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Draylen woke up with a lazy yawn.

"Huh? Where am I?" He exclaimed, looking around at the unfamiliar room.

'Oh wait, I remember checking in with Argo last night.'

The boy stretched, before slowly climbing off of the small single person bed. The room he was currently in had a homely feel, with several dark brown wooden beams. The walls were also made of wood, albeit white/grey.

The room had little furniture, only the rudimentary bed, a stool and a small table. Realising that his body was giving off a faint odour, Draylen quickly cleaned himself with the usual water and fire combo.

"What's this?"

He found a small pouch which sat on top of the table with a small note. When he went to pick it up, he heard the clinking sound of coins within. Draylen read the note, which was from Argo, essentially telling him the amount of coins inside the pouch and a few other things.

Draylen summoned both of his familiars, Charcoal and Barong. He looked at them for a moment before wondering aloud.

"Although I have that duel tomorrow... I really want to explore the city."


Barong growled, before playfully nibbling on Draylen's fingers. The latter grinned in response, before scratching the Lioberus' stomach. Charcoal pouted on the side of the bed whilst also lying down.

After a few minutes, Draylen eventually decided to go sightseeing.

'I can train whenever I want, but I can't see this city everyday, especially since I live in a forest.' Was his thought process.

Naturally, he decided to take his familiars with him as well. When he left through the room's door, he noticed that within the narrow corridor there were only two rooms.

'That must be Argo's.'

Thinking that Argo hadn't woken up yet, Draylen decided to go out without his company. There was little to no chance of him getting lost, his memory was extremely good, allowing him to memorise routes and paths very easily. The only way for him to get lost was for someone to blindfold him and kidnap him, which would be quite difficult to do. unless of course, the kidnapper was an ascendant or around tier 10. But what kind of expert would kidnap a tourist?

Leaving the inn in a good mood and with two prancing familiars at his heels, Draylen decided to first find a place to eat. Although he didn't know the exactly where the restaurants or food shops were, he did hear the bustling sound of activity.

'That must be where the main street is. I'll go there and take a look around, if not ask someone for directions.'

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Nodding to himself, Draylen set off in the direction of the noise. Although the alleys were relatively clean, there was occasionally some litter or strangely shaped turds here and there. These foreign objects garnered much of Charcoal and Barong's attention.

After a few moments, he had already made his way to the main street, where rows of people filled the streets. Picking up his two curious familiars, he quickly dove into the crowd. He had to constantly avoid other people to avoid bumping into them, there was just no room for personal space.

Draylen also made to take mental notes of nearby landmarks, such as the tall white building so that he could remember his way back to the inn. The sound of birdsong accompanied that of the busy street, indicating how early it was into the day.

He was often glanced at by many passersby, wondering what kind of irresponsible parent would let a child out into the city alone. By the time Draylen had left the area with lots of stalls, it was already late into the morning. The number of people nearby had also lessened greatly, allowing him to breathe properly.

However, there were still many people wandering around or going by their daily business.

"Hey, Leone! Have you been to that new bakery which opened recently?"

"Oh my gosh yes! The pastries there are simply delicious!"

Draylen couldn't help but eavesdrop on the two women who were chatting at a rapid pace. Especially since he had just heard them speak about a bakery.

'I wonder what a bakery is and what are pastries?' He thought.

Filled with a large sense of curiosity, Draylen quickly greeted the two walking in front of him. He also couldn't help but notice their shiny jewellery and extravagant clothing.

"Excuse me, but I happened to hear you talking about a 'bakery'. Please could you tell me where it is?" He asked politely.

The two women looked at one another, before one of them quickly pointed in a certain direction.

"Just that way, past the arena. It's got a big black sign board with the words 'Eat or leave smoothly' written on it in bold."


The boy hurried away with his familiars in tow, curious as to how exactly one could 'leave smoothly'. After pondering for a short while, he eventually gave up.

'Wait, what's this arena that lady was talking about?'

Draylen scratched his neck.

'I guess that's just more for me to look forward to then.'

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He looked around for a few more landmarks, only to realise that all of the people around him, mostly girls and women, were staring with fawning eyes at his familiars. Barong looked back curiously towards them, whilst Charcoal snorted coldly and turned his head to face away from the crowd. Draylen felt somewhat dazed, although nobody was looking at him in particular, the sheer amount of attention brought to his familiars was overwhelming.

"So cyuuuute~!" A high pitched squeal brought him back to his senses.

A group of young girls pushed their way out of the circle of people and rushed towards Charcoal and the innocent looking Barong. However, Draylen was one step ahead, recalling both familiars in a split second. By the time the girl's dagger-like glares where directed in his direction, he had already exited the crowd.

Feeling the sweat running down his back, the boy quickened his pace.

