, how long do you think it’ll take for people outside to discover that we’re in danger? No one knows where we went, which direction we were headed, or which way we took.”

“Soon. Lu Shi will figure it out.”

Because of the blood-sucking event after Lu Shi’s 3,000-meter run, Chu Yu’s blood meal time had been adjusted to this morning.

If Lu Shi couldn’t wait for him to come back before noon, he’d definitely know that he hadn’t returned.   

“Yes, Lu-Shen will definitely figure it out, definitely will.”    

Zhang Yueshan didn’t question this inexplicable sentence, but rather firmly believed it.

People always subconsciously grabbed onto that little hope.


Chapter 44.2 – I Promised You

Under the illumination of the flashlight’s night light, they could see the stones on the ground. Zhang Yueshan pinched a few of them in his hand and moved his fingers like he was playing with a Rubik’s Cube to relieve his anxiety.

“School Flower, why aren’t you afraid? I won’t hide it from you, I’m really very scared. While telling myself to be calm, I can’t help but be frightened. I’m only 17 years old. I haven’t even taken the college entrance exam, nor have I seen my parents’ faces. Will I just… right here? Thinking this way, I just can’t calm down.”

Chu Yu thought for a while. “It’s probably because I’m not afraid of death.”

He easily uttered the word ‘death’.

Chu Yu also stared at the little light of the night light.

His mother had already given up on him and was usually occupied with work. If he really couldn’t return this time, Shi Yaling might still feel sad, but she was never a person who’d let her emotions get the best of her, so she’d soon be back to work.

His brother and sister would definitely cry. However, they’d soon fall in love, get married, have children, and have their own career, family, and future.

Time would easily whittle away the grief.

Lu Shi—

Lu Shi.

Chu Yu’s heart seemed as if it was gripped tightly, a little uncomfortable.

If he died, what would happen to Lu Shi?

That day in the classroom, Lu Shi had said that if he’d only live for a few years, then Chu Yu would be given a few years of his blood. Whereas if he lived for hundreds of years, then until death, his blood was Chu Yu’s.

Or, the two of them could simply die together. That way, after Lu Shi died, he wouldn’t go around drinking other people’s blood.

Chu Yu thought, then what about me.

If I die before you, would you let others suck your blood?

No, it was unlikely.

After all, in this world, it was estimated that there was no second little monster who consumed blood like him.

He didn’t want to have other people drinking Lu Shi’s blood.

Didn’t want it one bit.

Darkness seemed capable of nibbling away all bright emotions.

Chu Yu was leaning on the clammy rock wall, thinking that it didn’t matter if he suddenly died here, he was a blood-sucking monster anyway.


Chu Yu shook his head and shouted stop at himself in his heart.

Can’t have such thoughts.

It wasn’t known how long it took, but suddenly there was an unbearable dry itching and slight pain in his throat. When the familiar heat surged from every blood vessel, Chu Yu realized he was thirsty for blood again.

Since having Lu Shi’s blood, Chu Yu hadn’t experienced this unrelievable feeling of hunger for a long time.

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Every nerve seemed to be roasting on fire. The blood vessels in his temples drew taut and throbbed, giving the illusion that they’d burst in the next moment.

Chu Yu shifted his position and plastered his hot palms on the rock wall. “Class Rep, I’ll sleep for a while. I’m a little sleepy.”

Zhang Yueshan, who was lost in thought, nodded when he heard his words. “Okay, you go to sleep.”

He said he was going to sleep, but Chu Yu didn’t fall asleep much.

His consciousness floated back and forth between sleep and wakefulness. Lu Shi’s tranquil sleeping face sunken in a white pillow when he’d woken up this morning involuntarily emerged in his mind. In the blink of an eye, it transformed into a dark cave where a large group of black bats was suddenly flying out with their flapping wings.

In a trance, there was light at the entrance of the cave.

Chu Yu muttered, “Someone came to save us?”

“School Flower, are you awake?”

Hearing Zhang Yueshan’s voice, Chu Yu slowly sobered up and realized that he was dreaming, or hallucinating just now.

He rubbed his eyes. “En, I woke up.”

The flashlight was placed on the ground, akin to a small lighthouse in the dark.

Zhang Yueshan was worried. “School Flower, are you ill? I heard you breathing heavily and thought that you had a fever, but I touched your forehead and it seems that you don’t. The temperature was normal.”

Chu Yu shook his head. “I don’t have a fever.”

His throat was a bit hoarse.

At this time, Chu Yu smelled a faint bitter odor.

After a while, Chu Yu remembered that there was a wound on Zhang Yueshan’s lower back, so it should be the smell of his blood.

He wasn’t hungry previously and didn’t notice it.

