Chapter 1: Never Owes A Favor (1)

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It was already evening when Song Wenxin arrived at her grandmother’s house in the countryside. The small village was extremely quiet.

As she was about to open the door into the house, she suddenly noticed a burst of movement suddenly coming from the bushes in the yard.

The grass thicket was very lush because no one has taken care of it for a long time.

She became suddenly frightened and thought there was a snake…

“Cough….” a coughing sound came from the bushes.

“Who's there?” She was scared and she turned pale with fright.

However, nobody answered her. She only heard a faint breathing sound.

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Song Wenxin strengthened her nerves. She walked over in large strides to take a look, and to her surprise, there was a man lying there.

She was terrified. She hurriedly took out her mobile phone to illuminate the bushes so she could clearly see the man.

The man lying on the grass has a short hair and was wearing white shirt and black pants.

However, the white shirt was bloodstained.

The air was also filled with the scent of blood.

She stretched out her hand and gently touched the man’s body. It was still warm. She felt relieved.

The man’s short hair was already wet with sweat, and was sticking to his face.

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His face was also stained with blood and Song Wenxin cannot clearly see his facial features, however, she did not dare look too closely.

Looking at his body, he should be about 20 years old.

Song Wenxin can see that the man’s injury is very serious. However, in the village, it is not convenient for an ambulance to come. Thus, she decided to first drag the man inside the house.

With this thought, she stretched out her hand, grabbed the man’s arm, and tried to carry him inside the house….


Song Wenxin’s family business is traditional Chinese Medicine. Her grandmother also used to be the village’s doctor.

Her grandmother’s house is a simple single storey tile-roofed building. However, there could be considered a lot of medicinal treasures inside; aside from traditional Chinese medicines, there are also many Western medicines.

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Song Wenxin is not strong and the man’s height is very tall, more than 1.8 meters, so his weight is naturally not light.  Thus, she spent a lot of effort to be able to move the man inside the house. After moving him inside, she started examining his wounds.

His injury came from a gunshot wound on his chest….. No wonder there is so much blood flowing..

Unfortunately, she is not a doctor. She cannot remove the bullet.

What she can do now is to help him stop the bleeding, and then observe the situation!

She looked all over her grandmother’s treasured collection inside the house, only to find some first aid medicinal powder to stop the bleeding.

She tore the man’s clothes and sprinkled the hemostatic powder on the man’s wound, hoping to stop the bleeding.

The man wrinkled his eyebrows, it seems like he is feeling the pain caused by the medicine. He slightly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of pitch black eyes.

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“Do not touch me.” At this point, the man suddenly woke up. He stretched out his hand to push Song Wenxin away.

Song Wenxin was startled…

“I helped you put on some medicine, it should somehow stop the bleeding. I will now help you call a car to send you to the hospital!” Song Wenxin din not dare look straight at him and took out her mobile phone.

At this point, the man reached out and seized her phone. He did not let her make a phone call.

“Are you Jiang Hai’s subordinate?” The man cautiously asked, as if she was a bad person.

“What?” Song Wenxin thought he was talking nonsense because he was injured. What Jiang Hai? She did not understand.

“This is a medicine to stop the bleeding, you first deal with it. I’ll go look for some medicine for you to take." Song Wenxin placed the medicinal powder on the ground and turned towards her grandmother’s cabinet to search for some medicine.

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