Chapter 5: Stupid Behavior

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"What if I do not let you go?" After listening to her words, Jiang Beihan's stern face showed a rather interested look.

If he does not let her go? Was he a bad guy?

It is really very stupid to judge whether a person is good or bad based on appearance alone!

His words left Song Wenxin scared.

Seeing her dumbfounded appearance, his black eyes flashed with a playful look.

He leaned his body forward, and pressed his hands against her, leaving her nowhere to hide.

Then he deliberately lowered his head… his thin lips suddenly touching hers…

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She was shocked. She quickly stretched out her arms to push him away but his hands easily grasped her hands.

His warm breath spraying on her face. This charming atmosphere… made her heart skip a beat…

She was feeling flurried mixed with a bit of fear.

She was scared. She tried to bite his lips, however, he seemed to guess what she was about to do. His lips suddenly left her lips, successfully escaping her attack!

"What about now?" He narrowed his eyes jokingly. He reached out to hold her chin, his slender thumbs stopping on her tight lips, gently stroking it.

His black eyes tightly staring at the lips that almost made him lose control.

He doesn't know why. It was obviously just a plain light kiss, but it actually made his breath somewhat unstable.

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Just now, he almost could not control it…

He has always been confident about his self-control, but today, it seems to be flawed.

Song Wenxin stared at him for a moment. With such close distance, she discovered that the man's facial features were better than she imagined.

And then, the glittering remnants on his thin lips reminded her of something. She quickly raised her hand to push his hand off her lips and then unconsciously lifted her arm and wiped her lips with her sleeves.

She can still feel his breath…

Her action of rubbing her lips caused Jiangbei Han to frown, his eyes flashed with a touch of displeasure.

She dislikes him?!

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Very well!

"Now, do you still think I'm a good person?" He sneered, and with raised eyebrow, he asked her.

Does she still has the same idea before?

Song Wenxin stared at him, her face red with anger. A moment later, she suddenly shook her head.

She said he was a good man just to flatter him… but she really did not think so!

"What do you mean? I'm a bad guy?" Seeing her interesting look, Jiangbei Han could not help but ask again?

Listening to his question, Song Wenxin wanted to nod but she still held back.

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At this time, she does not want to anger him, because it won't do her any good.

She bit her lip, calmed her mood, put on an aggrieved expression and the looked at him.

Her pair of big eyes about to be wet with tears, as if trying to attract sympathy.

"Brother, let me go. I am still young … Still a flower of the motherland. Today, I am also not feeling well. And my body is very average. Won't that be bad for you?." After speaking, Song Wenxin reluctantly looked down at her not-so-hot-and -spicy body.

Listening to her words, his gaze fell towards her line of sight

"Indeed, it's very average." He agreed, nodding his chin.

*(TN: flower of the motherland is a term that refers to children in China)

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