But now that he was, he was instinctively sensitive to the smell of blood.

“By the way, I found a good method!”

Zhang Yueshan said excitedly, “Isn’t there a battery indicator on my flashlight? There are five bars in total. The night light can stay on for fifty hours, that is to say, every time an indicator light dies out, about ten hours have passed!”

Chu Yu smiled and replied, “Hmm, right, this way we can know the time.”

When the second indicator light diminished, Chu Yu’s reaction had already begun to get sluggish. His heartbeat slammed against his eardrums and his brain was muddled.

He repeatedly pressed his hot palm and the back of his hand against the cold rock wall alternately.

Hearing a small sound, Chu Yu smiled and said, “Class Rep, your stomach is calling.”

He then pointed to the biscuits. “Would you like to eat some first?”

The hungry Zhang Yueshan tossed and turned but couldn’t sleep. Unexpectedly, Chu Yu had heard the sound of his stomach grumbling. He was indeed quite hungry, but he also knew that they only had this little food in total.

Chu Yu knew what he was thinking. “It’s okay, we have four packs of biscuits. Open one pack and eat, and drink a little water as well. Then quickly sleep and have a good rest.”

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Yueshan didn’t object again. He opened a packet of biscuits, took out two pieces, and quickly put them in his mouth. He poured a bit of water into his mouth as he swallowed the food. The feeling of hunger in his stomach was only half gone.

Zhang Yueshan fell asleep.

Chu Yu stretched out his hand, took out the remaining piece of biscuit from the wrapping paper and hid it in his pocket, pretending that he’d eaten a biscuit too.

At the villa.

Seeing Fang Ziqi coming in, Dream-Ge stood up abruptly and hurriedly asked, “How is it? Did anyone find them?”

“Still the same, no progress.”

Fang Ziqi poured hot water to reduce the moist and cold water vapor on his body.

“The search and rescue team is already in place, but the most troublesome thing is that we can’t confirm School Flower and Zhang Yueshan’s exact location.” He gestured the numbers with his fingers. “This time, the Qingming Mountain landslide has collapsed in three places, one in the south and two north of us. People went to these three locations and are looking everywhere. But, there’s no definite aim for digging, thus there’s no efficiency. Not to mention it’s a waste of rescue time.”

Dream-Ge basically didn’t sleep, so there was a layer of greenish black beneath his eyes. He patted his forehead and thought hard. “When Class Rep took School Flower out of the villa, I asked where they were going to find Matsutakes. Class Rep answered that they’ll leave it to luck.”

Several people had been recalling the scenes before Zhang Yueshan and Chu Yu had left countless times, but they hadn’t remembered any useful information.

Dream-Ge lay on the table, saying the words he’d said an unknown number of times, “If only I had persuaded them to stay when they were about to leave.”

Li Hua patted Dream-Ge on the shoulder and said nothing.

Fang Ziqi put down the cup and suddenly remembered. “By the way, where’s Lu-Shen?”

Li Hua shook his head. “I don’t know, Lu-Shen went out last night and hasn’t returned until now.”

He still clearly remembered how Lu Shi’s face had suddenly paled when he learned that contact with Chu Yu had been lost and it was unknown whether he’d met with disaster.

At that moment, he’d worried if Lu Shi could stand stably.

Dream-Ge’s eyes were red. He wiped the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand and spoke in a low muffled voice, “We were obviously still telling ghost stories the night before, why did this happen all of a sudden? School Flower and Class Rep are so good, surely they won’t get into trouble, right?”

Li Hua turned his face away, his eyes flushing badly.

Outside the villa, Shi Yaling, Chu Xi, and Chu Xuan were all there, listening to the analysis of experts from the search and rescue team.

“According to several students, they left the door between 7:30 and 8:00 in the morning… Based on their walking speed, here to here, is the farthest range they can go. But it doesn’t rule out the possibility that they were washed down by the mudslide and buried. Also—”

Chu Xi’s assistant hurried over and leaned to Chu Xi’s ear. “Young Master Yu’s classmate is looking for you!”

Chu Xi wanted to wait a while before going, but when it reached her lips it changed to, “Mom, Brother, you guys listen first.”

Chu Xi walked to the villa’s yard.

A boy of 16 or 17 was standing on the lawn. His whole body was soaked with rain and because his clothes were sticking to his skin, his figure appeared thin. His attire was a bit dirty, probably due to walking through the woods for a long time, and several holes were cut into them. There were also blood marks scratched by branches and vines on the back of his hands.

His back was ramrod straight, but it seemed to be held up by a breath. When that breath dispersed, the boy would no longer be able to stand.

