Chapter 39: Battle

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Following Su Qiqi’s shout, Mo Wenchen suddenly closed his fist and tightly gripped the brocade box in his hand. His body flickered and dodged the two darts flying through the air towards him t. With another flick of his robe, a blade was already in his hand.

Fiercely stabbing towards the Lei Yufeng that was still on the ground.

The originally full of injuries Lei Yufeng suddenly evaded and with a leap got up. A dozen darts shot from his hand directly towards Mo Wenchen and Su Qiqi.

Taunting ridicule and murderous intent flashed through his eyes.

That murderous intent headed straight for Su Qiqi.

Not able to back away in time, Su Qiqi could only stand in place and allow the darts to pierce towards her. She didn’t know any martial arts at all and simply couldn’t dodge those darts. With such a concentrated attack, she could only wait for death.

But there was not the slightest fear on her face; rather, there was a trace of acceptance.

Of course, she was also unwilling to die just like this because she still had not gotten revenge for her mother. 

Following the movements of the darts was the sword in Mo Wenchen’s hands. Like a spirit snake, it snaked over and struck down the darts. At the same time, he pulled Su Qiqi into his arms, dodging through the space. His robe suddenly rippled again as he struck down the second wave of darts.

At this side while the sword and darts were exchanging blows, both parties’ troops had also suddenly appeared.

Mo Wenchen’s Blood Troops lined up in a square formation, orderly and uniform.

Their murderous intent shaking the heavens.

The current Blood Troops will no longer let down their names anymore.

That sort of chilling murderous intent and viciousness directly rushed towards the skies.

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The past month of blood-steeling and inhuman training was effective.

At least, on each of their faces was an overwhelming imposing aura and irrepressible bloodthirst.

In contrast, though the opponent had several tens of thousands of troops, their aura was chaotic; they were obviously afraid.

Even without these Blood Troops, just having Mo Wenchen, the one person, standing there would cause the thousand troops and ten thousand horses to lose their magnificence. Mo Wenchen’s existence was simply a legend. He was an undefeatable, unconquerable Battle God, and also the Death God!

After two rounds of confrontation, both sides stopped their movements.

Mo Wenchen tightly hugged Su Qiqi without letting go. His long sword was positioned horizontally in front of his chest as he disdainfully looked at the opponent’s troops.

“Looks like Imperial Older Brother has acted quite generously ah.” The corner of his mouth pricked up into the trace of a blood-thirsty smile which carried traces of ruthlessness and chill.

The hand gripping the handle of the sword also slightly tightened as he lowered his head to glance at Su Qiqi: “Today, both of us, as husband and wife will break through out of here together.”

This sentence caused Su Qiqi’s whole body to tremble in shock. Finally, he has recognized her status. The two words ‘husband and wife’ reverberated in her mind for a long long time. 

She hugged Mo Wenchen’s waist in return, lightly sighing a breath. She asked herself, was it late? Perhaps not late.

At that time, that moment, she already understood why Mo Wenchen didn’t save her that day.

She had always been sharp-witted.

“En.” Softly replying, Su Qiqi’s face was also full of resolution. She believed without doubt that Mo Wenchen could bring her out of this place.

“Wang ye, with all due respect, just hand over the item so as to avoid dying a too unsightly death.” The person who had been pretending to be Lei Yufeng also stood there, behind him was the enormous army. Even though his entire body looked in sorry shape, it could not cover the murderous intent and imposing aura coming from his body.

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Looks like, this person was also not someone ordinary.

It actually made Mo Wenchen slightly interested. It had been a long time since he had encountered a well-matched adversary.

Especially on the battlefield.

The person in front of him had an unsophisticated and honest imposing air, just like that of a model general.

“Many thanks for the warning, ben wang(this one) has never liked being threatened by others.” Mo Wenchen did not seem to mind, his lips hooked and he actually smiled.

Leng Yan’s expression did not change. Thinking of back then, General had used a force of a thousand soldiers to repel the enemy’s army of a hundred thousand soldiers, earning his title of Battle God. Now, they could borrow these people to polish his title so it resounded a bit louder.

The fake Lei Yufeng also was not surprised. He naturally knew that there was no way a few words could intimidate Mo Wenchen.

As he lightly smiled and nodded, he lifted his hand.

