Villainous Stand-in (9)

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What is happening here?

Why is she suddenly unable to escape from the dream world?

Song Xu Yi attempted to call out to the system in her mind, but there was no response.

She remembered what had occurred before losing consciousness: being struck by Zhang Cai’s vehicle.

Could it be possible that her physical self was in a coma, causing her to remain trapped in the dream world?

As a result, how long will this dream endure?


As the young version of Grandfather Song marched ahead of Li Yuqing, Song Xu Yi pondered while pursing her lips.

Grandfather Song wore a sorrowful expression as he took Li Yuqing’s hand, apologizing profusely, “Yuqing, I didn’t intend to leave you stranded. You know me, I am a businessman, and I consulted a Feng Shui expert who predicted that it would be auspicious for you to join our Song family a few days later. Therefore, I rented a room for you to rest outside for a while. I did not expect those two guards to behave so recklessly.”

Others in the room sympathized with Grandfather Song’s actions. Despite the fact that Li Yuqing had nearly been sexually assaulted, the Song family was a business-oriented family, and businessmen were typically interested in Feng Shui superstitions, so Grandfather Song’s behavior was understandable.

Li Yuqing herself made no attempt to resist Grandfather Song’s apologies. Upon seeing him, she even wept with sadness and dependence, pitifully crying out, “Grandfather Song.”

Initially, Grandfather Song was taken aback by Li Yuqing’s conduct. However, Li Yuqing’s proximity to him dispelled the rumors that he had treated her harshly, and he was overjoyed by Li Yuqing’s ‘understanding.’ With a benevolent expression on his face, Grandfather Song grasped Li Yuqing’s hand and apologized repeatedly, vowing to dismiss the two audacious men later. He promised to terminate the two daring security guards and ensured that he would bring Li Yuqing into the Song family home as soon as possible.


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Under Song Xu Yi’s watchful gaze, Li Yuqing and Grandfather Song got along exceptionally well. Li Yuqing portrayed herself as an orphan girl who was “struggling to regain her family’s previous wealth and prosperity after they fell on hard times.” If Song Xu Yi had not witnessed it firsthand, she would not have believed that a teenager could act in such a manner.


Throughout the ordeal, Li Yuqing did not once look in Song Xu Yi’s direction. Only when Grandfather Song led her out of the police station did she glance back towards Song Xu Yi.

In response, Song Xu Yi yawned, smiled at Li Yuqing, and rose to follow her.

Li Yuqing turned her head away.

Her face remained expressionless, but her posture visibly straightened.

The group returned to the room from which Li Yuqing had escaped.

The two men Song Xu Yi had seen the previous night were absent, replaced by two elderly women.

“These two have been with our Song family for many years. You can learn about the rules of our family from them in the coming days,” Grandfather Song said, briefly introducing the two elderly women. He then proceeded to explain to them various things related to Li Yuqing’s clothing, food, shelter, and transportation. Finally, he expressed concern about Li Yuqing’s education, suggesting that she be sent to study art, dance, and cooking. Li Yuqing listened attentively, without raising any objections, and Grandfather Song was pleased with her good behavior before leaving the room.

Once Grandfather Song had left, the two old women began lecturing Li Yuqing on the Song family’s glorious business history and demographic structure. Despite their tedious and repetitive presentation, Li Yuqing listened with a smile and without any impatience.

From all their words, Song Xu Yi gleaned a common core: Grandfather Song was the king of the Song family, and everything in the family had to align with his wishes.

When the women finished their lectures and asked Li Yuqing to repeat what she had learned, Li Yuqing recited everything word for word, indicating that she had listened closely and remembered all the information.

The two elderly women were surprised by Li Yuqing’s ability to remember so much, so they exchanged a look and then asked her to practice her housekeeping skills by wiping down all the furniture in the room.

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Li Yuqing nodded and fetched a basin of water from outside before grabbing a rag and beginning to wipe.

The furniture was covered in dust and had numerous spots of insect infestation, so Li Yuqing took her time. However, the two old women kept nagging at her: “Miss Li, please forgive us if we talk too much, but Master Song cannot tolerate anyone who fails to complete their tasks…”

Despite feeling rushed by the women’s persistent prodding, Li Yuqing persisted and spent the entire afternoon polishing the furniture in the house. She only stopped when it was nearly time for dinner.

As Li Yuqing had not eaten for a day, she quickly devoured her food, which earned her a lecture from the old woman. “Miss Li, you can’t eat so fast. Haven’t your parents taught you that?”

Li Yuqing was taken aback for a moment and slowed down her pace, taking small bites. However, just as she had finished half a bowl, the two old women took away the rice from her hand.

“Miss Li, you have to consume the right amount of carbohydrates. For women like us, our appearance and figure are our most important weapons,” the old women repeated their comments incessantly, causing even Song Xu Yi to feel frustrated.

