BJ Villainess

Chapter 16

Even if we were all VIP, the guiding staff and the positions assigned to us were all different.

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I moved to the designated seat with the maids and in the meantime, the sponsorship window kept ringing.


Certainly, the Constellations’ response was the best when they got cider, Theresa’s reputation improved, or when I got materialistic stuff.


‘Although I wasn’t trying to create a situation that would benefit me just now.’


The hall where the auction was held looked extremely luxurious.


I sat in a spacious seat reserved for the high-ranking aristocrat in the front.


After a while, the host appeared on the stage.


“To the ladies and gentlemen who came to shine today, thank you for your patience.”


After an obvious greeting and introduction, the auction began in earnest.


“This is the first auction.”


Unlike everyone else, I didn’t rummage through catalogs and check out the auction items.


Because the only thing I was going to buy was the key to the dimension anyway.


The auction items were selling quickly at a low price range.


“This is the fifteenth auction. A magic key from an anonymous sponsor. No wizard has ever figured out what device the magic on this key unlocks.”


It was only then that I looked at the auction with focused eyes.


“The key to the unknown secret stimulates the curiosity of collectors. The starting price is 300,000 guerlains. They are priced at 50,000 guerlains each.”


Guerlain was a unit of currency used in <God’s Play>.


The auction went smoothly without much heat, stopping at 650,000 guerlains.


It was a magic key but it was just an antique in the eyes of others.


“Does anyone have 650,000 guerlains? Let me ask you one last question. 650,000 Guerlain-“




650,000 guerlains. The asking price stopped at a smaller amount than I had expected.


I raised my hand at this time and they immediately reflected it.


“We have 650,000 guerillas. Does anyone have 700,000 guerillas?”


No one seemed to be interested in the unidentified antique key, so I easily won the auction at 650,000 guerlains.


‘I purposely made it look like a lousy item, but it’s amazing.’


The key to dimensions and Paradise was actually ‘easter eggs’.


Easter eggs.


I said easter eggs, but in the game, it meant elements hidden by developers for fun.


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I wrote down 650,000 guerlains on the blank check.


It was the lowest price of today’s auction.


Now that I got my hands on the item I wanted, there was no reason to remain at the auction house.


“Let’s go now.”


[The Constellations show curiosity about the identity of the key that BJ bought.]


[The Constellation ‘Materialism’ sighs at the trivial consumption.]


The maids also seemed puzzled by my purchase.


“I heard that most of them came today to buy the ‘Rosario of Love’, which will come out at the end, but is Lady not interested?”


The Rosario of Love was an item that greatly increased the charm level, so of course I wasn’t interested.


“Yeah, that’s boring. This magic key is much more valuable than Rosario of love.”


The maids smiled awkwardly and nodded at my words.


“Lady seems to like magic quite a bit these days. It’s nice to see Lady focusing on her studies…”


It seemed the maids had misunderstood me as an eccentric wizard who was obsessed with magic.


I couldn’t explain that this key was actually an item of great value, so I just kept my mouth shut.


I arrived at the Duke’s residence without any problems and prepared to go to bed as usual.


“Then have a good rest, Lady.”


The maids left the room and the door was swung closed.


‘Now, shall we get started?’


I took the keys to the dimension and moved to the corner of my room.


“Have you all been wondering why I bought this key and why I chose this corner room?”


[The Constellations nod.]


“This key is an easter Egg. I’ll show you its purpose now.”


It was difficult for the Constellations and Oswald to realize the true purpose of this key.


‘I have to make them think it’s simply a key to a treasure trove.’


I pushed the cabinet aside and inserted the key into a groove so small that anyone couldn’t see it unless they looked carefully.




With the sound of the device being unlocked, mana sprang out of the key, and the door opened inward.


“Light, illuminate the inside.”


When the dark interior was illuminated with light, I could see numerous gold bars, jewels, and accessories.

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“It is a huge slush fund hidden by the former Duke of Squire. It cannot be opened without this warehouse key.”




[The Constellation ‘Materialism’ has sponsored 1,000 coins.]


[Damn, I can count on you!]


“By the way, there must be an inventory item somewhere here.”


‘There should be a portable warehouse like a subspace in the magical world.’


“This is it.”


Subspace was created when mana was injected into a seemingly ordinary brooch.


I set the range of the subspace magic and put all the gold, jewelry, and even the key to the dimension into the brooch.


