Chapter 28: Night Assassination

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“Wang fei niang niang really knows how to joke.” Su Meng Ru laughed naturally and with dignity, but was concealing a desire to kill. She hated her from the bottom of her heart. In the fu for so many years, she was the one in the limelight and truly thought that the title of number one in the world belonged to her. Who would have thought, a few days ago, this sister of hers actually won over Fen Wen with her guqin skill.
Who doesn’t know that Fen Wen’s guqin skill is matchless in the world. 
Seeing Xiao Qi looking indifferent as water and with a ethereal as orchids temperament, the corner of Mo Wen Chen’s eyes raised. Using four liang to push aside a thousand jin, nice method.

Liang is a unit of weight equal to 50 grams and jin is one pound of gold. Basically, it’s saying she’s kind of borrowing strength to strike back at a larger foe in a roundabout way.

If the grand Bei Ding Hou’s wang fei ascended the stage to exhibit her skill, if the news was spread, wouldn’t they become the laughing stock of the world?
This time, Mo Wen Chen was very pleased with Su Qi Qi’s performance.
The concubines didn’t succeed with their provocation, so started you one line, me one line, chatting again. Su Meng Ru already started smiling and conversing along with the everyone else, only Su Qi Qi maintained her indifference as if she were apart from the rest of the world.
Causing Mo Wen Xuan to be unable to resist sitting up and taking notice. Even though her appearance was nothing, but she was ranked the number one gifted scholar of the capital. She had bravery and plans, had the guts and the knowledge. A hint of regret seemed to rise up to the surface of his heart.
Looking again at the other women, they all became ordinary, with the same rouge and powder, even Su Meng Ru.
The banquet dispersed, and Mo Wen Chen along with Su Qi Qi returned to Bie Courtyard.
The candlelight was like a bean, leaping.
She attentively helped Mo Wen Chen arrange the bed. Su Qi Qi was very aware of her status and rested on the chair to the side.
Mo Wen Chen seemed to want to say something but in the end held back. He laid on the bed with his clothes on, but didn’t go into a deep sleep. He simply closed his eyes and listened to the activity outside.
Leng Yan and Lei Yu Fei did not follow them into the Imperial Palace. They were in charge of leading the Blood Troops and concealing themselves in the Imperial City.

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Not to mention if the two appeared, it would also indirectly reveal Mo Wen Chen’s strength.
Clearly knowing that the mountain had tigers, yet still heading towards the mountain, this has always been Mo Wen Chen’s style. If he didn’t do this, how could he let Mo Wen Xuan be fearless enough to act.
He knows, tonight will not be peaceful.
There was an extremely small noise but Mo Wen Chen fiercely opened his eyes and pushed aside the embroidered quilt. He reached for his sword as he rolled off the bed, each movement smooth like moving clouds and flowing water, completed all in one breath and without producing the slightest bit of sound.
In the moment he rolled off the bed, he pulled the soundly sleeping Su Qi Qi into his embrace.
Su Qi Qi, who was startled awake, did not shout or scream and only opened her eyes to check the surroundings, then looked at the man that was hugging her, the warmth in her heart gradually growing.
She was thirsty for any trace of concern.
At this moment Mo Wen Chen did not abandon her, this already made her feel very satisfied.
Smelling his domineering masculine scent, mixed with the fragrance of the garment, it actually made her feel that this embrace was very dependable.
In regards to Su Qi Qi’s response, Mo Wen Chen gave her full points in his heart. This woman, as expected was really calm. Even in such a situation she can still decisively figure out what is going on.
His appreciation towards her was gradually deepening.
So much so that an unknown feeling was slowly growing in his heart.
A dozen or so black clothed men silently entered, jumping through the window. The blades in their hands shined, in the darkness of the night, they were extremely glaring and abnormally chilling.
Without sounding out the situation, without any words, the group headed directly to the head of the bed, lifted their blades and cut down.
At the same time, the blade in Mo Wen Chen’s hand also moved. The sword was like a spirit serpent, quick as a fleeting rabbit, wherever it went. Already, three people were lying on the ice-cold ground.