Despite this, Li Yuqing’s expression remained unchanged, and she patiently sat there as she was told.

Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but feel that it was no wonder Li Yuqing had become the villain in the plot.

However, given Li Yuqing’s situation, it was the most appropriate thing for her to do at the moment.


It was a long day and evening had finally arrived.

After Li Yuqing finished her bath and was ordered by the two old women to wash her clothes, she finally got some time to rest.

Song Xu Yi purposely lagged behind, staying outside the door to eavesdrop on the two old women as they spoke to Grandfather Song. She overheard their comments, “Miss Li was probably scared out of her wits and was determined to return to the rich life she once had, so she accepted almost all of our difficulties and was very obedient…”.

After they finished talking, Song Xu Yi entered Li Yuqing’s room. Even though the lights were off, the light from the window illuminated Li Yuqing’s face, revealing that her eyes were wide open.

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As Song Xu Yi approached the edge of the bed, it was obvious that Li Yuqing’s eyes had fallen on her face.

Song Xu Yi conveyed what she had heard during the phone call and then flicked the corner of Li Yuqing’s blanket. “You should go to sleep now. I guess we will have to deal with their difficulties again tomorrow,” she said.

However, before Song Xu Yi could finish her sentence, a trembling hand emerged from under the blanket and grabbed the hem of Song Xu Yi’s shirt.

“Can you…can you sleep with me tonight?” Li Yuqing asked, her eyes filled with anticipation despite the dim lighting.

Song Xu Yi had an urge to refuse but hesitated.

She had planned to spend the night sitting on a chair, pondering over the perplexities of this dream. After all, she had spent half a day experimenting with this strange phenomenon and found that she could only float around Li Yuqing. Any attempt to step away from her triggered an invisible force that pulled her back.

This dream felt so vivid that Song Xu Yi sometimes wondered if it was based on a real event.

As she hesitated, Li Yuqing’s body tensed, and she let go of Song Xu Yi’s shirt hem.

“I’m sorry, I’ve gone too far,” said Li Yuqing in a calm but slightly trembling voice as she let go of the hem of Song Xu Yi’s shirt. “The fairies only protect the virtuous and pure, and shameless people like me, who at such a young age have a tricky mind and are destined for eternal hell, are not worthy of the fairies’ attention.”

Song Xu Yi was taken aback by Li Yuqing’s words. She had not expected her to have such a negative self-image.

As she recalled the way Li Yuqing had looked when she woke up that morning, everything suddenly clicked for Song Xu Yi. Perhaps Li Yuqing was glad that she was still here?

Putting herself in Li Yuqing’s shoes, Song Xu Yi began to understand her mentality. She was likely the only person left in the world that Li Yuqing was familiar with, and so she had placed her trust in the world on her.

Despite Li Yuqing’s perfect behavior during the day, she was still a teenager. Going against the traditional morality she had been taught put her under immense psychological pressure, which was evident from her trembling body and suppressed sobs.

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“You’re not a bad kid,” Song Xu Yi sighed and lay down beside Li Yuqing, who had her back turned. She could feel Li Yuqing’s body still shaking slightly.

Song Xu Yi was surprised to find that the future villain was a little crybaby.

“There are very few children who are as strong as you, and there are very few children who are as understanding and beautiful as you,” she said, speaking softly and flattering the little girl. To her surprise, Li Yuqing’s tense body relaxed a little.

“I’m a fairy, and if I say you’re not a bad kid, then you’re not,” Song Xu Yi was about to finish her sentence when Li Yuqing suddenly turned her head and buried herself in Song Xu Yi’s embrace.

Initially, Song Xu Yi wanted to push Li Yuqing away, but when she felt her body trembling, she hesitated for a moment before placing her hand on Li Yuqing’s shoulder and patting it gently.

The next day, Li Yuqing was faced with a lot of difficulties, just as the people on the phone had warned.

The third day, the fourth day

As the days went by, Li Yuqing continued to endure the hardships thrown her way, shedding tears in secret at night and growing increasingly reliant on Song Xu Yi for comfort. For her part, Song Xu Yi became accustomed to this new role as a nighttime confidante.

A week later, the Song family made an announcement: Li Yuqing would be allowed to move into their household.

The two elderly women helped Li Yuqing pack her belongings. Despite her small luggage, she was soon ready to leave. However, one of the women noticed the portrait of Grandfather Li in the center of the room.

“Miss Li, you know that your grandfather and Master Song have been enemies for many years. If you bring this photo to the Song family…”

Li Yuqing pursed her lips, considering her options.

The woman seemed to have more to say, but Li Yuqing interrupted her. “Throw it away!”

She gazed at the smiling old man in the portrait, as if staring into her own happy past, and met the eyes of the others. Biting her lower lip, she repeated firmly, “Throw it away.”

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