Bite Your Fingertips

Chapter 69.2

69th -【Miss you】

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Translator: Xena
Editor: Sammy
Proofreader: Bubbles


Uncle Chen held the steering wheel, drove out slowly along with the flow of traffic, and smilingly asked, “‘She your girlfriend?”

“How can that be! We’re classmates, but in a sense, we’re probably… business partners?”

Chu Yu had studied the plan sent over by Yang Yuchan for a few days and thought it was pretty good. However, he’d always been very clear about his own level, so he didn’t dare make a decision in a single shot and specially sent the plan to his brother Chu Xuan to read. After his brother had agreed that it was good, he had contacted Yang Yuchan to confirm that he wanted to join the team.

Aunt Lan also smiled. “Really not your girlfriend?”

“She’s not, I swear!”

Chu Yu tried hard to explain, “We’re small partners who invest in projects to make money, also, also—”

“Also what?”

“Also, I already have someone I like!”

Chu Yu’s ears burned when he said those words. Embarrassed, he simply lowered his head and opened WeChat. He clicked on Lu Shi’s Moments, and as a result, he found that there was nothing posted.

As for his profile picture, it was terribly monotonous, with only the word “Lu Shi” written casually with a pen on a white background.

It was the first time they heard Chu Yu say that he had someone he liked, so Aunt Lan and Uncle Chen were surprised.

Aunt Lan couldn’t help but question, “When did you like them? Do they look good? Are you classmates?”

“There’s no when, I j-just liked them. They’re very very good-looking, and they’re in the same class as me.”

Chu Yu tried his best to manage his expressions as he spoke. He controlled the corners of his lips and didn’t bend his eyes too much, but when talking about a person one liked, the expression in the eyes couldn’t be hidden.

Aunt Lan saw it clearly and said with relief, “Young Master also has someone he likes, it really hasn’t been easy!”

She then laughed and joked, “I’ve always been worried, afraid you’ll grow old alone, Young Master.”

Seeing that Chu Yu wanted to refute, Aunt Lan continued, “When you were a child, you wouldn’t look at the children who played with you. You thought you were the most beautiful and that if they played with you, they’d feel inferior. I’d tease you when you were young and asked who you’d like, then you’d answer that you’d like someone such as yourself. So Uncle Chen and I were worried that you’ll grow old alone and live by yourself all your life!”

While his childhood was being mentioned, Chu Yu was gazing out of the car window and decided to pretend he couldn’t hear anything!

When the car drove into the Nandao villa area, the street lights were already lit. Meanwhile, Chu Yu was reading the messages in the class group chat.

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Sports Committee Member – Luo Jiaxuan: [Classmates, who knows how to play Miracle Nikki1? Or do you have any cheats? I helped my girlfriend choose clothes, and now the characters are gonna break up soon…]

Class Representative – Zhang Yueshan: [Hahahaha good for you! Classmates who want to uphold peace, form a team and play multiplayer before the exam results come out, charge! Study Com, I see you’re online, are you coming?]

Study Committee Member – Fang Ziqi: [I won’t I won’t, I’m going to study. After the test, I found more loopholes in my knowledge. I can’t delay it until next semester, I’m going to study now!]

Class Representative – Zhang Yueshan: [Study Com! Talk to me while you’re studying. I won’t wear headphones and will turn up the volume of the speakers so my parents hear that I’m studying hard! Hope they’ll treat me better this winter break!]

Study Committee Member – Fang Ziqi: […Class Rep is shrewd and witty!]

Chu Yu typed a series of “hahaha” in the chat. As soon as he pressed send, he looked up and saw that the lights in the house were on.

He paused. “Aunt Lan, why are the house lights on?”

Aunt Lan replied with a smile, “Madam has returned.”

Chu Yu subconsciously clenched the phone, remembering the view of Shi Yaling’s back as she walked away in her high heels out of the school’s small meeting room.

They seemed to not have seen each other for three months now?

Entering the door, the crystal chandeliers were dazzlingly bright in the empty large living room. Shi Yaling was sitting on the sofa, listening to her assistant report on work.

Chu Yu, who was standing at the door, took a quiet breath and walked in.

He didn’t want to disturb Shi Yaling’s work, or perhaps, there was a deeper reason. Although he’d already done a good job in psychological strengthening, he still didn’t know how to face Shi Yaling.

“Mom, I’m back.”

After Chu Yu finished speaking, he intended on going upstairs straight away to his bedroom.

However, no less than two steps ahead, Shi Yaling called out to him.


Chu Yu stopped.

Shi Yaling instructed the assistant with a few more words before turning her line of sight towards Chu Yu.

Even at home, Shi Yaling’s dress was very formal and well-pressed. Her facial features weren’t the least bit soft, and she was used to speaking in the tone of a superior. “You haven’t been home for a while.”

Chu Yu nodded, hiding nothing. “Yes.”

“Where have you been all weekend?”

“At a classmate’s house.”

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Shi Yaling frowned. “Chu Yu, I don’t care about you, but this isn’t a reason for you to act recklessly! This Qingchuan Road, is it a place you should be going to? Aren’t you aware of what type of people live there?”

Chu Yu stared at Shi Yaling. He understood that she was saying this for his own good, so he explained calmly, “I did not have contact with bad people, nor did I learn bad things, you needn’t worry.”

After hearing this sentence, Shi Yaling’s frown deepened. “Chu Yu, your surname is Chu. You should know that you bear this surname, and that whatever you do is borne by this surname. I don’t want my son making friends with some shady people!”

