Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 169


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Sir Fux watched as the dashing naval officer salute to him before taking out a blue-colored folder from his black briefcase. He took two steps forward with one hand stretched out with the document.

The naval officer seemed unfamiliar with common etiquette. Why was he so rude? Sir Fux merely humphed with dissatisfaction without getting up to take it. If he wanted to get the blue-colored folder from First Lieutenant Abraham, he would have to lean forward and reach out for it. That made him look like he was lowering his head to the lieutenant.

Can't you f*cking take two more steps forward?! At least, put it on the table instead of holding it up in the air like this! Did Viscount Wenisk instruct you to do this and humiliate me? Being a man of his age, his thoughts often wandered a little far. Sir Fux waved his hand for Wharf to get the folder for him.

Weird... why does this lieutenant look a little familiar? I seem to have met him before... Those dead fish eyes that almost seem to be laughing... Did he make an impression on me somehow? A chain of suspicion emerged in his mind. He was certain he hadn't met the naval lieutenant before, so where was the sense of familiarity coming from?

Wharf stepped towards the lieutenant quickly and reached his hand out for the folder without a care. What he didn't think would happen was the lieutenant jerking suddenly. His hand caught air and he stumbled forwards. The folder the lieutenant held fell to the ground as he reached out with his right hand and pulled back, holding Wharf's neck tight in his grip and pulling the butler towards him.

With a flick of his left hand and a sudden jerk downwards, Wharf's neck was snapped following a crisp snap. He collapsed on the black rug without a sound as his limbs twitched randomly.

Sir Fux watched the whole thing play out with a stupefied look. It all happened too quickly, within a split second or two. He only recalled blinking twice and seeing the butler collapsed on the ground. More importantly, there wasn't the slightest scream. The only audible sound was the gentle snap of bone.

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As the lieutenant looked up back at him with his deadfish gaze, Sir Fux finally realized that the man wasn't a messenger, but an assassin. The urgent document was a cover for him to approach him.

At that moment, Sir Fux pushed back his chair with an agility ill-fitting for a man of his age, intent on pulling the rope bell at the wall behind him. Usually when he wanted to call a servant to the study, he would have to lean his chair back and pull on the rope. The slightest tug would generate an urgent ring and any servants who heard it would enter the study.

Perhaps screaming would've been more convenient, but Sir Fux wasn't sure he could do so. He had been feeling a little ill lately, with his throat feeling rather coarse. Given his age, his lung capacity wasn't much to boast about either. He was also aware of the top-of-the-line soundproofing he fitted the room with out of fear that others would eavesdrop on him. Anybody outside with their ear against the door wouldn't be able to hear anything going on within the study, so he was worried his screams wouldn't be heard.

Now, however, Sir Fux regretted his decision to move the rope against the wall. Hanging it on his desk like before would've been much more convenient. But back then, he would often touch it accidentally and the servants would come in and ask whether he needed anything, disrupting his train of thought in the process. That was why he angrily ordered for it to be moved to the wall.

When his hand was only three centimeters away from the rope, a wave of cold despair washed over him. The lieutenant had charged towards him and grabbed him by the arm with one hand and the neck by the other.

Snap! The bone snapped cleanly and Sir Fux's outstretched right hand fell limply. The searing pain caused his face to redden profusely. His eyes felt like they were trying to pop out of their sockets and he struggled like a struggling fish in an attempt to jump out of his chair.

Too bad the grip on his throat was stiff like a metal clamp. Not only was he unable to scream in pain, he wasn't even able to cause the chair to stumble.

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"W-w-w-why... k-k-ill mee.... w-w-w-who s-s-sent you..." Sir Fux struggled to grasp at the hand on his throat with his remaining left in vain as he questioned his assailant. He already forgot the pain in his right hand. "A-a-at least l-l-l-et me k-know how I d-d-died..."

The lieutenant smiled mockingly, revealing the whites of his teeth. "Actually, Sir Fux, you're really lucky. I didn't want to kill you just like that. I wanted to ruin your entire life at least for you to taste the pain and isolation. Taste how it feels to be treated like a stray dog after you lost your reputation and everything else. It's too bad that my plans had to change, you see. Two foolish do-gooders did away with my plans for revenge, so I had no choice but to accept it. I had no choice but to finish this deal before I leave."

The white teeth and his mocking words finally connected the dots in Sir Fux's head. "I-it's you, C-claude..."

"Congratulations, Sir, you got it right. Shame there's no reward for that." Claude wore a sinister smile on his face. "I had planned it all well. Next year's the election and I was going to rig it so that you won't be able to get reelected as a council member. Without that position, I'm sure many people will start to vie for your immense wealth and estate. I only had to get a few others to reveal all the scandals pertaining to you and by then, your close friends and associates will not wait to ditch you. Should that have happened, I even have a method to cause you to lose everything. But it's too bad I got conscripted and have to leave here. That's why I had no choice but to visit you tonight to send you off in peace.