[The Constellations are concerned about what will happen to the items inside if the brooch is lost.]


“It’s an item bound to me, so It cannot be transferred or stolen.”


[The Constellations are satisfied with the game system.]


Phew. The tutorial was over now.


Starting tomorrow, <God’s Play> would begin in earnest.


‘I’m curious.’


I was a little curious about what the main characters would look like in real life.


In the Duke of Squire, it was not acceptable to be absent from a meal without a reason.


However, Theresa never ate together with her family since she was young.


Teresa had always been a person who would make someone angry and offended, so Raul would rather let her eat alone.


Thanks to the jerk setting, I’d been able to act alone comfortably, but I couldn’t do that today.


Today was the first day of school.


Breakfast was served in a rather quiet subdued atmosphere.


Because Raul was not in a good mood.


The reason Raul was in a bad mood was mostly because of Theresa, and today was no different.


“Do you still have no intention of reversing your decision to enter the dormitory?”


I chose the dormitory and Libby chose to commute to school.


So that question was for me.


“Yes. I’ll graduate in two semesters, so I’m going to concentrate on my school life during that time.”


Raul looked very upset as if he had heard something immature.

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“Do you think you can wear the same things as everyone else and follow the rules?  In that place, you will not be able to enjoy the dignified life that you do now..”


Theresa, who had grown up beautifully, would never be able to stand it.


However, for me, who had lived in someone else’s house for a long time, there was no place as heavenly as the dormitory.


“I will try to adapt.”


Raul waved his hands out as if he didn’t want to hear it.


“Throw away your useless stubbornness and take your luggage out of the dormitory right away.”


I couldn’t do that.


I was looking forward to the day I left the Duke of Squire.




Before I could rebel against Raul, Giuseppe snaped his fork with a tak! sound and he put it down.


“Just tell her to get out.”


” Giuseppe. You’re being rude…!”


“She’s saying she’d rather suffer because she didn’t want to see us! Just tell her to get out, don’t hold her back!”




Giuseppe shouted and left the dining room.


‘Thank you, Giuseppe. Thanks to you, the atmosphere has become more of a mess.’


My head was throbbing.


Then Roseanne stepped up and relaxed the rigid atmosphere.


“Giuseppe should be scolded a lot. And so do you, honey. Therese said she wants to focus on her studies, so wouldn’t it be nice to support her?”


“My lady.”


“Although I’m not a wizard, I know that academic achievement in Valhalla is very important.”


Raoul let out a deep sigh and changed the topic reluctantly.


“When I gave you the blank check, you only used 650,000 guerlains. What on earth did you buy to spend such a small sum of money?”


I answered as if was something trivial.


“I bought an antique key. It wasn’t popular because it had a magic that couldn’t be analyzed. It was fortunate that I won the bid at a decent price because of that.”


At my answer, Raul clicked his tongue as if it were absurd.


“Since when did you consider that as something fortunate?”


Certainly, just looking at Therese’s dressing room, it was far from words such as saving or rational consumption.


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‘But shouldn’t I like it if I could spend less money?’


I got up from my seat after finishing my meal.


“I’ll be on my way.”


Raul said with a tone as if he didn’t give up.


“Come home on vacation.”


I didn’t think of coming back, but I nodded.


“Yes, I will.”


Then, after greeting Rosanne, Libby and I were able to head to the front door.


Libby wriggled her hands and talked to me with a look of great courage.


“Can I go to school with you?”


I nodded.


“Of course, I was going to.”




Miranda was out at the front door to see us off.


“Have a safe trip. Lady.”


Before getting to the carriage, I took a document from my bag and handed it to Miranda.


“What is this, Lady?”


“I don’t want to see them, so keep them out of my sight.”


Miranda flipped through the papers and her eyes widened in surprise.


It was because the names of the vassals who had already been investigated for excessive embezzlement were also written.


“It must be a pest.”


Miranda used the word pest as if she was thinking of me, but I just smirked.


Seeing my reaction, Miranda made a more mysterious expression and bowed her head.


“They are the ones who have offended Lady, so I’ll take a close look at them.”


“Try to do that. Shall we go to school now?”


The latter was directed at Libby.


Libby replied with a dazed face, nodding belatedly to my answer.


“Ah, y-yes!”


The carriage that carried us left the Duke of Squire at high speed.

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