His fingers hanging by his side abruptly tightened.

He really wanted to refute and say that his friends were not shady people. Even the beef stew boss was relying on his own craftsmanship to make money to support his family.

From them, he saw a lot of things he’d never seen before, and realized numerous truths.

However, he knew that regardless of what he said, Shi Yaling would never understand, nor would she try to understand.

His fingers holding his phone tightened and loosened. Chu Yu found that he didn’t feel sad at all.

In the past, he’d care about Shi Yaling’s attitude and Shi Yaling’s thoughts. No matter what he did, he’d worry about whether it displeased Shi Yaling.

But now, he felt as if he didn’t care as much as he did in the past.

Maybe it was because he no longer held expectations, hence he also couldn’t feel any disappointment.

“I know.”

Chu Yu heard himself say that.

He then faced Shi Yaling. “Mom, you’re busy with work, please pay attention to your body.”

After saying this, Chu Yu turned around and went upstairs.

Qingchuan Road.

Lu Shi turned on the lamp, took out a problem set, found a pencil, and started solving problems.

Winter was different from summer because, at night, Qingchuan Road was very quiet due to the cold. Occasionally, drunk people would pass under the windows, swearing indistinctly, and a few noises from stray cats and dogs would drift along with the wind.

There was also the sound of some families beating and scolding their children. Even if the windows were tightly closed, it could still be heard.

Early mornings of the very next day, the owner of the food stall downstairs would tell you which family’s elementary school student received a single-digit result in the exam and was beaten by an adult at home— vividly and full of life, as if he’d seen it with his own eyes.

Lu Shi didn’t hate it. Being in this kind of environment even made him feel a sense of genuineness.

No lies, no deception, and no deliberately colored decorations2.

Everything was very real.

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This kind of realness could make him feel somewhat at ease.

After completing several pages of questions, Lu Shi went to the bathroom to take a shower.

When Chu Yu connected through video, the screen shook briefly, and after stabilizing, he saw Lu Shi who should’ve just finished taking a shower. He only had a pair of gray trousers on, exposing his sturdy, thin waist. The lines were quite beautiful.

Lu Shi casually wiped his wet hair twice and threw the towel aside. Noticing Chu Yu was silent, he asked first, “What’s wrong?”

Only then did Chu Yu return to his senses. “No… nothing.”

He couldn’t spill that he just took several screenshots in succession and quietly stored them in an album.

Lu Shi suddenly approached the screen and stared at Chu Yu carefully. “Unhappy?”

Chu Yu didn’t know how Lu Shi could figure out that he was unhappy. He had consciously hidden his emotions well. Even before tapping the video call, he’d stood in front of the mirror and tried his best to practice how to smile normally.

He wanted to deny it, yet when he looked at Lu Shi, Chu Yu hesitated but still confessed, “My Mom came back today. It’s a little… unpleasant. I’m in my room now.” He paused for two seconds before saying softly, “I miss you a little.”

“Just a little?”

Before Chu Yu could react, he heard Lu Shi continue, “I miss you very much.”






The author has something to say: Here’s a heart made of bamboo leaves~

I’m sorry for the interruption yesterday, but my mentality has been adjusted today. Thank you little fairies for your concern. Love lots everyone!


Making a small advertisement~ a friend’s novel, now in quick transmigration system, Shura field3, and sand sculpture4 writing, I can’t stop haha-ing~

《The Whole World is Smitten With Me》by yanxizaozao

Synopsis: Xiao Ran relied on his superb rainbow fart skills to receive promotions and salary raises all the way.

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Just as he was about to marry Ms. Perfect and reach the pinnacle of his life, he transmigrated into a male cannon fodder in a Long Ao Tian novel5.

—The kind with a slender waist and a plump backside; the kind that was about to have his legs broken by the male protagonist!

In order to keep his little feet6, Xiao Ran decisively broke his character design and hugged the thighs of the male protagonist and the big villain.

System: [Warning! Plot line is broken, Host, please accept punishment!]

Xiao Ran, whose body was inexplicably weak, heartbeat quickening, blushing, and breathing turbidly: …Numb!

He opened his mouth and out came a soft voice, “Ying~”

Long Ao Tian – Male Protagonist: Oh, my little baby is quite tempting.

Long Ao Tian – Villain: Oh, my little baby is quite tempting.

Long Ao Tian – School Tyrant: Oh, my little baby is quite tempting.

Xiao Ran, who was caught in a circle of big shots and sought survival, was about to cry. “Tempting, tempting your mother… ah…”


Link here:

Idk if it’s being translated, but do tell me if it is so I can put the link!


staff shenanigans


It’s a real game, a dress-up fashion rpg, and I quote, “…the #1 fashion game in Southeast Asia.” You help your character with a makeover, or simply choose what to wear to advance the plot. Kinda like an otome game, except it’s the clothes you pick mostly, not answers.


This is an idiom meaning a (hypocritical) facade. Somehow this reminds of the time when Lu Shi’s grandfather’s banquet was held and he described the people and the place.


Multiple people likes/loves one person and compete for her/his affection.


Homonym for stupid, foolish


An online catchphrase used to satirize some characters in novels, comics or animations who are very strong as soon as they appear on scene, do things without logic, and can easily kill powerful enemies without thinking. Kinda like Mary/Gary Sue, or overpowered.


It was written as jio. I assumed it was supposed to be a cute term for feet (jiao) based on the context.

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