"Actually, I shouldn't even be bullshitting with you right now. The villains in the movies always lose because of evil gloating. If only they acted sooner, the protagonist would be no more. Too bad there are no movies in this world. Farewell, Sir..."

His two hands intersected and gave a forceful twist. Sir Fux's head spun 180 degrees and his body slumped back in his chair immediately.

Good, there's no blood. However, the man's legs twitched twice and Claude smelled the stench of piss and feces. He looked down and found that Sir Fux's nightgown was wet from the hip down.

He picked up the blue folder on the ground, put it back in his black briefcase and tidied his uniform up. Making sure that nothing was out of place at the scene, Claude left the room.

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As Sir Fux's personal maidservant, Cerna had to warm his bed. Given how hot the weather was nowadays, there was nothing to warm, but the man still appreciated her company in bed nevertheless. He was already of an elderly age, so he liked to be accompanied at night. It would also be more convenient if he needed anything and she was just right next to him. His constitution was also still good enough for him to have the occasional hump. More importantly, Cerna's figure was smoking hot to say the least and Sir Fux loved to run his hands across her body from time to time.

Having been awakened by the butler right after she fell asleep, Cerna felt rather angry. She had dealt with Sir Fux for a long time during the night and she was finally able to make him climax. Though the old man got his fair share of pleasure, it felt rather uncomfortable for Cerna, not that she could complain about it given her status. After finally falling asleep, she was nudged awake and instructed to wait outside the study. She leaned against the wall the whole time and yawned nonstop.

The lieutenant that came, however, managed to invigorate her. He looked like a lone wolf and had the air of a brash, dashing man about him. Not only did he ooze masculinity fit for a soldier, he also carried the decorum fit for a noble. She found herself thinking how great it would be if she could trade Sir Fux in for the lieutenant. She might be able to spend a pleasant night worth remembering.

Just as her thoughts were running wild, Cerna noticed the door to the study open. The lieutenant stepped out of the room and said, "Alright, Sir. I shall go back to fulfill my mission. Feel free to discuss it with your butler and if anything is amiss, you may bring your enquiries to the viscount. But all in all, much of the plan is set in stone."

Cerna watched as the lieutenant saluted towards the study before closing the door shut. He turned and said to her, "Miss Cerna, right? Good evening. Sir Fux wanted you to send me off. He still has something to discuss with the butler."

Cerna curtsied and said, "I'd love to. Please follow me, First Lieutenant."

It was a shame that the corridor on the first floor was too short. She wished that she could take the walk for a whole hour. She already did her best to slow her steps down, but all she knew about the young lieutenant was that he was a new transfer at the naval base who served as Viscount Wenisk's right-hand man.

As far as she knew, he was called Abraham, aged 25 and single. He didn't mention his family name. Cerna suspected that he was of noble birth, given his polite demeanor. Even as a maidservant, she could feel his warm sincerity. When they stepped out of the main building, a gust blew through and the lieutenant quickly blocked the wind for her to prevent her from catching a cold, given that she was dressed in nothing but a thin gown.

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She used the opportunity to tell the lieutenant that Sir Fux would be heading to the prefectural capital in a day or two and she would feel lonely being in the manor alone. So, if 'Abraham' was free, she offered to show him around Whitestag. She said she was confident in being a guide and could help him get used to the new place.

He thanked her with a warm smile as he walked to the entrance in an unhurried pace. He then made her a promise. "Alright, if I'm off duty, I'll definitely come to you and ask you to show me around. I'll also treat you to dinner as my thanks, Miss Cerna."

Seeing how well things were going, Cerna was in cloud nine. What happened after the promised dinner was strongly implied. It was no secret. She returned to the study while humming a joyful tune. However, the two men within hadn't yet emerged. They seemed to still be discussing the matter. It wasn't the first time something like that happened. Everyone knew that Butler Wharf was Sir Fux's trusted aide. Cerna hoped that she wouldn't have to stand outside the study the whole night. Not before long, she leaned against the wall and fell asleep.

With a plop, she slipped to the ground. She rubbed her forehead as she climbed back up. Fortunately, the fall wasn't hard and she only bumped her head on the ground slightly. I wonder how long I slept? Cerna looked outside the window and saw that it was still dark. It seemed that she hadn't slept for long and only woke up from the fall.

Why are those two still inside? Weird, doesn't the old man want to sleep? I'll just go in and ask whether he wants supper. This is a rather good excuse. I'm his maidservant after all, his bed warmer, so Sir Fux won't mind if I ask to be spoiled a little. He already had his way with me tonight, so he'd indulge me a little, surely, and won't get mad at me for entering without permission...

So, Cerna knocked on the door and entered after a short pause. "Sir, do you want something to eat--"

"Eeaaaaaaaaaagggghhhhh!" An ear-piercing scream broke the silence of Fux Manor.

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