Black Romance

Chapter 62

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"What am I going to do with this?" she asked as she took it in her hand.

"Whatever you see fit." Taking a step back, I lifted my chin and straightened my back. "It's your choice to kill him and it's your choice to let him live."

Her eyes instantly went back to Virgo. He was laying on his back, hands out to the side. "Should I kill you?" she asked him, tipping her head into her shoulder. "You made my life living hell. You deserve to die."

"You won't kill me, you don't have it in you." His bloody smirk widened, exposing more red teeth. "You're weak, just like your father. He ran because he couldn't face me, he couldn't face his punishment like a real man. No one steals from me, he got what he deserved."

Pursing her lips, Jessie pointed the gun in his face as she peered down at him. "Did you ever think that maybe he saved your life because he ran? Maybe my father could have killed you, but instead, he let you live. I just don't think he would have made that choice if he knew my mother would lose her life."

"Your father didn't do me any favors. He deserved everything he got, right down to your fucking mother."

Pulling back the hammer, Jessie pressed the gun to his temple. "I want to hear you beg. Beg me to kill you, beg me like you made me beg you."

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His lips thinned as his eyes crinkled. "I'll never beg you, I won't beg someone I don't respect."

Pushing the gun harder against his skin, she screamed. "Beg me to fucking kill you!"

"Just fucking do it! Stop drawing it out! Fucking kill me!"

Jessie smiled a genuine, satisfied smile. "I am going to kill you, but it won't be like this. You're going to spend every fucking day wishing I pulled the trigger." In one quick snap, she cracked the butt of the gun against his head, knocking him out cold.

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Dropping to her haunches, she dug around in his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. The screen lit up and I watched her as she dialed some numbers. "Hi, I'd like to report a place called the Canary. The owner is keeping girls hostage and selling them to men. He also murdered a woman named Tabitha. . ." Jessie listed a few more names quickly, hanging up the phone, and dropping it on his chest.

"We should probably go now," I said, taking the gun from her and tucking it back into place.

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"Follow me, I know where to go." Grabbing my wrist, she tugged me along. "There's a back exit, we can go out there."

Following her through the halls, we took a few turns and exited a hidden door in the back. Jessie kept her eyes open, her senses on high alert as she leads us back to my car.

No one even noticed us.

Not Vin, not any of the other guards, we slipped out as if we hadn't even been there.

Jumping into my car, I started it up and got us out of there as quickly as I could. Jessie was smiling as she rolled down the window and let the wind blow through her hair.

This woman was amazing. She was glowing, her cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink as her smile grew.

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And as we passed a cluster of cop cars, driving in the direction we had just come from, Jessie let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?"

"I left my flower there."

Laughing, I took her hand in mine, bringing it to my lips and kissing the back of her palm. Reaching down, I pulled the crushed flower out from the small pocket in the car door. "No you didn't."

Jessie's eyes lit up with happiness, making my heart skip a beat. Holding the wilted flower, she leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you," she said.

"No, thank you." Braiding out fingers together, I pulled her hand into my lap. "You made me see what's really important, and it's not what I thought it was."

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"What do you mean?"

"Love. You made me see how much it matters." Jessie's cheeks blushed, the color spreading down her throat and over her chest.

"Are you saying—"

I didn't let her finish. "I'm saying that I love you, Jessie."

And I did. I loved that girl.

I loved her and I would do anything to keep her safe.

Because sometimes, you find love in the dark.

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