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Draylen walked at a leisurely pace through the thick underbrush, occasionally pushing aside branches and thorns. He was currently looking for a strong opponent to practice against, something which wouldn't die too easily.

"Ah, now would be a good time to try my life sense eyes." He exclaimed.

Draylen stood still and concentrated on guiding the mana in his heart towards his eyes, causing the veins on his face to turn black and white. The mana flooded into his eyes, creating an itching/dry feeling, like when someone blows directly into your eyes.

The feeling quickly disappeared and when Draylen opened his eyes, he could see the cultivation tier, species, age and gender of every living thing in sight.

"Trees have cultivation too?!" He uttered in surprise upon noticing that a strange tree to his left had a tier of 2.

Draylen quickly set off through the forest, taking in the new sights. Now, whenever he looked at a life form, he saw this:

[Giant Forest Boar]

Gender: Male

Species: Forest Boar

Special Bloodlines: None

Tier: 4

Age: 26

Lifespan: 240


What's more was that he could see creatures through the dense foliage.

'This is great! If I ever have to chase someone, It'll be like having x-ray vision!' He grinned slightly.

'Alright, let's go!'

Draylen quickly picked up his pace, eager to find new prey.

Meanwhile, in a certain valley.

"Arboria, long time no see." Horatio greeted, waving.

The dragon lady nodded and smiled in a friendly manner, before the two briefly shook hands. They then began to walk down the well defined pathed path, into the inner valley. They made some small talk here and there, before eventually making it to the main topic.

"How is your daughter progressing?" The old man asked seriously, completely opposite to his previous jovial tone.

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Arboria tilted her head for a moment whilst crossing her arms.

"Quickly. She has become a tier 6 expert with the guidance of Gaia, whilst also learning the ways of the true earth dragon."

Horatio nodded.

"And I guess that the Fallen have not moved since, correct?"


There was a short silence.

"Then they must fear Gaia's wrath." The old man said.

'I hope so, anyway.' He thought.

Arboria shook her head slowly.

"Perhaps they are waiting for the current true earth dragon to pass on her title and power, before attacking. After all, experience definitely outweighs newfound, unrefined power."

The old man's forehead creased.

"In that case, we shall readily lend you our help if necessary."

"There is no need, we will be able to do well enough on our own."

"Just like last time?" The old man mocked.

The dragon lady frowned at him, but didn't reply.

"Besides, I have already planned to contact the emperor himself, he would readily assist with the empire's armies in order to win the favour of a true earth dragon, let alone a true dragon." Horatio said in a lighthearted manner.

Arboria shrugged.

"Don't expect my thanks."

"On the contrary, I am sure that you will thank me." He chuckled.

She just rolled her eyes, before her forehead creased.

"You plan on sending the boy to the empire's fratries?"

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"Of course. He'll gain some important experience, maybe even make some friends." The old man guffawed.

"This is no laughing matter, the boy might die, in fact, it's almost certain."

What Arboria said was true. The empire had several fratries which were run by several officials, military officials to administrative ones. The word meant 'brotherhood' and the only way for an outsider to gain entry to the Auria empire was by gaining the approval of one.

Whilst fratries weren't actually endorsed by the empire, Arus Aureus emperor of Auria turned a blind eye to them. This was not only because of the fact that they were run by his officials, but also because they helped weed out spies from neighbouring kingdoms as well as provide his empire with talented immigrants.

Thus, even though the selections might be biased, in the long run, the fratries were greatly beneficial to the empire, with tens of expert craftsmen and warriors entering the country every day, the empire could be extremely self-reliant and not have to rely on other land's produce.

What if a business partner suddenly cut off all trade, whilst the empire relied on them for high grade weapon materials, like iron? Although there wouldn't be much immediate effects, there would eventually be a lack of weapons to arm soldiers with. Whilst the empire could just begin trading with a different partner, what if all of the surrounding kingdoms and merchant guilds were to plot against them?

Then, it would certainly be the Auria empire's demise. Now, what did this have to do with safety?


The areas where the fratries were located were certainly on the outskirts of the empire.

It was a lawless land.

The fratries had their own rules, which one had to abide by. If they wanted money, you'd have to pay, or get kicked out, possibly even crippled for life. If someone wanted to start a fight with you, there was little chance that anyone would defend you, unless you had connections.

Whilst Draylen could say that he was doing imperial business, how many people would believe a 10 year old?

The old man chuckled once more.

"I understand your concern, but what if I hand write a recommendation letter to the head of a fratry, whom I happen to know very well?"

"You and your connections." Arboria shrugged impassively.

"Everything's connected, it's all connected." The old man grinned in a youthful, mischievous manner.

