Chapter 31 : Not allowed to walk with others

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   Jiang Beihan glanced at her, then said. "Get in the car," 

    Song Wenxin nodded, opened the door and got on the car.

    Song Wenxin just sat firmly, but Jiang Beihan suddenly spread his palm towards her "Bring your mobile phone!" 

    Song Wenxin quickly put the mobile phone in her pocket, "Didn't you already give it to me?"

    He still wants to take it back? He himself said that it was unnecessary for the servants, so there was no need to pull the door!

    "Give it to me." Jiang Beihan didn't bother to explain, but emphasized repeatedly!

    Looking at his meticulous look, Song Wenxin give the cell phone to him in an unwilling way.

    Jiang Beihan took her phone, opened the contact, swiped her finger twice on the screen, and then returned the phone to her.

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    "What did you just do?"

    She took the phone and asked him in confusion.

    "In the future, you are not allowed to follow other people, and you are not allowed to eat with others!" He told her. His words made Song Wenxin startled and didn't quite understand the meaning of his words.

    Is the other person referred to in Jiang Beihan's mouth his own?

    She really didn't understand, didn't he want her to accompany him to eat, why now tell her again that he can't eat with others casually!

    Song Wenxin cast a scornful glance at him before turning his phone on.

    She found out that there was only one other number in the contact, Jiang Beihan.

    The classmate Zhang ’s mobile number she just saved disappeared.

    Was it deleted by him?

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    "How can you delete my contact!" Song Wenxin said dissatisfied.

    "One more thing, don't add others numbers!"

    "..." Song Wenxin hesitated, only to understand who the others in his words were referring to.

    It turned out not to refer to himself, but to her classmates!

    Song Wenxin was very dissatisfied with his overbearing behavior.

    Not only does he have to control her behavior now, but even her mobile phone!

    "Don't you know that it's rude to move someone else's phone like this?"

    "But you are not someone else, you are my wife!" Jiang Beihan kindly reminded her that they had already received the certificate yesterday!

    She is now his wife, not anyone else.

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    Song Wenxin was stunned by him and suddenly said nothing, but she was muttering in her heart. Even husband and wife should have mutual respect!

    Besides, they are just couples in name!

    Thinking, Song Wenxin unconsciously glanced at the Shang guan driving in front ...
(** i dont understand why use chauffeur in a sport car, is the space inside the car enough? -_-)


    Jiang Beihan's sports car finally stopped at the door of a Chinese restaurant in city A.

    "Get off," Jiang Beihan said to her beside her.

    Song Wenxin nodded her head, then turned to glance at the Chinese restaurant.

    I never expected that Jiang Beihan would like Chinese restaurants ...

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    After getting out of the car, the two entered the restaurant, but Shang guan stood still and didn't follow.

    She was a little puzzled, "Where's Shang guan?" He wasn't together?

    Hearing that, Jiang Beihan glanced at Shang guan, and the next moment, he immediately understood.

    "I still have something to do, Miss Song and the boss go up first!" Shang guan said solemnly.


    The restaurant is divided into two floors, the second floor is a private box, commonly known as elegant room.

    Jiang Beihan and Song Wenxin chose an elegant room to sit down.

    He casually ordered a few light dishes, and then gave Song Wenxin the menu and asked her to order it.

    Song Wenxin took a look at the menu and ordered a few dishes that were more flavorful.

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