Villainous Stand-in (12)

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After watching the movie, Song Xu Yi felt unwell and made an excuse to leave. It took a while for the unfamiliar throbbing in her heart to subside, and she convinced herself that it was simply her infatuation with beauty that had clouded her judgment.

Inspired by the system, her life seemed unchanged except during class time. Song Xu Yi used all her spare time to draw, putting in a lot of effort.

However, there were noticeable differences from her previous days.

The number of fans on Song Xu Yi’s manga account was increasing, and she also had a new acquaintance, Li Yuqing, in her daily life.

Song Xu Yi realized that she was unconsciously attracted to Li Yuqing’s beauty and had intended to distance herself. However, Li Yuqing was tactful and understanding, leaving Song Xu Yi unsure of how to proceed. While Song Xu Yi focused on drawing manga, Li Yuqing never disturbed her. But during school hours, Li Yuqing would wait outside Song Xu Yi’s door. For meals and walks, she regularly knocked on Song Xu Yi’s door, citing her parents’ instructions.

Song Xu Yi thought she would grow immune to Li Yuqing’s beauty over time, but recently, Li Yuqing’s good mood had her radiating like a fairy. Song Xu Yi couldn’t take her eyes off her.

“If you can’t control yourself, listen to the Heart Sutra!” The system watched Song Xu Yi blush and her heart race at Li Yuqing’s presence. “It’s not your fault; the enemy is too cunning.”

Even the system was intrigued by Li Yuqing’s cat, “Little Star,” which she was taking care of. The system wanted to see the little kitten every mealtime, let alone Song Xu Yi.

Following the system’s advice, Song Xu Yi downloaded the Heart Sutra and felt uplifted as she listened to the calming chants of the monks. She found herself becoming calmer when facing Li Yuqing.

At school, Li Yuqing still had many admirers, but none as extreme as Zhang Cai.

Zhang Cai had vanished from the campus, and no one mentioned his earlier stalking and attempt to harm Li Yuqing while drunk.

The campus rumor was that Zhang Cai’s father had a new son and discovered that Zhang Cai was using drugs. His father had grown tired of his older son’s behavior and sent him to a rehabilitation center to address his drug addiction.

Despite some suspicions about Zhang Cai’s situation, Song Xu Yi felt happy that bad people got their just deserts.

Thanks to reciting the Heart Sutra, Song Xu Yi hadn’t dreamed about Li Yuqing at night.

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Time passed slowly in this atmosphere, and before she knew it, Song Xu Yi was approaching winter break. Her parents called and asked her to come home for Chinese New Year. Since she had grown too close to Li Yuqing and even the Heart Sutra had lost its effectiveness, Song Xu Yi thought it was best to take the opportunity to calm down and not let Li Yuqing’s constant teasing make her feel anxious and restless.

As she made her way to class to tell Li Yuqing about her departure for the New Year, she encountered Grandfather Song downstairs.

At first, when Li Yuqing moved out, Song Xu Yi wondered if her grandfather would come after her, but there was no movement on his side. After a few months, Song Xu Yi thought that Li Yuqing might have obtained her grandfather’s approval to move out, but now it didn’t seem to be the case.

Why did Grandfather Song appear this time?

“Yuqing, you’ve suffered during this period of time!”

Grandfather Song frowned, as if he hadn’t seen Song Xu Yi beside Li Yuqing, and he put on a pitiful appearance, just like what Song Xu Yi had seen in her dream. He coughed and said, “I didn’t expect you to be hiding in this small house. It took me a long time to find you…”

“Previously, what Song Shi did was unacceptable. I have already taken action and dismissed that nurse from the Song family. However, Song Shi’s condition has worsened recently, and I am the only one who can come forward and ask you to come back,” Grandfather Song explained, his expression looking pitiful, just like the one Song Xu Yi had seen in her dream.

Was he trying to persuade Li Yuqing to return and take care of Song Shi?

