Black Romance

Chapter 59

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Jessie growled, lunging at Virgo. With wild arms, she clawed and raked the air, blindly striking his body. "Let him go! I won't let you do this! You're a fucking monster!"

Letting out a loud grunt, Virgo swung a heavy backhand, smacking her across the face.

My body tensed, eager to jump up and help her. But the unknown man behind me tightened the rope, keeping me in place. It killed me that she was so vulnerable, that Virgo could hurt her and there was nothing I could do.

Stumbling backward, Jessie clutched her jaw as her eyes turned to pinpricks. But she wasn't done. Her strength overpowered her pain, her will to fight outshined her sorrow and sadness.

Running at him again, she landed a punch to his chest and an open palm to his cheek. "I hate you! I fucking hate you!"

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Crooking his jaw, Virgo drove his hands into her hair and yanked her head back. Jessie let out a cry, reaching her hands up to grab his wrists. "When this is all over, you and I need to have a little talk. I found money in your room, Jessie, that's a big no-no." Using her hair to pull her head against his face, he forced her to look at me. "Look at him, take a good fucking look." Biting his bottom lip, an evil smile spread on his face as his eyes connected with mine. "Your boyfriend isn't who you think he is—"

Jerking my body forward, I snarled. "Don't you fucking hurt her." The cord tightened more, making my voice drop to a whisper.

"I don't have to hurt her, you're going to. What she's going to learn is going to tear her apart. You get to break her this time, I don't have to do a fucking thing. But later, once you're gone and she's all alone, I'll come for her. And then I'll make her hurt again for stealing from me. For now, I'm going to enjoy this."


"But it's the reason we're all here, like one big happy family." Smiling, he spun the flower against her chin, tickling it up her cheek. He looked fucking insane, like a crazed mental patient. "You and Bentley are connected, did you know that, my sweet girl?"

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Jessie didn't answer, keeping her eyes on me.

"This isn't your place," I huffed out, my words dry and hoarse.

"But doesn't she deserve the truth? You want to buy her, you want to set her free. But, I think she should know the entire story before she willingly accepts you as her hero."

Jessie's eyes were wide and nervous. "What are you talking about? I don't understand what you're talking about."

"Do you want to tell her?" he asked, smirking from ear to ear. "Oh wait, you're a little tied up. Maybe I should just do it."

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Holding out my hand, I tried to soften my expression, despite the fact that I could feel my face swelling from the pressure. "Jessie—"

"His father is the one who killed your mother." Virgo spat the words out before I could say anything, his smile huge and full of satisfaction as he watched the color drain from her face.

Releasing her head, Virgo took a step back, allowing himself to bask in her reaction.

"What?" she asked, her voice nothing but air as she took a big step backward. "He what?"

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"That's right, Jessie, Bentley's father is the one who did it. Did he forget to mention that tiny detail as he fucked your brains out last night?"

That was it, I couldn't take that shit anymore. Slipping my fingers beneath the cord, I used my legs to bounce up, throwing the guy behind me off balance. With one fast twist, I had the cord around his neck, pulling it tight until his body went limp.

He wasn't dead, not yet. But it was enough to knock him out cold for a bit.

"Jessie," I said, taking a long stride forward.

"Stay back! Don't come near me!" Tears started to stream down her cheeks as she held her chest trying to catch her breath. "You're father took my mother from me?"

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