Hearing footsteps approaching, Lu Shi turned around and looked at Chu Xi.

Chu Xi met Lu Shi’s dark black eyes and felt that there wasn’t the least bit of vitality in them, causing a chill to suddenly rise from the bottom of one’s heart. She composed herself and said, “I am Chu Yu’s sister. Were you looking for me because you have any clues?”

His clean-cut hair1 was drenched by the rain and stuck to his forehead. Lu Shi’s voice was very hoarse. “Bring a few specialists and follow me, I found where Chu Yu is.”


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碎发: lit. fragmented/broken down hair. Idk what haircut that is ->

I think it can be split or whatever at the front, as long as the sides are cut 2-3 inches high from the ear to the back

Chapter 44.3 – I Promised You

A group of people walked through the mountain forest. It hadn’t been opened for development and had no roads, so it all depended on the people passing through the lush vegetation.

Chu Xi followed behind Lu Shi and saw that on the back of his hand, which hung down beside his body, a wound was drawn by plant thorns and blood overflowed and dripped from it. Lu Shi didn’t seem to feel any pain, and he didn’t react at all.

She wanted to remind him so she opened her mouth, but then simply let it go.

The mountain forest had the same scenery on all sides, therefore it was impossible to distinguish the direction at all. Chu Xi had been having doubts in her heart. “How did you determine Chu Yu’s position? Did he tell you anything before he left?”

“Intuition; I can sense his position.”

His tone of speech was extremely firm, but Lu Shi wasn’t actually completely sure.

At the moment of the landslide, Lu Shi’s heart had tightened.

After that, he had walked through the mountain forest alone for who knows how long, and vaguely realized that there truly might be some kind of special and secret connection between him and Chu Yu.

Before Chu Xi could question him, Lu Shi looked back. “85% chance.”

Chu Xi took a deep breath and questioned in a heavy voice, “Are you sure?”


Chu Xi decided to gamble once and trusted him.

When it came to Chu Yu, she wasn’t willing to give up any bit of hope.

Stopping at a place that wasn’t any special, Lu Shi closed his eyes, then opened them and stated, “It’s here. With the place under my feet as the midpoint, it’s within a radius of 50 meters, including the mountain wall.”

He looked straight at Chu Xi. “Trust me.”

Chu Xi squeezed her phone and stared fixedly at Lu Shi. “Okay, I believe you.”

Half an hour was obviously very short, but every second seemed to be stretched infinitely long; it was as if the second hand of a clock was moving beside the ears, producing a ‘tick’ sound. Until the detection specialist excitedly called, “Found it! The students are inside the mountain and they should still be alive.” There was a ‘bang’. The gears meshed and the hour and minute hand then started to move normally.

Lu Shi subconsciously supported himself on the coarse tree trunk, barely standing firm.

Still alive.

Chu Yu is still alive.

He’s still alive.

With his head lowered, a slight smile revealed itself on the corner of Lu Shi’s lips.

Inside the cave, a loud noise suddenly exploded near Chu Yu’s ear.

He raised his heavy eyelids with difficulty and found that Zhang Yueshan had stood up.

Zhang Yueshan walked a few steps in place, listening carefully with his ears perked to the side, but the surroundings had returned to quiet.

“School Flower, did you hear that sound just now? Was it just my imagination?”

“No,” Chu Yu didn’t have much strength, “I heard it too, it’s not an illusion.”

Zhang Yueshan sat down again, wanting to both cry and laugh, he pressed a hand to his forehead. “Yeah, someone must’ve come to rescue us.”

Chu Yu wrinkled his nose and asked, “Class Rep, are you injured again?”

The faint bitterness in the air was a bit distinct.

Lured by the scent of blood, Chu Yu’s stomach cramped and ached. The dry itchy pain in his throat became more obvious.

So thirsty, I really want blood…

“It’s nothing. While you were sleeping just now, I stood up to move around. I didn’t expect the ground to be so slippery and fell. My palm was pressed onto a stone and it’s bleeding a lot.” Zhang Yueshan showed the wound on the palm of his hand. “Wait until we get out, I’ll get it bandaged well. It‘s just that it makes the cave stuffy and reek of blood.”

After chatting for several sentences, Zhang Yueshan looked at the flashlight and frowned. “School Flower, don’t you think the night light doesn’t seem as bright as it was in the beginning?”

Chu Yu tried hard to see with his blurring vision. “It seems like that, a little bit.”

As he was talking, the night light gradually dimmed and was extinguished at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“My grass, what about the fifty hours of light? Why did the battery run out so quickly?”

They were in a cave and had no concept of time, but the fifty hours were definitely still not up.

Chu Yu covered his stomach with his hand and said with a smile, “Class Rep, don’t be angry, save your energy.”