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Not even a scream was made.
And at such a scene, Su Qi Qi still didn’t have the slightest bit of alarm. She tried hard to make herself adapt.
The sounds of swords crossing spread into the distant, the sound becoming louder and louder.
In less than half an incense time, flames lit the sky outside the courtyard and cries of ‘catch the assassins’ spread throughout the entire Imperial Palace.
Su Qi Qi and Mo Wen Chen shared a glance and they both smiled.
The door was pushed open. A dozen or so archers aimed their arrows at the black clothed people inside, including Mo Wen Chen and Su Qi Qi.
“Get down.” Mo Wen Chen threw Su Qi Qi under the bed as he shouted coldly, then with a leap grabbed an already dead assassin to shield himself.
The hail of arrows lasted a full half a minute.
Su Qi Qi who was hiding under the bed also clenched her fist tightly and bit her teeth.
She clearly knew that this time they had come to die, but didn’t think that Mo Wen Xuan would be this impatient.
“All of you stop.”
In the light of the flames, Mo Wen Xuan dressed in dragon robes leisurely arrived. His facial features shone with the colors of the flame and a few hints of killing desire overflowed from his eyes.
He came right on time. If the plan had succeeded, afraid that at this time Mo Wen Chen and Su Qi Qi would already have become hedgehogs, or at least their bodies would have several additional bloody holes.
Just that, at this time, whether it succeeded or not, he must make an appearance.

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What caused him great disappointment was that Mo Wen Chen was still fine as he stood there. Su Qi Qi unhurriedly climbed out from under the bed, that slender body actually seemed not the least bit harmed.
“Bunch of useless things. Not seeing that zhen‘s imperial younger brother was still here and actually started firing inside. Someone, come. Behead them all.” Mo Wen Xuan roared, his face ashen.
Immediately afterwards a team of big inner imperial guards advanced and at the speed of not even having enough time to cover your ears to block out the sound of the thunder, cleared the scene, which included the assassins, and included the archers as well……
Looking at the Bie Courtyard that was as clean as before, Mo Wen Chen didn’t say anything. His imperial older brother, he understands better than anyone. The way he does things has always been meticulous to the point that not a drop of water can leak out.
Su Qi Qi also had to give it to Mo Wen Xuan, he really was vicious enough.
Indeed worthy of being called a nation’s monarch.
Just that being so heartless towards Mo Wen Chen who didn’t have the slightest bit of interest in his emperor seat was probably the biggest mistake in his life.
“I hope younger imperial brother and dimei did not receive a fright.” Looking at the two people standing facing the wind, one dressed in black, one in red, both their faces calm and collected as usual, Mo Wen Xuan’s hand secretly clenched and he gave Su Qi Qi another examining glance.
“Many thanks for imperial older brother’s concern. We are unharmed.” Mo Wen Chen flicked his sleeves, his domineering air like before, his entire body was filled with vicious currents and his black robe seemed to exude some sinister aura.
The Bie Courtyard was returned to tranquility once again, but Su Qi Qi’s heart was like the overturning seas and rivers. She didn’t know if this time it would be a trip with an arrival but no return. She secretly peeked at Mo Wen Chen on the chair. His enchanting facial features glowed in the candlelight, as if a halo was added.
An additional self-blame weighted down her heart. If not for her, Su Qi Qi, Mo Wen Xuan wouldn’t have reason or the method to push Mo Wen Chen into such a situation.
“You…… anything wrong?” Mo Wen Chen still lifted his eyes to look towards Su Qi Qi and asked very naturally.

Literally, it’s “nothing, right” which is pretty much, “are you alright”. However, Su Qi Qi’s response was to shake her head as to affirm that nothing’s wrong so I had to change it a little, but I feel like “anything wrong” seems kinda crass so I added this explanation.

Shaking her head, Su Qi Qi’s indifferent pupils couldn’t cover up her excitement. No matter what purpose it stemmed from, he was finally starting to care about her.
Like normal young girls yearning for love, Su Qi Qi’s heart also started beating wildly.

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“If nothing’s wrong then go to sleep.” Mo Wen Chen put out the light and without consulting, laid on the chair: “The bed is safe now.”

It was never specified, so at first I imagined Su Qi Qi like sitting on a chair and resting her head on the table like I do whenever I sleep on top of my homework. But the fact that MWC ‘lies’ on the chair made me realize it might be this type of chair.

His each and every move was smooth and natural, not revealing any deliberate concern.
But it allowed Su Qi Qi to realize that early when he slept on the bed, it was to guard against the assassination attempt.
Is this man really, as he said…… beginning to appreciate her?
If she could use the type of price earlier to exchange for his heart, then it’s worth it.
At least, Su Qi Qi felt that it was worth it.
Unknowingly, she had already sunk into this man’s world and had no way of freeing herself.
When it came time to go to the prime minister’s residence, Mo Wen Chen did not go along but accompanied Mo Wen Xuan to the royal hunting grounds to go hunting. Su Qi Qi rode with Su Meng Ru in the jade imperial carriage and headed back together.
The prime minister’s residence was already filled with kneeling people to welcome the Empress niang niang and wang fei niang niang.
For two daughters to marry into the imperial family at the same time was already an enormous honor. Right now, for them to return home to visit the parents at the same time, this was even more of an extravagant show, causing the entire street to be packed with people.
Everyone was clamoring to see the beautiful faces of the two Su family daughters.

Credits: Translated by Chiyomira, Edited by Sonia

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