Chapter 66: The Xiao Family

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Next, it was time to visit the in-laws. There was an entire family of maternal aunts for her to greet.

Everyone sized up Xiao Susu curiously. Although she was currently acting very low-key and meek while keeping a friendly smile on her face, it was still hard for people to accept that a person who had been intellectually disabled for fifteen years suddenly recovered.

Just a single word from her made the old madame extremely happy.

“Eldest Aunt, Second Aunt…”

Xiao Susu greeted her relatives one by one.


Meanwhile, those people all harbored their own intentions. Although the Xiao family was large and had an extensive business, they were gradually falling into a slump and had lost influence in the imperial court of Hundred Flowers Nation.

No one had been able to get the position of top scorer on the palace examination, and past prestige was far from enough for the Xiao family to continue prospering.

In addition, in the fourth generation of the Xiao family, Xiao Susu was the only daughter. The Eldest Miss and Second Miss had no daughters and only had sons. However, the law in Hundred Flowers Nation was that men could only stay in the men’s chamber and could not get involved in the matters of the nation.

Xiao Susu was the third miss’s daughter. However, the third miss had passed away due to premature labor.

Hence, she was the only daughter of the large Xiao family. However, she passed her days in a foolish daze. Although she possessed remarkably beautiful looks, all she was good for was being a flower vase.

In some people’s opinion, she couldn’t even compare to a flower vase.

Originally, the eldest miss and the second miss thought that the possessions of this Xiao family would eventually fall to their families since the only daughter that the Xiao family had was a fool, and there was no way that the family business could be passed onto a fool.

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“Good child,” said the eldest miss even though she was thinking the complete opposite. She walked up and squeezed Xiao Susu’s hand. “Susu, it’s good that you’ve gotten better. It’s really good.”


The second miss reacted similarly and kept a polite smile on her face.

It was now Su Qiqi’s soul inside Xiao Susu’s body. In the last lifetime, she had already learned that it was difficult to read a person’s heart, so this time, she saw the fakeness of these aunts’ smiles and the darkness in their eyes clearly.

However, she didn’t react to them and focused her attention on remembering all of them carefully.

Then, she greeted her uncles politely without a single mistake.

She had been the daughter of the prime minister after all, so etiquette was nothing difficult for her. Hence, her behavior was very graceful and calm.

The old madame smiled so widely that her grin stretched to her ears.

The only daughter of the Xiao family has finally woken up.

Following that, she greeted about a dozen older brothers. Although Su Qiqi had a highly retentive memory, even she got a bit dizzy from meeting all these people. As she greeted them, she wrapped her arms around the old madame’s arm. “Grandma, I’m hungry.”

When the old madame heard that her precious granddaughter was hungry, she hastily instructed for the servants to prepare food, then waved the rest of the people off. “You guys can head back to your rooms. I’ll stay here and look after Susu.”

She was really too happy.

She couldn’t even feel fatigue.

Xiao Susu knew that the old madame was in a good mood and didn’t want ruin it, so she helped her to the bed. “Susu will have dinner with Grandma then.”

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Her large eyes were as pure as water and filled with warmth as she looked towards Old Madame Xiao.

Old Madame Xiao’s eyes were also filled with benevolent love as she looked towards Xiao Susu.


Xiao Susu had buried the coldness in her heart because she wanted to enjoy this rare moment of warmth.

Since forever, her mother was the only one that would treat her this way. However, her mother was weak and had no way of properly protecting her, so she had no choice but to take up the duty of protecting her mother.

Of course, in the end, her mother sacrificed herself to protect Su Qiqi.

This fact would forever be the deepest wound in Su Qiqi’s heart, but at that time, the only one she had thought to save was Mo Wenchen.


When she recalled this, her heart squeezed with pain.

“Susu, what’s wrong?” Old Madame Xiao’s face immediately filled with worry when she saw Xiao Susu’s face turn pale.

The table was already set with an abundant dinner feast. When Xiao Susu heard the old madame’s question, she snapped out of her thoughts and smiled reassuringly. “Grandma, I’m fine. It’s just that I haven’t eaten for a couple days so my stomach hurts a little.”

It was a very good excuse because the old madame didn’t suspect anything.

Of course, she had never suspected anything.

Xiao Susu had been a fool for the past fifteen years. Even though she was no longer a fool, Old Madame Xiao still viewed her as a completely innocent child.

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During the entire dinner, Old Madame Xiao kept getting food for Xiao Susu with a happy smile that came from the bottom of her heart.

“At the age of fifteen, she has to start at everything from the very beginning. There’s no way, it’s too late.” In the west wing, the eldest miss of the Xiao family, Xiao Yan, and the second miss, Xiao Zhu, were currently lying on chaise lounges, dressed in delicate dresses. They were resting with their eyes closed and discussing Xiao Susu while enjoying the male servants’ massages.

“That’s right. Even if Old Madame wants to hand her the Xiao family, she probably won’t be able to handle it.”

“She’s been a fool for fifteen years and can’t even read, much less know martial arts. How could she possibly become the top scorer? We’ve been working hard since childhood, but we weren’t even able to make third in the exams. Lil’ Sis only caught the attention of the Empress due to her extraordinary martial arts, but what can Susu do? The only thing that’s changed is that she’s no longer a fool…”


Their worries then disappeared.

Everything they had considered was true.

Logically, even if Xiao Susu had woken up, since she had never received any education academically and in regards to martial arts techniques, at fifteen years old, there was not much hope for her.


However, Old Madame Xiao had been too immersed in the joy to take these things into account. Right now, all she felt was that there was now hope for the Xiao family.

In Hundred Flowers Nation, men never participated in politics or domestic affairs.

Since the Xiao family was a large family, the three men weren’t married off and had instead, taken wives and stayed in the Xiao residence. However, the Xiao family inheritance would fall only to Xiao Yan and Xiao Zhu.

“Susu doesn’t seem simple.” Xiao He gazed at the moon as he sipped on wine. “Brothers, have you noticed? There’s an unusual solemn air in her eyes.”

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The other two men nodded. “I noticed as well, but she concealed it well.”

“Perhaps Old Madame saw it as well. Eldest Miss and Second Miss were probably the only ones that didn’t notice?” Xiao He smiled in schadenfreude. These past years, they’ve always been oppressed since the two misses of the Xiao family were very overbearing.

“It’s more interesting this way.”

“Right? I’d like to know who actually wins. I’ve decided to help Third Sister’s daughter this time.”

“Me too.”

“I as well…”


The three chatted casually, but this conversation actually played a huge part in setting Xiao Susu’s fate.

Before she had even done anything, she had already gain three strong supporters.

Meanwhile, Old Madame had also placed all her hope on Xiao Susu. Even if Xiao Yan and Xiao Zhu wanted to do something, they couldn’t make any moves for the time being.


No matter what, they were clear on the situation.

She had become a member of the Xiao family. That night, Su Qiqi wasn’t able to sleep. She was now Xiao Susu. That’s right, so, allow me, Su Qiqi, to live on for you. In this lifetime, she vowed to soar as a phoenix to the Ninth Heaven, obtain the whole of the world, and crush all of the fickle appearance-loving men beneath her feet…

Credits: Translated by Chiyomira

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