'Maybe I should teach Barong and Charcoal some self defence...'

Within only a few minutes, Draylen found himself within a large plaza. The floor was much like that of the streets, paved with smooth stone slabs. The buildings that were there seemed very different to the common people's living places, with more posh decorations such as flowers or miniature statues.

A few even had glazed or tinted glass windows!

Holding back his exclamation, Draylen instantly knew that this plaza was meant for the higher class.

'Although I'm not sure how much 10,000 gold coins is, I'm sure it'll be enough for me to buy some pastries.'

He fingered the brown pouch by his waist gently, before looking around for a big black sign board.


He soon found the shop, walking toward it quickly. Whilst there was no need for him to be so rushed, Draylen was eager to learn what 'pastries' were and also see the arena. Although he had only planned two things so far, he felt somewhat well organised, especially since both the bakery and arena seemed to be high end places.

When he entered the bakery, a bell that hung by the door rang automatically, making him reflexively jump. After realising that it was only a bell, he shook his head with a dumb grin and walked further into the shop.

'I was right, this really is for the rich.'

After having determined that everyone in the city wearing ugly and inconvenient clothing was a noble, Draylen could tell that this shop was a high end establishment.


Because the colours of clothing present in the shop outnumbered those of the rainbow. There were several shiny tables with comfortable looking seats around them, almost all of which had a group of colourful people sitting around them.

'They might be nobles... I'll just grab something to eat and leave as soon as possible.'

At the main counter there was a handsome middle-aged man with a long brown moustache who happened to be polishing a glass with a pure white hand towel. Greeting the man, Draylen took a look at the menu.

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"Excuse me, is this... Croissant good?" He asked, pointing to the item.

The man glanced up at him.

"Yes, yes, very good. I recommend for newcomers greatly." He spoke in a thick foreign accent accompanied by a slightly muddled sentence.

"Alright, I'll take three please."

"Nine silver total."

Draylen fished out a single gold coin from his pouch and placed it into the man's hand. Although he wasn't sure about the value of each coin, he guessed that one gold coin should be enough to pay. Gold was more valuable than silver after all.

Luckily, the man accepted it and gave him back 81 silver coins, which Draylen pocketed quickly.

"You take table in far corner, Croissant be ready in five minute." The man instructed, pointing elegantly towards the furthest end of the shop.

Draylen nodded, whilst thanking him. He wasn't too bothered about the bad seating, mainly because he wanted to leave quickly but also because almost every other table was full. He sat down on the chair, sinking back and enjoying the relaxing feeling accompanied by the fresh smell of what he assumed were pastries.

Soon, a waiter arrived, placing down a plate with three croissants on it. Without any delay, Draylen summoned his two familiars.

"This one is for you Charcoal, whilst this one is for you, Barong." He said, handing the two drooling monsters a croissant each.



The two growled happily at the same time, before simultaneously digging in. Draylen grinned too, before following their example. The outside of the croissant was crunchy and crisp, yet also gave way to the soft innards.

There was a half melted substance within which was both creamy and salty at the same time, combined with the freshness and novelty of the new food made for a refreshing breakfast.

'I said I'd leave immediately... But I'm still hungry. The food here is cheap anyway.'

He then proceeded to order several other different pastries, even going as far as to try out the croissant variants.

(Author note: I'm hungry now.)

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As he was digging into the fifth or sixth pastry, he noticed a pair of young nobles walking towards him. Shrugging to himself, he continued enjoying his meal. He looked up a second time, only to realise that they had stopped in front of him.

"Hello." The boy said casually, biting down onto another almond croissant.

"How long do you plan to sit here and eat? It's been two hours now." The young man said with a scowl.

Draylen looked at the man, and then the young woman.

"But I'm still hungry."

"We have higher status than you, eat elsewhere."

"You are coming here because there are no more seats right? Where do you expect me to sit once you take my place?" Draylen refuted, passing another pastry to Charcoal who currently looked like an inflated black ball.

The young man who had expected the boy before him to concede out of fright was now clenching his jaw in anger. He had invited out his childhood love to eat at the brand new bakery, yet the only remaining seat had been taken by a peasant child who refused to move!

However, being the noble that he was, his self restraint was somewhat better compared to the others. He looked at the boy's clothing, only to notice that it seemed to be suited for combat and also a pouch tied around his waist which was full of gold coins.

'He's rich!' The man exclaimed silently.

He thought for a second, before talking to Draylen again.

"Are you by any chance the young master of any noble house?"


"I thought so, a person of such refined bearing- what? You aren't?"



The young noble ran his hand through his hair with an embarrassed smile. However, he quickly thought of something else.

"Say, have you visited the arena before?"

Draylen suddenly sat up, his curiosity peaked.

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