Villainous Stand-in (3)

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Upon waking up, Song Xu Yi found herself unable to fall back asleep. Glancing at the bedside alarm clock, she discovered it was only 3:30 in the morning. After struggling for half an hour, she eventually decided to get up and freshen up her face. She then resumed work on a sketch of a female celebrity that she had left unfinished.

However, upon noticing that the woman she had drawn bore a striking resemblance to Li Yuqing, Song Xu Yi altered her sketch to create a character that was only 50% similar to the female celebrity. After a night of hard work, she finally completed the drawing.

As Song Xu Yi was working on her creation, the system woke up from hibernation and noticed her sketch. Assuming that she had stayed up all night, the system urged her to get some rest. However, the system only took a brief glance at the sketch in Song Xu Yi’s hand.

Given that the system had already seen the female celebrity in the first world, it was amazed to see that the character in the sketch only resembled Li Yuqing by 50%. Despite the system’s urging, Song Xu Yi continued to work on her manga creation with tireless devotion, as she always did.

The system eventually regretted urging her to create manga. However, it was too late to take it back. The only thing the system could do was to insist that Song Xu Yi rest.

Eventually, Song Xu Yi finished the first chapter of her manga and uploaded it to her account. Initially, she was full of anticipation, but after refreshing the page several times, she received no comments except for one new fan.

Curious, Song Xu Yi clicked on the fan’s page, which appeared to be a genuine user account. The page had been intermittently updated with strange messages for the past six months, such as:

“She hasn’t appeared in two years.”

“Did she ever really exist?”

“I think I’m going crazy…”

The last post on the fan page was from half a month ago: “It’s strange, I met a woman who looks so much like her, especially her eyes! These past few days, I can’t stop thinking about that woman…”

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It appeared to Song Xu Yi that this person was troubled by love. Not wanting to intrude on their privacy, she quickly left the fan page and returned to her own homepage.

But no matter how much she stared at it, her homepage remained unchanged.

Observing Song Xu Yi’s expression, the system cleared its throat and offered some gentle advice. “Xu Yi, we’re here to enjoy life. Don’t worry too much about these things…”

Initially, the system had hoped to convince Song Xu Yi to let go of her disappointment and enjoy life. However, Song Xu Yi was the kind of person who would go to extremes. After some reflection, she acknowledged her limited skills but also felt that her composition and storytelling were decent. Failing to come up with a better idea, she continued working on the second chapter of her manga.

In this world, there are countless people who struggle for their dreams despite facing hardships. Compared to them, Song Xu Yi was relatively carefree and had her basic needs met. Since developing an interest in manga drawing, she was determined to stick with it.

Song Xu Yi threw herself wholeheartedly into producing the second chapter of her manga. She stayed at home all day, seizing every moment to draw, and even ordered takeout for her meals.

Observing her dedication, the system abandoned the idea of advising her to stop drawing manga and instead began brainstorming ideas. Maybe once Song Xu Yi finished her story, she would lose interest in drawing manga.

Song Xu Yi worked tirelessly day and night to complete her manga, and before she knew it, summer had come and gone. When she finished the second chapter, it was time to begin her third year of studies at the art college.

The courses at the art college were relatively flexible, but Song Xu Yi was a serious and diligent student. She made it a routine to pay attention in class and work hard on her manga after school.

Initially, Song Xu Yi was worried about running into Li Yuqing at school. However, Li Yuqing continued her habit of pretending to be sick and rarely came to school during her senior year, so Song Xu Yi never crossed paths with her.

Eventually, Song Xu Yi’s unusual behavior caught the attention of her parents.

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The original owner of the body had planned to move out and live alone because she enjoyed a lively atmosphere and frequently invited friends over. Additionally, since Song father was a professor, the original owner had grown up in the academic environment and most of the teachers knew her. If she skipped class, she would immediately be found out, and Song father often received complaints from his colleagues about the original owner’s truancy.

Since the start of the semester, Song Xu Yi’s professors have all noticed a significant change in her behavior. No longer does she skip class, and she can be found sitting attentively in the front row during every lecture.

When Song parents reach out to check on her, they no longer hear loud music on the other end of the phone. Instead, they find Song Xu Yi staying at home whenever they visit.

Her parents used to worry about her outgoing nature, but now that she has become a homebody, they fear that something may have happened to her.

To ease their worries, Song parents visit her frequently to chat and occasionally take her out to social events. Recently, Song Xu Yi’s father invited her to a charity donation event when her mother was unavailable.

Despite the attention Song Xu Yi’s manga has received since the upload of the second chapter, she feels a bit frustrated. Readers seem to be more interested in the love story that she created on a whim rather than the main plot. They leave comments requesting to see more of the relationship between the female celebrity and the protagonist.

However, Song Xu Yi found herself struggling to develop the romantic plotline, so she accompanied her father to a charity event in hopes of clearing her mind.

It was there that she unexpectedly ran into Li Yuqing once again. This time, Li Yuqing was dressed in a black dress that perfectly accentuated her curves, and her elegant yet sexy appearance resembled that of the female celebrity in Song Xu Yi’s manga.

Although Song Xu Yi had been preoccupied with her manga for the past few months and hadn’t given much thought to Li Yuqing, she couldn’t help but steal a few glances at her. It was almost as if Li Yuqing had dressed up to match the character in Song Xu Yi’s story.

As if sensing her gaze, Li Yuqing looked up and caught Song Xu Yi’s eye. She then turned and said something to Song Shi, who appeared to be taken aback. Song Shi looked up at Song Xu Yi and gestured for Li Yuqing to come over.

