Black Romance

Chapter 31

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Sitting in my room, the silence from Aubrey was killing me inside. I thought I'd hear her crying, I expected her to be sobbing harder than when she had been dragged in there.

I heard nothing.

Stepping to the wall, I pushed my ear against it. I knew I shouldn't, I knew I should have just gone to bed and forgotten all about the girl next door, but I couldn't. Not until I apologized for what I had done.

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Softly tapping the wall, I listened carefully, not expecting anything back from her. I could hear some rustling and the squeak of her mattress. Through the bottom of my feet, I felt the floor vibrate as Aubrey crossed her room.

She didn't speak, she didn't tap, but I knew she was there listening. I could sense her, I could feel the weight of her body on the wall.

With my voice soft and low, I whispered. "I just want you to know I'm sorry. I never meant for you to get hurt." Laying my cheek flat against the wall, I shut my eyes. "I hope you get out of here one day, and I promise, if I ever get out, I'll come back for you."

"No," she said, her voice stern, taking me by surprise. "You won't come back, you'll run, you'll save yourself. I don't want you getting killed because you tried to save me."

"Shh," I hushed to her. She was talking too loudly and I was afraid that someone would hear her.

If she got caught talking again, there was no doubt in my mind that Virgo would kill her. He tolerated very little. I was certain the only reason I was still alive was because of how long he had me.

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Virgo looked down on me, he treated me like shit, but he always gave me another chance. It was as if he refused to accept that he failed with me, still hoping he could manipulate me into that mindless puppet he always dreamed I'd be.

But other girls, girls who had trouble falling in line, they weren't given room for any extra chances. They got a single do over, that it was it. This was her fresh start, she didn't have any left.

"I don't care, this isn't your fault. It's his fault, he chose to do this to me, not you."

Taking in a deep breath, I hung my head. "Aubrey—"

"No, Jessie, promise me if you ever get out, you'll just run."

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"I'm not—"

"Promise me," she said, her tone strong and rigid.

Sucking in a gasp of air, I bit my bottom lip, unable to give her such a promise. I could never promise her that I wouldn't risk everything to save her and everyone else there. It wasn't right, it wasn't what I felt.

I knew deep down that if I had the opportunity, I would take it. I'd die just so all the other girls could go free. There was no one waiting for me outside of this horrible place, I had no family to run back to.

But most of those girls did. They had mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, people who were probably worried to death and searching day and night for them.

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I would gladly trade my life for theirs.

The sharp creek of the floor outside my door caught my attention, making my spine jerk straight. Tipping my head towards the hall, I listened carefully as I watched the door for movement.

Holding my breath, my eyes steadied on the handle as the metallic ping of the lock rang through the air and the door busted open in one wild whoosh.

Taking a jump backwards, the void of the doorway was filled by one of Virgo's men, his shoulders almost touching each side of the frame.

He went by the name Blue, and he was one of the assholes who never blinked at an order. Virgo let him punish me once, and I swear, he smiled the entire time.

"What the hell do you want? Why are you here?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the man as I backed up further into my room.

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