BJ Villainess

Chapter 6

I opened my mouth with a no-nonsense look.

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“He hates Theresa terribly.”


[Some of the Constellations smile meaningfully.]


That meaning freezes to death.


I’m the creator of this game, Constellations.


Knock, knock.


Then a servant knocked.


“Miss, I’ve prepared brunch, shall I come in?”




[The Constellation ‘Finding Mukbang BJ’ hurriedly wipes his saliva and prepares coins.]


I haven’t even opened the plate cover yet, what the hell are you drooling at?


I shook my head and opened the cover.


There would be a touching tearful reunion scene in a minute, so I should recharge my energy before that.


* * *


It was around sunset when Raul arrived at the mansion with Libby.


“Here comes the Master!”


When the servant quickly entered the lobby and announced the news, Roseanne, who was waiting nervously, grabbed her skirt and ran out.


No one who saw that figure said it was undignified.


They were busy wiping away their tears as if they could understand the feelings of a mother who regained the daughter she thought she had lost.


The Duke’s people rushed after Roseanne to greet Libby on the porch.


“You’ve done a really great job, Princess Squire.”


Someone spoke to me, standing a little far away from Roseanne and Giuseppe.


It was Roseanne’s older brother, Viscount Kevin Williams.


“Yes, somewhat.”


I answered roughly and looked straight ahead.


“But your expression is not bright, Princess. Do you have any concerns?”


The daughter of the only five dukes in the Empire was an honorable existence.


It meant that Viscount Williams shouldn’t quarrel with Theresa under the guise of a conversation.


‘You must be thinking that I’ll be abandoned by Raul soon.’


If <God’s Play> was played properly, Theresa would always be abandoned by Raul, so it was a reasonable guess.


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I nodded my head and affirmed the words of Viscount Williams.


“Yes, I’m worried. I thought there are too many outsiders in the family business. I’m going to tell my father that starting next month, only decent family members should be allowed in the house.”




The reason why Viscount Williams could be here was Raul’s consideration.


I pointed that out, and Viscount Williams’ face hardened as he understood what I was saying.


He crept quietly between the other relatives.




[The Constellation ‘Cider Pass’ has sponsored 100 coins.]


[Sigh… The cider is sweet.]


Actually, I’m not exactly wrong.


Shortly after announcing the news that Raul had found Libby through a messenger in advance, all of the local aristocrats and Rosanne’s family gathered at the Duke’s residence to make a fuss.


This was because everyone wanted to share the historical moment of welcoming the true Squire princess.


‘That’s an excuse, it’s just a trick to impress Raul.’


Obviously, the leeches that robbed the Duke’s barns needed to be thinned out.


If you leave it alone, the money will flow into the villain.


Soon a huge carriage stopped at the front door.




It was Raul who came out of the carriage first.


He reached for the door that was still open, revealing a white, fine hand.


No matter how hard it is in the slum, surely that woman’s hand isn’t so broken that she can’t open the door?


‘It feels foreign to see this in real life.’


Soon a woman, wrapped in the cloak that Raoul had worn, came out from the carriage.


It was Libby.


“Oh, my God…”


Everyone around me gasped.


Libby had a lovely look with golden straight hair down to her chest and pale green eyes like soft leaves.


[The Constellation ‘Face Inspector’ nods with satisfaction.]


Huh. This is the Constellation that applauded Theresa’s looks before.


‘Theresa and Libby definitely feel different.’


Theresa with a cold, haughty impression.

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Libby with a warm and gentle impression.


There was a difference in taste between cold beauty and warm beauty.


“You look the same as when you were young. Yes, you’re really the same…!”


An old maid who served Roseanne for a long time cried loudly, burying her face in a handkerchief.


Libby gave a careful first greeting with rosy cheeks as if she were afraid of the unfamiliar situation.


“Everyone… Hello?”


Roseanne, who was unable to approach Libby, just grabbed her chest and burst into tears.


“Madam! Are you all right?!”




Everyone was surprised and tried to approach her, but Libby was the first one to move.




“Libby…! Ah, my daughter, finally… God, thank you. Thank you….”


Everyone here shed tears as they watched the touching reunion.


Except for me.


In fact, when I saw the reunion scene, I was worried inside that I would shed tears, which was uncharacteristic of Theresa.


