Black Romance

Chapter 51

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"This isn't what you want. It won't fix you, it won't change anything." Digging my fingers into her hips, I could feel her pussy pressing against my skin. She was smooth and soft, warm and wet, causing my dick to harden.

"Don't tell me what I want, I get told enough about what I should think or do. I'm telling you what I want, so fucking listen." Cupping my hands with hers, she rolled her hips, rubbing her pussy harder against my skin. Reaching a hand back, she touched my cock. "I know this is turning you on. Why resist it, Salt?"

Her fingers slipped into my pants, curling around my shaft. My cock jerked and twitched, pulsing as she began to stroke me slowly. Arching her back, she kept grinding down harder, stroking my length a little faster.

Grunting, every thought in my brain was turning to mush as she worked my cock. I couldn't focus on the voice inside my head, I couldn't stop my body from igniting as she touched me.

The room morphed from black into a foggy shade of gray, her silhouette perfection against the backdrop. I wanted to stop her because of what she had been through, I wanted to stop her because I didn't think she could want something that had been so vile in her world.

Listen to her. The small voice chirped, reminding me that she had been the one to decide this. There were no promises of freedom, there were no open ended sentences that could lead her on. This was her choice.

Pulling her hand free, she rolled her shoulders forward, driving her face into the crook of my neck. I could feel her perfect teardrop shaped breasts as they squished against my chest, I could feel her tongue as she licked and kissed my neck, unraveling a hunger I never imagined she would have.

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"Are you sure about this?" I asked, brushing the hair away from her face and forcing her eyes to mine. "I don't want you to regret it later."

"Don't make me beg," she said, her eyes catching the soft light and sparkling like the sea underneath a full moon. "Please, don't make me beg you. Just let me control one thing for once in my life."

That was it, all the doubt in my mind vanished as I drove my hands into her hair and kissed her. Her full pouty lips had been the source of my weakness. I wanted to kiss her the first moment I laid eyes on her.

Our lips blended together, mouths opening, tongues swirling as the need grew out of control. She asked for it, she wanted it, but she had no idea how badly I wanted to give her it.

Tugging my pants down my hips, I kicked them off. Our mouths never broke apart. I refused to let her lips leave mine. She tasted too good, like the perfect cup of sweet and savory, filling a thirst that went deep into my core.

My cock slid between her ass cheeks, rubbing against her tight hole. Sitting up, Jessie pressed her hands into my shoulders to hold herself up as my mouth found her nipples. Suckling the perked beads, I bit and nibbled, drawing out moan after moan from my beautiful flower.

Reaching over to the nightstand, I awkwardly grabbed my wallet and pulled out a condom. Jessie sat up, gripping her tits and squeezing as her body rolled, slicking my skin in her arousal.

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Even if I wanted to stop right then and there, I wasn't sure I could. I had turned from man into beast, a feral animal that had lost all sanity as the world slowly collapsed into one selfish moment.

She was mine.

Tearing the wrapper open, I sheathed my cock. The sun must have started to come up because an orange glow was filling room, turning her skin from ivory into a blooming sunflower.

Our eyes were on each other, our breathing was ragged and labored. Lifting her hips, she positioned herself above my cock and slowly lowered herself down.

"Mm, fuck, Bentley," she cooed, closing her eyes and biting on her lip as she stilled, allowing her walls to stretch as I filled her.

She was so warm, her pussy already drenched, muscles tense as she gently began to ride my dick. Raising up, I placed my hands on her hips and drove her back down. Her pussy clenched around my shaft, milking me as her pace quickened.

Faster and faster her body rocked, her tits bouncing as I thrusted up, hitting her so deep she screamed.

Scraping her nails down my chest, Jessie eyes rolled back in her head as she fell forward. Her fingers pierced my skin, holding on like the talons of a small bird.

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Goosebumps broke across her skin as she bit my shoulder, her body going stiff. I felt her pussy throbbing, each pulse sending waves of pleasure through her muscles.

"Fuck," I groaned, pressing my palms into her shoulder blades, holding her against me so she couldn't move.

I wanted her right there. I wanted to feel her pulse as it kicked, I wanted to feel her skin as it flushed, heating us both. Wrapping my arms tighter, I held her firmly against my chest.

I won't let him hurt you. . .

Not anymore.

Pistoning my hips, I gave one final thrust, spewing my life blood into the thin skin between us. Our bodies gave out, going limp and motionless as we both tried to catch our breath.

Twisting her face, she snuggled up against my cheek. "Thank you," she said, whispering the words into my ear.

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"For what?"

"For being my first."

"Your first?"

"My first by choice. Thank you for letting me have a voice here." Kissing my cheek, Jessie rolled off my chest, flopping down beside me and almost instantly falling asleep.

As I held her in my arms, the realization set in that I had given her more than she had ever had. She was heard. And I knew. . .

I knew I couldn't let her continue to live the way she had been.

I knew that she deserved better than the life she was given.

I knew that her life depended on me.

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