Villainous Stand-in (14)

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The change in movie genre, from a drama to a comedy, helped soothe Song Xu Yi’s mood after the owner made the switch.

Despite having previously watched the film, it still managed to elicit a smile from her as she enjoyed the humorous scenes.

This particular movie had only recently been released and had already garnered numerous recommendations and outstanding reviews for several years to come.

As time passed, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but notice Li Yuqing’s silence throughout the screening; she had yet to hear her laugh out loud.

Song Xu Yi found herself unable to resist turning her head to catch a glimpse of Li Yuqing.

In the dimly lit cinema, Li Yuqing was gazing at her, and Song Xu Yi couldn’t tell how long it had been going on for.

Li Yuqing’s eyes seemed to soften, and a faint smile graced her lips, adding a touch of warmth to her typically cold and distant demeanor. Her eyes shone like precious gems, revealing their true brilliance, and captivating those who gazed upon them.

When Li Yuqing directed such a gaze towards someone, it was impossible for them to refuse her.

As Song Xu Yi gazed into Li Yuqing’s eyes, her heart began to race, and she could hear the sound of her own heartbeat pounding in her ears. Suddenly, her mouth became dry, and her mind went blank, but the feeling only lasted for a moment. Song Xu Yi quickly realized what was happening and turned her head away, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

“What’s wrong with me?” She couldn’t help but think.

Song Xu Yi instinctively covered her chest as her eyes remained fixed on the screen, but her mind was elsewhere. She couldn’t focus on the movie’s plot; instead, she was preoccupied with Li Yuqing’s captivating face. Her heart continued to race, and the heat on her cheeks showed no signs of subsiding.

Li Yuqing’s expression was an enigmatic mix of fear and anticipation, hidden behind a mask and a constant smile. Despite this, her lips still showed a hint of an upward curve, as if she was enjoying herself.

Something felt off to Song Xu Yi, and she couldn’t resist stealing another glance at Li Yuqing. She took a few sips of water from her bottle, trying to calm the strange feeling in her heart.

Once the movie ended, Song Xu Yi quickly stood up and hurriedly left the private theater, feeling relieved. Meanwhile, Li Yuqing’s smile grew even brighter, causing Uncle Zhang, who was driving, to urge her to enjoy herself more.

As they arrived back at the flower arrangement club through the back door, the darkness had already settled outside. Li Yuqing’s phone suddenly rang, and it was the Song family urging her to return for dinner.

After spending half a day together, Song Xu Yi was feeling a bit tired, but Li Yuqing still looked as lively as ever.

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She even posted on her social media, “Had a happy day!” with a photo of a beautifully arranged bouquet of flowers on the windowsill of the flower arrangement club.

In the background of the photo, against a clear blue sky, a Ferris wheel could be seen hidden among the towering buildings. It was unclear whether Li Yuqing had intentionally included it in the shot.

As Song Xu Yi gazed at the photo, her mind couldn’t help but wander to the memory of Li Yuqing’s lips brushing against her cheek while they were on the Ferris wheel…

At the time, Song Xu Yi didn’t find it strange, but now her face was burning with embarrassment at the thought of it.

Just then, Li Yuqing pressed the ‘post’ button on her social media.

As Song Xu Yi thought about the real-life Li Yuqing, she realized that she had added her on WeChat.

However, Li Yuqing’s Moments were only visible for six months, and all she posted were academic reposts without any original content.

Song Xu Yi wondered if she could test Li Yuqing–

Song Xu Yi made a mental note of this: if the Li Yuqing from a few years ago did indeed post such a message, then even if it seemed absurd, she would have to admit that none of this was a dream.

Soon after Li Yuqing posted her Moments, the car stopped at the entrance of the Song family’s house.

As Li Yuqing got off the car, her demeanor changed, and she became the courteous and polite Li Yuqing who was always well-mannered and handled everything in the Song family with ease.