Curious, Song Xu Yi stood in place as the two approached her. What could they possibly want to tell her?

As the two approached Song Xu Yi, she couldn’t help but notice how perfect they looked together. Song Shi, the male lead, was naturally handsome and tall, while Li Yuqing was stunningly beautiful. They walked with confidence, attracting countless people’s attention.

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Just as they were about ten steps away from Song Xu Yi, an elderly voice suddenly interrupted the moment. “Song Shi, you brought Yuqing here, but didn’t tell me?”

It was none other than Song grandfather, who had just arrived!

Mr. Song, who was approaching 80 years old, had a strong and robust body from years of living comfortably. As he slowly made his way towards the entrance with a cane, his face beamed with a smile. However, his age spots and wrinkles, coupled with his intimidating aura, commanded respect from everyone around him. When he appeared, even Song Xu Yi’s father, who was chatting and laughing, unconsciously restrained his smile and straightened his back.

Mr. Song paid no attention to Song father, who had partially left the family, and instead focused on Song Shi and Li Yuqing. He joked, “What’s wrong? Do you think this old man will disturb your sweet romance?”

Li Yuqing remained silent, but Song Shi frowned and said, “Grandpa, Yuqing is still young. You shouldn’t joke like this. I only see her as a sister…”

“Not young anymore,” Mr. Song interrupted Song Shi, turning his gaze to Li Yuqing. Although he had a smile on his face, his scrutinizing gaze was like appraising a valuable commodity. “Yuqing is almost 22, right? You usually dress plain and elegant, but today’s outfit is quite eye-catching…”

Then, Mr. Song glanced at Song Shi and said, “My grandson is a blockhead who only likes pretty things and doesn’t know how to care for people. Your health is not good, and this outfit will probably make you catch a cold after wearing it all night. Poor me, this old man is still waiting for you to take care of your health and marry Song Shi earlier to give me a great-grandchild…”

He patted Li Yuqing’s arm and revealed a seemingly understanding smile. “Your usual attire is good. There is no need to be jealous of some low-class caregivers. As long as I don’t agree, no one else can enter the gate of the Song family…”

Song Shi’s face darkened, but Li Yuqing remained composed and said, “Thank you, Grandpa Song, for your concern. I’m going to change my clothes now.”

Li Yuqing emerged from her room in an exquisite, formal dress, but remained quiet as she followed Song Shi. Meanwhile, Mr. Song continued to tease her, seemingly the only one enjoying himself. Song Shi, however, had a sour expression on his face for some unknown reason.

The only one in the room who appeared content was Mr. Song himself. Even Song Xu Yi’s usually upbeat and laid-back father was subdued in the presence of his own father. The Song family was a one-man show ruled by the elder Song’s iron fist. Song Xu Yi’s father had long since fled the family, but he still retained an underlying fear of his father.

Song Xu Yi tried to lift her father’s spirits with her jokes, but her admiration for Li Yuqing only grew. Li Yuqing had spent years in disguise and finally brought down the Song family. Her endurance was nothing short of astonishing.

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As the system reminded her, Song Xu Yi noticed that Li Yuqing had been glancing at her several times. However, by the time Song Xu Yi looked back, Li Yuqing had already averted her gaze.

Song Xu Yi remembered that Li Yuqing and Song Shi seemed to have something to talk to her about before, so she didn’t pay attention to the system’s reminder.

After enduring the tedious charity banquet, Song Xu Yi and her father let out a collective sigh of relief. While Song father retrieved their car, Song Xu Yi waited outside. As luck would have it, a group of organizers emerged from the house accompanied by Song grandfather, who was deeply engrossed in their conversation. Taking advantage of the situation, Song Xu Yi tugged at the corner of Li Yuqing’s elegant dress to get her attention.

Li Yuqing appeared surprised by the sudden tug and turned to face Song Xu Yi. However, their exchange was cut short as Song grandfather noticed their interaction and turned his attention to them.

“What’s the matter?” he demanded.

Song grandfather had never looked favorably on Song Xu Yi’s family, so when he caught sight of her, he pretended not to notice and turned to address Li Yuqing instead.

Li Yuqing greeted him with a polite smile, but her eyes flickered in Song Xu Yi’s direction. “I’m not sure what business Xu Yi has with me,” she replied.

As Song Xu Yi blinked, she realized that Li Yuqing did not want their meeting to be disclosed to Song Grandfather. Despite his piercing gaze, she failed to come up with an excuse to explain why she had grabbed Li Yuqing’s hand, and she had to retract it with a flushed face.

“It’s nothing,” Song Xu Yi said, stealing a glance at Li Yuqing’s beautiful face, which was like a precious gem, and then at Song grandfather’s disdainful gaze. For some reason, she found the courage to speak up. “Sister Yuqing, you look so beautiful tonight! Especially your first dress, it looks particularly stunning! Can you tell me who the designer is?”

Song grandfather’s disgust in his eyes became even stronger for a moment.

Li Yuqing seemed surprised by Song Xu Yi’s question, but she smiled warmly nonetheless. “I majored in fashion design, and this is my own design,” she replied, her eyes showing a hint of sincerity. She looked deeply into Song Xu Yi’s tender and reddened cheeks and reached out to smooth her messy hair behind her ears, acting like a caring older sister taking care of her mischievous younger sister. It was a gentle and virtuous wife image that was fitting for Song grandfather’s expectations, but Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but feel a chill down her back.

“If little sister Xu Yi likes it, I can design something for her another day.”

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