The troops behind him moved. Their movements were not very fast. Archers got into formation and advanced uniformly, all their arrows aimed towards Mo Wenchen and Su Qiqi.

And the fake Lei Yufeng also swept a glance towards Su Qiqi, intentionally or otherwise. A little bit of interest flickered in his eyes as he rolled up his sleeves.

Just now, if it weren’t for Su Qiqi’s shout, that box would have already been in his hands.

It is indeed true that Mo Wenchen was without match. However, when his closest friend is in the hands of his enemy, he also would not be able to stay as calm and sharp as he normally was; no matter what he would make mistakes due to anxiousness.

But this woman actually didn’t even panic in face of death and saw through everything with one glance.

It caused people to feel admiration from the bottom of their heart.

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Even though this sort of woman isn’t suitable to be someone at your bedside, she was suitable to be someone at your side.

“Go ahead and shoot.” Mo Wenchen only lifted his eyes to cast a single glance, then smiled even more arrogantly as he loudly spoke. He completely did not put them in his eyes.

Following the opponents’ movements, Leng Yan and the Blood Troops also moved several steps ahead. Each person was holding a shield, with eye-piercing light reflecting off the metal.

Mo Wenchen held Su Qiqi in his arms as he stood in front of the troops, seeming as if he wanted to act as a target.

In regards to Mo Wenchen’s actions, Su Qiqi did not understand it but she did not show it. She stayed tranquil, as if this matter had nothing to do with her at all.

“Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh……”

The sound of arrows cutting through the air continued nonstop.

The second the arrows left the bowstrings, the Blood Troops moved. They got up as if they grew wings and all leaped into the air, their movements completely uniform. The shields in their hands blocked all of the incoming arrows.

Ten people to a group, at the same time as they blocked the arrows, the group behind them turned and jumped over the first group. Then the first group turned again and leaped over. With this continued repeating sequence, the ten ten-person groups had already ended up standing in front of the archers.

Legs lifted and hands fell, row after rows of archers collapsed into a sea of blood.

At the same time, Mo Wenchen also moved. No one was able to see when he moved to the front of the fake Lei Yufeng, but his sword, flexible as a rope yet strong as steel, slantedly raced towards the fake Lei Yufeng’s neck.

The fake Lei Yufeng had also campaigned on the battlefield for many years, but he had never seen such a strange battle tactic like that of the Blood Troops’ so he was distracted for a moment. In the next second, he viciously threw his body to the side and rolled over on the ground.

Narrowly evading Mo Wenchen’s strike.

If that strike had landed, his life would have been forfeited here.

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Tumbling over on the ground, his foot stomped the ground and he suddenly leaped up. With a light toss of his sleeve, countless darts flew through the air. It was extremely beautiful, like the image of a celestial woman scattering flowers, yet also filled with fatal menace.

Su Qiqi lifted her eyes to look at the sky full of darts that seemed almost like rain, the radiance in her eyes disappeared in a blink. She tightly hugged Mo Wenchen’s waist, but she was not the least bit afraid.

She wasn’t even afraid of death, what else was there to be afraid of.

The sword dance now formed a halo. Mo Wenchen was not anxious and leisurely struck down in the incoming darts as he advanced forward. With regards to the other side’s ongoing battle, he did not feel the need to worry at all.

As long as Leng Yan was there it was enough.

As he flung the darts out from his sleeves, he slowly retreated backwards. The fake Lei Yufeng finally lost his initial calm facing the advancing Mo Wenchen. This person truly was like the rumors say, he was not human!

Ever since he first started his career, no one had ever dodged this concentrated attack of darts alive, much less mention that the person in front of him even actually wanted to go on the offensive.

Cold sweat was already seeping out from his forehead. Only now did the fake Lei Yufeng know that the cost of wanting to get the military power was this devastating.

Afraid that this time he’ll have to give away a bride and lose his army on top of it(suffer a double loss).

He was already too busy to worry about the battle going on at the side as he brandished his garment as if his life depended on it.

People called him the Thousand Hand Buddha, yet right now he was truly almost about to become Buddha.

“Where’s the Lei Clan Residence’s Castle Master?” Separated by a hundred thousand darts, Mo Wenchen’s voice coldly asked.


Credits: Translated by Chiyomira, Edited by Ocelot

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