After a long day, Song Xu Yi became more and more exhausted. Li Yuqing seemed to have noticed and used fatigue as an excuse to retire to her room early.

Upon seeing the only large bed in the room and recalling the events of the morning, Song Xu Yi inexplicably felt a bit awkward. She used her poor sleeping habits as an excuse to sleep on the sofa. Li Yuqing took a deep look at her but didn’t say anything. However, in her sleep, Song Xu Yi felt like she was tied up and couldn’t breathe.

When Song Xu Yi woke up, she saw that Li Yuqing had curled up and was sleeping next to her on the sofa. Li Yuqing also opened her eyes when she realized that Song Xu Yi had woken up. She looked at her cautiously and said, “I’m sorry, sister. I was just too scared that you would suddenly disappear again.”

Song Xu Yi didn’t expect Li Yuqing to rely on her so much, but Song Xu Yi couldn’t control when her dream would end, so she could only sigh and pull Li Yuqing to sleep on the bed, letting Li Yuqing rest her head on her shoulder and fall asleep.

The next day, Li Yuqing was overjoyed to see Song Xu Yi, with a smile almost overflowing from the corners of her eyes and mouth. Since she needed her dress tailored, Grandfather Song took a leave of absence for Li Yuqing. Li Yuqing seemed to have become accustomed to Grandfather Song’s ways and eagerly made plans with Song Xu Yi for the afternoon. However, the scheduled designer didn’t show up in the morning, so Li Yuqing had to wait at home in the afternoon, and her mood noticeably soured.

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Song Xu Yi looked at Li Yuqing with amusement, seeing her expression resembling that of a disappointed child. She couldn’t help but offer some advice, “Yuqing, it’s okay to stay at home. I’ve been wanting to find some free time to read manga, but I haven’t been able to squeeze any in…”

“Do you like reading manga, Sister?” Li Yuqing’s disappointment was quickly replaced with curiosity.

“I do. In fact, I can even draw them,” Song Xu Yi replied with a smile.

Li Yuqing’s eyes lit up with interest, but there was also a hint of darkness that flashed through her eyes. “Sister is amazing,” she complimented with a smile.

“Alright then, today I’ll stay with sister and read manga at home.”

Initially, Song Xu Yi had suggested reading manga as a way to distract Li Yuqing from her disappointment, but she herself got so engrossed in it that she lost track of time.

At that time, the internet wasn’t as heavily regulated as it is now, so they could still find many manga that were no longer available online. Song Xu Yi was having so much fun reading manga that she hardly noticed the hours slipping away.

As Li Yuqing observed Song Xu Yi lost in her manga, she smiled and pulled out her own laptop to get some work done.

Soon, the designer arrived to take Li Yuqing’s measurements.

The designer brought two sets of clothes, and even though Li Yuqing looked good in anything, Song Xu Yi was amazed when she saw her in the white dress. Li Yuqing looked like a fairy, and Song Xu Yi couldn’t resist taking a second glance at her.

Li Yuqing’s gaze accidentally fell on Song Xu Yi, but upon seeing the amazement in her eyes, Li Yuqing smiled and pointed to the black dress, saying, “I’ll wear this black dress tomorrow night.”

In fact, Li Yuqing was taking fashion design classes and had a good understanding of fashion. She easily communicated with the designer to modify the details of the white dress.

Song Xu Yi enjoyed watching Li Yuqing converse with the designer. This confident and beautiful Li Yuqing gave Song Xu Yi a sense of accomplishment, as if she had witnessed her daughter growing up.

After the designer finished measuring the clothes and left, the sun had already set on the horizon. The orange-yellow light illuminated the earth, and the red sky seemed to be on fire. The gentle breeze was indescribably comfortable.

After reading manga for a long time, Song Xu Yi’s eyes began to feel sore. She stood by the window and gazed at the surroundings.

