Chapter 87: Request to Retire and Return to One’s Hometown

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The moment Xiao Susu and Xiao En got back to the residence, they went to look for Xiao Mi and told her about everything that happened today without leaving a single word out. They weren’t trying to make Xiao Mi worry, but to make sure she was mentally prepared.

“The emperor had definitely arranged all of this.” Xiao Mi’s expression was grim and she looked towards the sky. She knew that the Xiao family wouldn’t be able to escape this conflict over power.

Furthermore, at the very end, the Xiao family would only become sacrificial goods.

Her facial color was dark and her brows furrowed slightly.


All these past years she had been supporting the Xiao family on her own, but she had never felt tired. Even when she had to send off those younger than herself, she had gritted her teeth and made it through. However, now, she suddenly felt a little worn out.

She was tired of these power disputes, she just wanted to live the rest of her years in peace.

She just wanted to live happily with her family. That was enough.

She knew that even if Xiao Susu was greatly talented, Xiao Susu still wouldn’t take her path.

She also didn’t want to force Xiao Susu to do things that she didn’t like.

Xiao Susu nodded. She was also aware that even if Hua Qianye was skilled in schemes, he still wouldn’t dare to directly kill off two princes from other nations. Hence this meant that Hua Ruxue definitely supported this.

This Hua Ruxue was even more ruthless and vicious than a man.

And even more sinister too.


If it weren’t for Hua Qianzi’s quick reaction today, they would have all been rolled up into the scheme.

At that time, it’d be harder than touching the sky to get free.

“Would Hua Qianye make a move today?”

The atmosphere in the living room was heavy. Xiao Yan and Xiao Zhu had also been invited here to discuss what to do next.

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“If I was Hua Qianye, I would cancel the operation.” Xiao Susu’s voice wasn’t very loud but it was filled with confidence. “The two main targets aren’t present so there’s no point.”

“Indeed.” Xiao Mi also agreed. “It’s just that Hua Ruxue definitely won’t just let this go.”

“All of us will stop attending imperial banquets for the time being,” said Xiao Yan angrily.

Xiao Zhu expressed her agreement.

Xiao Mi sighed helplessly. She had only given birth to three daughters in this lifetime. Aside from her deceased youngest daughter who shared her intelligence and bravery, the rest of her daughters were just idiots. These two actually said something like this.

However, fortunately they didn’t cause much trouble.

This saved her a lot of headache and so she didn’t need to live like the heads of other aristocratic families, like a street rat that everyone wanted to kill.

There were too many old ministers in court, all satisfied with their accomplishments and arrogant as a result. Even Hua Ruxue had to be somewhat patient and accommodating with them.

From the looks of things, Hua Ruxue didn’t want to endure any longer.

Based on the identities of the daughters that Hua Qianye had invited today, Hua Ruxue was trying to eliminate them from the roots.


For the sake of giving Hua Qianye strong enough power, she was going to heartlessly drag everyone else down.

However, Xiao Mi never imagined that the Xiao family would also be implicated.

Although she had considered it before because her granddaughter was currently in the limelight, her heart still chilled. These past years, Hua Ruxue had always been trying to freeze the Xiao family’s influence.

At that time, she had only worried about the late emperor’s dying decree.


However, she no longer thought about that decree now. She only wanted to protect her family.

Xiao Susu glanced at Xiao Yan and Xiao Zhu. “This method won’t work.”

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She didn’t want to say too much.

Xiao En didn’t say a word from start to finish. He was aware that the fact that he could even participate in this kind of gathering was already thanks to Xiao Susu. Even if he said something, it wouldn’t affect the family’s decision.

In Hundred Flowers Nation, men’s status was simply this low.

There was no way to change it.

In reality, there was a time that Xiao En actually hoped for Hua Qianye to inherit Hundred Flowers Nation. That way, men could turn their situation around.

They’d no longer be enslaved by women.

However, when he recalled the Xiao family’s situation, he no longer supported Hua Qianye.

It was just that he found his mother’s words very funny. All of the imperial banquets were set by the emperor’s imperial decree, refusing to go was to defy the imperial decree. Even if your Xiao family had great ability, could you still show disrespect and defy the imperial decree?