Song Xu Yi pursed her lips as she thought of Song Shi’s erratic behavior during his illness.

But Li Yuqing remained silent. She lowered her head, and her thoughts remained a mystery to those around her.

A hint of impatience flashed in Grandfather Song’s eyes, but he managed to force a gentle smile. “Yuqing, I know you’ve been wronged. Don’t worry, I understand that you’re suffering from a mental illness. But don’t worry, I won’t hold it against you. I’ve spoken to the doctor, and he believes that your condition is likely due to excessive psychological pressure, and it’s probably not hereditary. You can rest assured that you’ll be the future Mrs. Song.”

Mental illness?

Song Xu Yi was shocked to hear this revelation and looked at Li Yuqing beside her. From her angle, she could only see Li Yuqing’s exquisite and flawless profile. Li Yuqing’s eyelashes fluttered slightly, but she remained silent, as if she had silently agreed with Grandfather Song’s words.

It was unexpected that Li Yuqing, who had always been obedient, would resist his orders. Grandfather Song’s eyes turned cold, and he looked around before venting his anger on Song Xu Yi, who was standing beside Li Yuqing.

Grandfather Song’s hawk-like gaze was piercing, so cold that it seemed like ice was about to drip out of it. “Did Song Xu Yi say something to you?” he demanded. “They are all disobedient. Don’t learn bad things from them.”

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The intensity of Grandfather Song’s stare was unnerving. If it had been the previous owner in this situation, she would have surely been frightened. However, now standing in her place was Song Xu Yi. She furrowed her brows in response, but before she could retort, Li Yuqing beside her spoke up.

“Grandfather Song, I won’t go back with you,” Li Yuqing said firmly.

Li Yuqing curved her lips, still wearing her usual polite and courteous smile, but something changed imperceptibly: “Thank you for all your care and guidance over the years, but I feel good living here alone during this time.”

“Is that so?” Grandfather Song narrowed his eyes, a telltale sign of his anger, but they were in public and Li Yuqing was very attractive. Onlookers were already curious, so Grandfather Song reluctantly suppressed his anger and put on a warm smile as an elder showing concern: “You have grown up and your wings are strong now!”

“If you want to continue living outside, that’s up to you. But remember, the outside world may be vast, but it’s also very dangerous. As a beautiful young woman living outside, you may run into trouble. If that happens, be sure to remember to come home…”

Instead of seeing this as concern, Song Xu Yi felt it was more like a threat.

“I understand. Thank you for your concern, Grandfather Song,” Li Yuqing responded with great deference, but she did not bend her back as she usually did.

Grandfather Song looked at the two of them with a heavy gaze, then turned and got into his car, driving off.

Song Xu Yi followed Li Yuqing upstairs and couldn’t help but look at her several times.

Li Yuqing was the villain, and there wasn’t much description of her in the plot summary. This was also the first time Song Xu Yi had heard about Li Yuqing having a mental illness.

However, as Song Xu Yi thought about Li Yuqing’s repressed life for many years and the little Li Yuqing in her dreams who frantically rubbed her own arms, she began to understand Li Yuqing’s illness. Growing up in the repressive Song family, enduring all of the domineering orders from Grandfather Song, Li Yuqing may have been forced into illness.

Li Yuqing saw the pity in Song Xu Yi’s eyes when she turned her head, which surprised her. A hint of a smile appeared in her cold eyes, but it quickly disappeared and she looked away.

In a voice that carried an appropriate hoarseness, Li Yuqing said, “Xu Yi, do you know that Song Shi’s condition has worsened? I can only alleviate it, but I am completely powerless to solve his symptoms.”

“Grandfather Song may appear to have entrusted the company to Song Shi, but he still controls everything behind the scenes. He’s driven by his greed for success and doesn’t hesitate to resort to any means necessary. Many of his ideas contradict Song Shi’s, but Song Shi has no choice but to comply with him.”