But it was only a fluke.


The scene of the reunion that I am watching is more than expected… That’s what I thought.


I muttered in a low voice so that no one could hear me.


“I should have worked a little harder to make the introduction part. That was too much.”


I felt bad only because I remembered Ozworld’s poignant evaluation.




[The Constellation ‘MBTI is science’ has sponsored 100 coins.]


[You’re certainly a T.]




The Constellations believe in similar science…


Raul held a dinner party that day.


“How could this happy moment pass without a blessing? Hand out wine and food to everyone in the duchy!”


As a result, the butler Donovan and the head maid Miranda died while supplying manpower and food.


Nevertheless, everyone looked full of happiness.


Finally, a true princess who they could enjoy serving had appeared.

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I stood back a little from the position where my immediate blood relative sat.


Both ends of the table were the seats of the Duke and Duchess, and it was normal for their children to sit properly arranged, but it was different today.


The Duke and Duchess didn’t want to be separated from Libby, so they gathered around the center in a friendly manner.


Giuseppe also occupied Libby’s side with flushed cheeks.


It was a friendly and warm family.


Except for me, of course.


Viscount Williams seemed to be in high spirits again when he found me quietly eating away from this picture-perfect family.


He came to my side again and talked to me.


“Lady Theresa, you must be very happy to have your sister back, right?”


This time it wasn’t Princess Squire, it was Lady Theresa.


It seemed he wanted to say that Princess Squire was Libby, not Theresa.


I could easily guess why Viscount Williams kept trying to provoke me.


If he triggered Theresa who was like a thorn in his eyes and made her act evilly as she pleased on this good day, Raul would never let it go.


You want to drag me down and make Libby the only princess.


It wasn’t for the sake of his beloved niece.


How can he already adore the niece he met for the first time today?


‘It’s a plot to push Libby as the successor and gain profit as the closest relative.’


Viscount was helpful for the play, but he was a card that had to be discarded in the end.


Not to mention he was an enemy from Theresa’s point of view.


I readily agreed with Viscount Williams.


“Yes, that’s right.”


He blinked his eyes as he looked back at what he had asked.


“Yes? No, I mean, your sister is back-“


“I. Am. Happy.”




Viscount Williams continued to stumble, perhaps because he was embarrassed by the situation that didn’t go his way.


I raised a corner of my mouth.


“By the way, my Lord. Do you really want me to disapprove of Libby’s return?”




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“Oh, are you dissatisfied with Libby, by any chance? So you tried to get my consent.”




I got up halfway and continued.


“Geez. You should have said that earlier. Let me help you. Shall we make a fuss now?”


“N-no! That’s a misunderstanding, Princess. That’s not what I meant!”


The Viscount stopped me while sweating profusely as he was afraid that I would make a fuss and say that he was the one who started it.


Then I stared at him with an expression that asked why he was talking to me.


“…C-cough! The weather seems to have gotten warmer, it’s very hot today. I’ll be back on the balcony.”


Viscount Williams tried to sneak away again.


I sipped champagne and nodded.


“Yes, go ahead. Your face has turned red, so you should cool off for an hour outside.”


It was just for a short time, but I thought my whole body was going to freeze when I stood outside wearing my coat tight.


This evening was much colder, and everyone was indoors, so they had their coats off.


You’ll freeze to death if you go on like this.




I called a maid nearby.


“Viscount Williams said he’s going to the balcony because it’s too hot, so guide him there. If he stays too long, he might catch a cold, so get him inside in an hour.”


A young maid named Penny came out and looked between me and Viscount Williams with a puzzled look.


I spoke first before Viscount Williams could open his mouth to change his words.


“Exactly an hour. Until then, don’t you dare interrupt his time. By the way, the weather is too hot so he doesn’t need a coat. You understand me, don’t you?


“…Yes, Lady.”


I smiled, turning from Penny to Viscount Williams.


“Then have a good time alone on the balcony.”




Viscount Williams turned pale and dragged himself to the balcony, following Penny’s guidance.




[The Constellation ‘Cider Pass’ has sponsored 100 coins.]


[Amazing example of cider.]


I murmured, covering my lips with a glass.


“This much is nothing.”

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