If that happened, there wasn’t even the need for a scheme. The emperor could directly have their entire family executed and their property confiscated.

“It seems that there really are no roads of retreat.” Xiao Mi suddenly stood up, her expression stern. It was as if she had already considered things for a very long time and had now finally come to a decision.

“Grandma…” Xiao Susu got up and called out to her softly.

She knew what Xiao Mi planned to do.


She felt a bit bad.

In the end, all of this was mainly because of her.

She had been the bait that Hua Qianye had used to lure those people, that was why the Xiao family had gotten implicated.

Xiao Yan and Xiao Zhu also looked towards Xiao Mi. “Mother, you have a way?”

A trace of excitement flashed across their faces. In their eyes, there was nothing that was too difficult for Xiao Mi to solve.

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“Grandma, reconsider,” said Xiao Susu. Unlike Xiao Yan and Xiao Zhu, she didn’t look optimistic and looked very grim.

This decision would make a severe impact.

The solemn expression on Xiao Mi’s face quickly disappeared. She seemed very gratified that Xiao Susu understood her thoughts so well. She smiled. “It’s fine. Grandma has already decided. This is the only way that the Xiao family would be able to escape unscathed.”

She was already past her middle years and this was no longer the time to fight hard for power. That was why, she chose to give up.

Xiao Yan and Xiao Zhu were completely baffled by this conversation and just stared at this pair of grandmother and granddaughter.

Meanwhile, Xiao En had also realized what Old Madame Xiao’s decision was. He silently thought it through to figure out whether doing this would work or not.

“I’ve decided to resign from my government post and request to retire.” In the end, Xiao Mi announced her decision to Xiao Yan and Xiao Zhu in a firm tone that allowed no questions.

Xiao Susu sighed softly. Despite her efforts, she had implicated the Xiao family.

Meanwhile, Xiao Yan and Xiao Zhu’s expressions changed greatly upon hearing this.


“How can you do that? What will happen to us?”

They spoke at the exact same time.

All they got in response was Xiao Mi’s eye roll.

After announcing her decision, Xiao Mi didn’t say anything else and just left the living room, her expression grim. Xiao Yan and Xiao Zhu’s expressions were indignant.

However, they didn’t dare to say anything else since no one could change things that Xiao Mi had already decided on.

Furthermore, this was no small matter.

The two then looked towards Xiao Susu.

Xiao Susu got up and politely smiled towards the two. “Eldest Aunt, Second Aunt, I’ll be returning to my room.”

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She didn’t want to continue discussing this with them. These two aunts only cared about their own position and wealth, they never considered what Xiao Mi felt, nor the situation of the Xiao family.

However, these two aunts still treated her very well. They were no longer hostile like they were at first.

It was just that this time, she also felt that Xiao Mi’s decision was correct.

This was the only way out.

That was why she didn’t try to dissuade her.

Furthermore, she didn’t like the people of the Hua family, so she didn’t want Xiao Mi to continue to sacrifice herself working torturously for them.


In particular, Hua Qianzi was the one person she hated the most in this world.

Regardless of whether it was her past life or in this life, Hua Qianzi was the nightmare she could never get free from.

She won’t simply cross off everything that had happened in the past. She decided that before the Xiao family left, she would definitely make it so Hua Qianzi got the punishment she deserved. She was going to take revenge, she must.

However, there weren’t many opportunities for it.

During the day, she had only embarrassed Hua Qianzi a little. This was nothing compared to what Hua Qianzi had done to her back then.

Even if this woman hadn’t returned to Hundred Flowers Nation, she still would have gone to find her. This revenge had to be taken.

Xiao En followed Xiao Susu. He didn’t speak and simply walked with her quietly.

Xiao Susu didn’t return to her own room and just walked around aimlessly. All the memories of the past caused the pain in her heart to slowly spread.

This time, she told herself, she couldn’t be lenient, and she also couldn’t implicate the Xiao family.

If it was a comparison of schemes and how sinister one could be, she, Xiao Susu, wouldn’t lose.

Credits: Translated by Chiyomira

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