“Grandfather Song will never realize that he’s the main culprit behind Song Shi’s madness… and even if he did realize it, he wouldn’t correct it. In his world, he only cares about his own interests.”

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“When I moved out, I purposely left behind my mental illness diagnosis in my room. Grandfather Song probably saw it a long time ago, but he only came to find me now because he can no longer control Song Shi’s illness. Otherwise, I would have been abandoned by the Song family a long time ago.”

“Now that Grandfather Song has come, he’ll likely use any means necessary. But why should I continue to let him come and go as he pleases and be a puppet of the Song family for the rest of my life?”


“Xu Yi, I know you don’t like me clinging to you, but the time I spent with you has been the happiest time in my life, and I haven’t had another episode since then.” Li Yuqing stared at Song Xu Yi, and a hint of tears appeared in her beautiful eyes. “I want to be with you, to live happily for the rest of my life, to live like a human being.”

“Xu Yi, can you please not hate me?”


Song Xu Yi stood still, gazing up at Li Yuqing.

She couldn’t fathom why Li Yuqing had suddenly said those words, and she knew that Li Yuqing’s words were half true and half false. Li Yuqing was a major villain, a venomous serpent lurking in the shadows, and not as pitiable as she portrayed herself to be.

Yet, if Li Yuqing intended to evoke her sympathy, she had succeeded.

Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but feel compassion for Li Yuqing. Her words indirectly confirmed that she indeed had a mental illness.

Li Yuqing should have grown up carefree, pampered by the Li family, with her biggest worry being academic pressure, not forced into a mental illness like now.

Song Xu Yi couldn’t bear to watch Li Yuqing cry. Her broken beauty made people unable to help but feel pity.

Despite the system’s warning cries of “Xu Yi, don’t be deceived by her,” Song Xu Yi bit her lip and tightly held Li Yuqing’s hand. “I promise to protect you and help you treat your illness. I will never abandon you.”

Song Xu Yi didn’t expect Grandfather Song’s plan to unfold so soon.

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First, red paint was sprayed on the door of Li Yuqing’s house, and then when she was walking on the street, someone snatched her bag.

These unexpected events left Song Xu Yi afraid to go back to her parents’ home, so she has been staying across from Li Yuqing. However, as the Chinese New Year approached, Song Xu Yi didn’t want Li Yuqing to spend the holiday alone in her house, so she invited her to come with her to her parents’ home.

Finally, Chinese New Year arrived.

Li Yuqing behaved very well and helped her mother prepare a sumptuous dinner for the New Year’s Eve in the kitchen. Her father and his friends and colleagues called to wish them a happy new year, while Song Xu Yi sat on the sofa with her tablet, updating her promise to her readers for a New Year’s special release.

“Happy New Year, everyone!” she exclaimed.

“Give a big hug to our hardworking author and enjoy a bite of the delicious food!”


After reading the comments from her readers, Song Xu Yi was filled with positive energy. As the food was served, Li Yuqing’s cooking proved to be as good as ever, and Song Xu Yi was in high spirits, unable to resist eating more.

She particularly enjoyed the sour and sweet soup, which was her favorite, and ended up having several bowls.

However, as she ate, Song Xu Yi began to feel that something was amiss. Her vision began to blur, and her eyelids struggled to remain open.

“Oh no!” Her mother suddenly exclaimed, “There was a lot of plum wine in that soup. I forgot that Xu Yi can’t drink!”

“This time, she’s probably going to sleep for another day or two,”

Song Xu Yi’s mother said, but Song Xu Yi couldn’t hear her anymore.

She had fallen into a deep sleep. When she opened her eyes again, she found herself back in the dream world, where things were the opposite of reality.

Coincidentally, in her dream, Li Yuqing had flushed cheeks and watery eyes, looking obviously drunk.

To make matters worse, when Song Xu Yi appeared in the dream, Li Yuqing was in the middle of changing her clothes…

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