The two soon found themselves at the entrance of Gaia's chamber. Just as they were about to enter, Aria burst out, drenched in sweat. However, no matter how sweaty she was, it couldn't hide her natural elegance and gentle features.

"Mom!" She yelled joyfully, leaping into Arboria's arms.

The dragon lady smiled warmly before quickly returning to her usual stern expression. Aria quickly pulled away, before bowing hastily to the old man.

"Nice to see you again, grandpa."

The old man smiled as if they were blood relatives.

"No need to stand on ceremony, here, grandpa has a present for you!" He said, before pulling an item out of his storage spell circle.

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Arboria was about to reject his gift, but upon seeing her daughter's happy expression, she relented and sighed.

"Darn old man, spoiling my daughter."

"No worries, I'm not doing it to gain the favour of the future true earth dragon or anything." He laughed shamelessly in response.

The dragon lady held back the impulse to set him on fire and instead shifted her gaze to the box which was in Aria's hands. Aria quickly opened it and found large green gem inside, it glistened in the light and had a clear green essence inside.

"Is this..."

"Yep! It's a natural elemental affinity booster."

"Oh no, to think that you would give me such a precious gift... Thanks grandpa!" She squealed in delight.

The old man hurriedly shook his head.

"No, no. This gift wasn't from me, I'm just the courier." He said hastily.

"What? Then who is it from?" Aria asked innocently.

Meanwhile, Arboria's face was full of black lines, with a single blue vein throbbing on her forehead.

'Did you really come here to discuss the Fallen, or to be a match maker?!' She screamed internally.

Back to a certain young Dragon Summoner...

Draylen crouched within a bush, spying on a herd of monsters. He quickly activated his life sense eyes and scanned the herd.

[Primal Macrauchenia]

Gender: Male

Species: Primal Mammal

Special Bloodlines: Primal Savannah Demon

Tier: 5

Age: 356

Lifespan: 648


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Draylen's eyebrows shifted upwards slightly.

'Don't these monsters inhabit open plains, why are they in this forest?'

He shook his head and ignored the thought.

'Who cares, whilst one alone may not be my match, this herd of ten will certainly be difficult.'

Draylen made sure to look at the information of each Primal Macrauchenia, before switching off his life sense eyes. Although it slowly drained mana whilst active, every drop counted, especially when Draylen's main weapon was the mana-powered Spirit Shooter.

He memorised the statuses of each monster, before looking for identifying features of each one so that he could remember their strengths. A few had broken through to tier 6 low, thus he needed to be especially careful.

Draylen slowly shuffled forward, before raising both arms. The six barrels of the Spirit Shooters glinted in the dark, before unleashing an accurate barrage of red fire.


The Primal Macrauchenia honked in panic, as they were quickly surrounded by roaring flames. They slowly gathered around, facing outwards whilst squeezing closer as the ring of fire moved towards them.

Draylen grinned slightly, before quickly returning to his usual cold expression.

"It's time to hunt."

He leaped out from behind cover, both arms raised.

-Pew! Pew!

Arrows made of pure dark mana leaped through the air, looking as if they had absorbed all of the light around them, becoming pitch black vortexes. The monsters were trapped close together within the ring of fire and couldn't avoid the attack.

The black arrows slashed through the thin hides of three of the Primal Marauchenia, causing them to honk in pain and collapse. Their bodies decomposed at rates visible to the eye and their companions realised that they had to leave the ring in order to have a chance at surviving, thus they charged forward, through the flames.


A yellow arrow shot forward, before stopping just above the escaping monsters. It suddenly enlarged, into a howling gale. Branches and loose objects were pulled into the air, creating a tornado of debris. The Primal Marauchenia tried as hard as they could to escape, but the wind arrow which Draylen had fired was too strong, it pulled them up as well, along with the fire from Draylen's previous fire arrows.

Soon, a spinning tornado of fire rotated noisily, sucking up trees and all sorts of creatures. After a while, the tornado ran out of mana and abruptly disappeared, causing tons upon tons of random things to shower down in a deadly hail of burnt smelling flesh.

Draylen hurriedly invoked his Shadow Veil, becoming immune to the incoming impact.

'Wow. That worked really well!' He thought excitedly.

'It's a shame that I couldn't get their meat, otherwise we'd be eating loads for dinner.'

Draylen shook his head, before leaving the veil. He quickly looked at the destroyed area, before heading back into the forest.

The battle hadn't satisfied him, it was truly too one-sided, thus he wanted to find a monster which had a higher tier than him.

'But maybe I should rest quickly... My mana has been used up quite a bit.' He mused.

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