“Sister, I will be nineteen the day after tomorrow.” At some point, Li Yuqing had already stood behind Song Xu Yi. She looked at Song Xu Yi sideways, raised her lips, and turned her head to face her: “Sister, on my birthday, I want to ask for a gift from you.”

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“What gift?” Song Xu Yi looked at Li Yuqing with confusion. Li Yuqing was always sensible and understood Song Xu Yi’s situation. Song Xu Yi couldn’t afford to give anything at all.

So why did Li Yuqing ask for a gift?

Li Yuqing’s smile deepened as the wind blew her long, messy hair across her forehead, unable to hide the excitement in her eyes. “I’ll definitely tell you when the time comes, Sister.”

The scenery and people around them were so beautiful that it was almost intoxicating. As Li Yuqing stared at Song Xu Yi, her heart began to race, and she suddenly felt a bit hot.

“Okay!” Song Xu Yi didn’t dare to meet Li Yuqing’s gaze again, looking away and trying to appear relaxed. “As long as I have it, and you can get it, just come and take it.”

“Okay, got it, Sister!”

Li Yuqing’s immediate burst of laughter was so infectious that Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but smile too.

Li Yuqing’s happiness was palpable, and it put her mind at ease.

On the third day, Li Yuqing made an excuse to go out and buy jewelry. When they arrived at the jewelry store, Song Xu Yi saw Zhang Shu waiting for them behind it again.

As Song Xu Yi approached, she realized that Zhang Shu was already engaged in a heated video call argument. From a distance, she recognized the sound coming from the video call as familiarly piercing.

“Old man, hurry up and transfer me the money. Do you want to bring it to the grave with you if you don’t give it to me?” the voice on the phone exclaimed.

Zhang Shu was originally furious, but when he saw Li Yuqing walking over, he quickly turned his phone in a different direction: “My boss is here!”

“Don’t forget to transfer me the money!”

The other end hung up the video call first, but Song Xu Yi, who was approaching, still saw the person on the other end of the call – it was Zhang Cai!

Song Xu Yi stood frozen in place.

A sense of absurdity rising in her heart as she began to connect the dots with things in real life. Panic grew inside her as she wondered:

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Why did Zhang Cai’s father tolerate his misdeeds, but send him to a drug rehabilitation center after offending Li Yuqing?

Did all of this really happen in the real world?


If that’s the case, then Li Yuqing’s wealth accumulation in reality is also due to her own efforts, and could it be that the friend Li Yuqing mentioned… is really… her?


Li Yuqing had called Zhang Shu to come to the city specifically for a tour with Song Xu Yi. However, Song Xu Yi’s thoughts became more and more chaotic, and she was absent-minded throughout the trip. Li Yuqing was originally excited, but when she noticed Song Xu Yi’s distraction, she continued to smile on the surface while a hint of gloom passed through her eyes.

It wasn’t until the evening that Song Xu Yi finally managed to adjust her mindset. She realized that worrying wouldn’t do any good, and that she had to return to reality to figure out a way to verify everything.

However, at that moment, the banquet had already begun.

Li Yuqing stood by Song Shi’s side the whole time, while Song Xu Yi avoided the crowd and stood in the corner, watching everything related to Li Yuqing from a distance.

Watching as Li Yuqing silently shielded Song Shi from most of the alcohol, gracefully handling herself among the various people with different thoughts, and the room filled with revelry, Song Xu Yi had a feeling that Li Yuqing had truly grown up and was no longer the crying little girl she was when they first met.

She no longer needed her help and was capable of achieving her own success on her own path.

However, almost as soon as this thought surfaced in her mind, a familiar dizziness swept over her.

Song Xu Yi knew that she was returning to the real world again, but this time, she had a premonition that she would not come back to this “dreamland” again.

Li Yuqing seemed to sense something and suddenly put down her glass, hurrying towards Song Xu Yi’s direction.

Grandfather Song inquired, “What’s wrong, Yuqing? Aren’t you someone who can hold liquor?”

Song Xu Yi lost consciousness completely.

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