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The old man's brush flew across the parchment, elegantly drawing several black markings. Each stroke gave of a mysterious aura and when they connected, this aura seemed to grow stronger. The old man dipped the brush in the ink pot for the third time, wiped away the excess and increased his supply of mana.

Although the ink was black, when looking at it from different angles the white glow of mana could be seen glistening in the darkness. This property was magnified after having the old man's mana enter it and remained even after being transferred onto the parchment. The ink soaked into the fibres of the parchment, dying them black.

After half an hour of inscribing, which felt like a second to Draylen who was watching, the old man finally finished and put away his tools.

"Face up on the table." He commanded.

Draylen nodded, climbing onto the table and lying with his face upwards. This time, the old man held up the extremely complicated parchment. There were thousands of tiny lines which intersected with one another to create a spell circle. In the centre was the summoning circle from the black scroll which Draylen used to summon Charcoal, whilst the outer area was full of even thinner lines which threaded together to look like a woven rope, winding around the outside of the summoning circle.

Looking at the spell circle would make one think that they were staring into the gaping jaws of a black dragon. The old man dried the parchment using his mana, albeit slower than when he dried the balancing spell that he inscribed previously due to the sheer amount of ink used. Then, when it was fully dried, he placed it onto Draylen's chest and used his mana to imprint it.

After removing the parchment, not only did the white glow of mana remain when looking at certain angles, the strange ominousness that was emitted from looking at the black spell circle was retained too. Without any instructions, Draylen quickly hopped to his feet and began to circulate mana from his heart to the summoning circle and back.

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There was a light humming noise after which mana wove in and out of the rope-like tattoo on the outside before spreading inwards to the actual summoning circle. The inside shone brightly and one could see Draylen's organs and bones being illuminated by the glow of mana. Then, the summoning circle began to spin, faster and faster until a small white portal was created.


Charcoal stuck it's head out curiously. Then, it leapt through the white portal and climbed up Draylen's tattered clothing, coming to sit on his shoulder. It began to play with a few strands of Draylen's black hair.

The old man chuckled for a moment before speaking.

"Young Draylen, now that you have a Dragon Tattoo, I think it's time for us to catch something to eat." He said, walking towards the door.

Draylen nodded slightly, before turning to follow the old man out of the cave.

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"Tomorrow, I'll teach you how to inscribe spell circles, including armament and weapon spells." The old man said.

The young boy's eyes glistened slightly.

'This means that tomorrow, I'll be able to take down monsters by myself!' He thought, elated.

After walking through the forest for a while, Draylen felt something odd. He had thoroughly looked around and was sure that they were in the 'DeepWood', where the strongest monsters of the forest resided. Usually, just entering this area would make one be regarded as trespassing to the monsters that inhabited this place and they would be attacked.

Thus, in order to satisfy his curiosity, Draylen asked the knowledgeable old man next to him.

"That's obvious. When faced with a higher existence like a dragon, ordinary monsters have no choice but to cower in fear, as even a teenage dragon can kill a fully grown tier 5 monster in a single breath attack. I thought you knew that already." The old man said.

"Well of course, but you can't be telling me that they're scared of Charcoal? It's just a baby dragon, it definitely doesn't know how to fight." Draylen answered.

"Of course they aren't afraid of Charcoal, they're scared of Karonar. Although I haven't summoned Karonar, when one learns and uses the way of Dragon Summoning, the summoner becomes one with their familiar. This means that to all of the monsters around us, I'm a fully grown dragon pretending to be human. You know how beings with any traces of draconic blood instinctually obey the orders of creatures with even more draconic blood? Right now, If there were a Wyvern or Drake in front of me, I could command it like my own familiar, even order it to submit to me!" The old man replied with a faint smile.

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'That's way too powerful!' Draylen thought, astonished.

Soon, the two reached a large clearing, where a pack of Forest Wolves stood, hackles raised. They growled menacingly, in order to protect their territory but showed signs of fleeing at any moment. The old man casually walked forward and ran his right hand down his left arm, tracing a long tattoo. The glow of white mana showed that the spell circle was being activated and a magic circle appeared over the old man's outstretched left arm.

Hundreds of minuscule white needles appeared, before extending and becoming large white javelins which hovered in the air, creating a sharp wall between the old man, Draylen and the Forest wolves.

"Go." The old man said, causing each javelin to shoot forward with a sudden burst of speed.

Before Draylen's eyes could even process what was happening, the pack of Forest Wolves was already slaughtered mercilessly. Each one was skewered through the mouth, like a boar on a spit. The light then javelins disintegrated into the air, leaving behind 30 Forest Wolf corpses. Each one had a strength of tier 4 or higher, showing just how devastating the old man's attack was.

Draylen took a closer look at the bodies of the monsters and realised that each wolf's pelt was perfectly intact.

"Spell scroll materials?" He asked the old man.

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"Spot on." The old man replied, whilst casting another spell.

Another light, even brighter than the activation of the previous thirty light javelins was emitted from one of the old man's fingers. A large disc of light appeared in the sky and engulfed the corpses, upon melting away into the atmosphere, none of the bodies remained.

'It must be some sort of storage magic, just like the one that the old man stores his tattooing tools in.' Draylen thought.

"We aren't going to eat the Wolf meat, that's for your familiar. Now I'll show you my armament and weapon spell." The old man said, interrupting Draylen's thoughts.

The boy nodded eagerly. He was excited, because weapon spells and armament spells were how the majority of summoners duelled. Through a weapon or armament spell scroll, a summoner could turn his familiar into a weapon or set of armour. Not only would the weapon be as strong as the familiar used, the weapon or armour set summoned would gain properties similar to the familiar. For example, if a summoner used his Tortoise-type familiar, his armour would become extremely tough and durable.

The old man touched the spell circles on both of his shoulders, causing white light to glow out of them. Draylen could see the muscle fibres illuminated through the old man's skin. He could tell that the old man had not neglected physical exercise at all, unlike many wealthy nobles or rich summoners.

After the bright light faded, the old man was clad in white scale armour, with a dragon-like helmet that had glowing reptilian eyes. He held a long white lance in one hand and a small buckle-shield in the other. The old man bore strong resemblance to Karonar, the white dragon.

"Come, let us find dinner." The old man said, his voice sounding as if he was speaking into a bucket.

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