“I’ll listen to you.”

Dejected, Zhang Yueshan groped around and sat down on the ground. After a while of silence, he began to recite classical Chinese prose.

As Chu Yu listened, it didn’t take long before he dazedly fell asleep again.

It wasn’t known how long it took when Chu Yu woke up again. He was urged awake by Zhang Yueshan.

He could perceive that Zhang Yueshan’s hand was just above the tip of his nose. The other was bending his fingers and probing his breath.

The blood from the wound on his palm was overflowing with a faint bitter taste.

Chu Yu swallowed instinctively.


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No, can’t.

Chu Yu restrained his instinct.

“Class Rep.”

“Dafuq!” Zhang Yueshan subconsciously withdrew his hand and took a half step back.

“I was scared to death. I thought you passed out. I couldn’t wake you up no matter how I called.”

“No, I’m just really hungry so I’m sleeping a bit deeply.” Chu Yu wanted to divert his attention and suggested, “Let’s have a chat. It’s dark and there’s no light, it’s scary.”

“OK!” Zhang Yueshan started, “I solved a question a few days ago…”

He talked about everything, questions he didn’t know how to do, playing basketball with Dream-Ge, his deskmate from the third grade of elementary, and games he liked to play before.

Chu Yu would respond from time to time.

Suddenly, he heard Zhang Yueshan ask, “School Flower, do you have someone you like?”

Chu Yu didn’t react for a while. “Someone I like?”

Zhang Yueshan was a little shy. “Actually… I have someone I like. I’ve liked them for a long time, but didn’t dare confess. I’m quite envious seeing Dream-Ge go jogging with the girl he likes every day.”

Chu Yu inquired, “Who do you like?”

“You don’t know her, but she’s a girl from the class next door. Her skin’s very white, with neat bangs, big eyes, and a small face probably the size of my palm. She carries a pink school bag with a small bunny hanging on the zipper, which is very cute.”

“Then why don’t you confess?”

“I’m afraid of interfering with her studies.”

Zhang Yueshan was even more embarrassed. “Plus, what if she doesn’t like me? If I hide it and don’t say anything, I can still secretly look at her.”

“School Flower, I’m speaking as a brother. If we get free, you must help me keep it a secret and absolutely not tell her.”

Zhang Yueshan paused.

“If we can’t get out, then now that I’ve told you this, I’m not the only one who knows this secret love in this whole world.”

Chu Yu comforted, “Mm, I already know that you like her.”

“Good.” Zhang Yueshan asked again, “Then what about you, School Flower, do you have a girl you like?”


Chu Yu thought about it carefully. “I don’t have a girl I like.”

“That’s right, your requirement is that they have to look better than you. I guess in our school, only Lu-Shen can reach that standard. Haha, School Flower, you’ll die alone like this!”

Lu Shi’s face flashed before Chu Yu’s eyes.

A sour and astringent taste suddenly welled up in his heart.

Lu Shi, Lu Shi, Lu Shi.

Chu Yu discovered that he missed him a little bit.

In the following period of time, Chu Yu was muddleheaded. The high fever surging throughout his body made him too weary to respond. His limbs lost strength and his chest seemed as if it was being squeezed. Just breathing exhausted all of his strength, and his consciousness became even more blurred to the point that he couldn’t even tell whether he was in reality or a dream.

Until Zhang Yueshan dragged him to retreat into the depths of the cave. After a deep ‘boom’, a large swath of light poured in and penetrated the darkness.

Zhang Yueshan called him, “School Flower, it’s not imagination nor a dream, someone has come to save us, we’re saved, we’re saved—”

As he spoke, he directly cried.

Chu Yu slowly opened his eyes.

The light stung his eyes painfully. Chu Yu vaguely saw a figure approaching him.

Soon, he was tightly held in an embrace.

It was a very familiar scent.

Chu Yu leaned his head on Lu Shi’s shoulder, with his eyes half closed and thoughts unclear.

He subconsciously mumbled, “Lu Shi.”

“Hm, I’m here.”

His whole body unconsciously relaxed. Chu Yu remembered something and wanted to speak into Lu Shi’s ear.

Lu Shi sensed his intention and leaned closer. “What do you want to say?”

Then he heard it as Chu Yu’s lips pressed against his ear, with his hoarse voice, he weakly uttered, “Lu Shi, I didn’t suck anybody’s blood.”

“I promised you that I’d only suck your blood.”







The author has something to say: Here’s a heart made of sweet wild fruits from the mountains~

I, thick and long1, try to make up the number of words that had broken the day before yesterday



me and bubbles shenanigans (for now)


Chapter 44 personification

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